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[WoT] Message Board Game - Character submissions


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**The call for players was closed at midnight, Pacific Standard Time, on Feb 20, 2002. Players: please edit your characters to keep them current when you gain levels, pick up equipment, or learn new weaves.**

This game has been moved to http://communities.msn.com/WoTAdventure

The basic rules for characters I'm went with are
1) 30 point buy.
2) No Aiel or Sea Folk.
3) No more than one male channeler will be allowed, and unless the guy who was going to play Ashrem in Silverhawk's game changes his mind, that slot is taken.
4) If you want to play a female initiate, an excuse can be contrived for you to be in Caemlyn; don't worry too much about this.
5) In addition to your background equipment, you have additional silver by class; this is based on the average amount you'd roll on table 7-1.

Armsman... 125 mk
Initiate... 75 mk
Noble... 175 mk
Wanderer... 100 mk (sorry about that 10 mk typo)
Wilder... 75 mk
Woodsman... 100 mk

7) For your write up, I want a complete character sheet, and a 1-3 paragraph background description.

8) As for house rules, here's the deal...

1. All the semi-official errata at the Tower Library is considered to be part of the official rules.
2. The gender restriction on affinities is modified; you can't have more cross-gender affinities than same-gender affinities except with special permission at 1st level; spirit doesn't count in this calculation.
3. I'll have to double-check on this, but assuming only algai (who aren't allowed in the game due to the no-Aiel rule) and Armsmen start with shield proficiency, I think I'll say that shields stack with Defense for everybody.

The rules I've written ( at http://home.san.rr.com/drothgery/wot_rpg.htm ) are in play (unless superceded by official material); the weaves exist but the difficulty of getting them is approriate to their commonality. The Talents exist, but taking them won't do much good without someone to teach the weaves.

My healing weaves will be available to female channelers for the entire game (though no one can cast them at first level); male channelers may be able to learn them from Flinn late in the game; a major caveat on this is that most people who know them are Yellow Ajah. It's possible that the weaves in Prophecies of the Dragon will supercede my work; if so, the official version will take precedence.

My item creation weaves and Talents will be available to initiates of the Aes Sedai tradition after the events in Fires of Heaven, but you'll have to learn the weaves from Elayne. As Elayne is often very busy, this may be difficult.

Anything else is pretty much a case-by-case thing, though the channeling system is standard except for any additional weaves, talents, and channeling feats I allow in. No variant rules for cutting weaves will be in play.

The starting cast of characters will be...

Yuri Morotakai, Male Borderlander (Kandori) Armsman
Sirsei de Bhal, Female Domani Initiate
Jain Hadlin, Male Midlander (Andoran) Wanderer
Shalimar Shiawase, Female Borderlander (Sheineran) Initiate
Lord Tomas Menorian, Male Tairen Noble
Ashrem Bayle, Male Ebou Dari Wanderer
Peron, Midlander Wanderer

The first in-game thread is at http://www.enworld.org/messageboards/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4832 .
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Yuri Morotakai

Borderlander (Kandori) Armsman 1; hp 12; Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 Blooded); Defense 16 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +4 melee (1d10+3/19-20/x2, Warder's sword), +3 melee/ranged (1d4+2/19-20/x2, dagger), +3 ranged (1d8/19-20/x2, light crossbow); SQ none; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will 0; SZ M; Rep 0; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10

Skills: Balance +4 (2.0 ranks), Intimidate +4 (4 ranks), Listen +4 (4 ranks), Move Silently +6 (4 ranks), Ride +6 (4 ranks, free), Spot +4 (2.0 ranks, +2 Blooded)

Languages: Common (Borderlander), Common (Midlander)

Feats: Blooded, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Warder's sword)

Possessions: Heavy horse (a gray stallion named Fog), bit and bridle, military saddle, saddlebags, explorer's outfit, chain shirt, studded leather armor, Warder's sword, dagger, light crossbow, 20 crossbow bolts, backpack, bedroll, winter blanket, flint and steel, belt pouch, 10 days rations, 2-man tent, 2 waterskins, 3 torches, whetstone, ornate silver earring (5 mk)

Money: 20 mk, 3 sp, 5 cp

Yuri Morotakai was the son of a respected blacksmith in Chachin. Given the Kandori capitol's proximity to the Blight, Yuri was one of many young Kandori men who enlist to serve in defense against the Dark One's forces. It was against Trollocs that he first cut his teeth in battle at the tender age of 15, though his inexperience nearly cost him his life--had his commanding officer not bravely rushed to Yuri's aid, he would have surely fallen to a scythesword.

When it was discovered that Yuri's sister, Tasha, could learn to channel, Yuri went with her and the Aes Sedai who discovered her to Tar Valon. Yuri was 16 at this time, Tasha was a year younger. Tasha was to become Aes Sedai and Yuri, out of love for his sister, was to become her Warder. Alas, it was not to be.

Tasha could have been a strong channeler with the proper training. After a mere two years as a novice, she was called to pass through the Three Silver Arches and become Accepted. Tasha bravely went through all three arches, but never returned from the final test.

When Yuri was told that his sister was gone forever, yet not how or why, by the Aes Sedai, he was infuriated and disillusioned. Despite his love for his training and for the friends he made at the White Tower, he could not respect the Aes Sedai after they witheld the truth from him. And so he packed up his horse and left. He stopped in Caemlyn on his way to Illian, as he feels that dedicating his life as a Hunter of the Horn may fill the hole that his sister's disappearance left inside him.

Yuri is of average height (5'10") and of muscular build (178 lb.). He wears simple, sturdy clothes that are made to last. He has black hair and brown eyes. Yuri has only recently succeeded in growing a dark-haired beard, and he eagerly awaits the time when it will be long enough to fork and braid. His only decoration is the ornate silver earring in his left ear, given to him by his father when Yuri decided to become Tasha's Warder. Yuri is loath to go barechested, as he has an ugly scar along his side from when a Trolloc wounded him in his youth. It embarrasses him as a reminder of his former ineptitude in battle, though at the same time it reminds him of how far he has come. Yuri is now 18.
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First Post
Sirsei de Bhal: Adult Female Domani, Initiate 1; Init +1; Def 13 (+2 Class, +1 Dex); Spd 30ft; HP 4; Atk -1 (1d4-1, crit x2, dagger); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 14.
Skills: Composure +6(4), Concentration +4(4), Bluff +4(2), Diplomacy +6(4), Knowledge (Arcana) +7(4), Knowledge(Age of Legends) +4(1), Knowledge(History) +4(1), Knowledge(Shadowspawn) +4(1), Sense Motive +5(3), Weavesight +11(4).
Languages: Common (Midlands, Borderlands, Arad Doman, Tarabon), Old Tongue.
Feats: Seductive, Extra Affinity (Fire), Extra Talent (Warding).
Weaves per day: lev 0-4, lev 1-3
Affinities: Spirit, Fire
Talents: Warding, Elementalism
Weaves Known: Elementalism: Arms of Air, Blade of Fire, Create Fire, Healing: Heal; Conjunction: Sense Shadowspawn, Trace; Illusion: Mirror of Mists; Warding: Ward Against Shadowspawn, Barrier to Sight, Circle of Silence
Equipment: dagger, Accepted Dress(scholar's outfit?), several books, riding dress(traveler's outift), saddlebags, horse, light(Mitora, a name she found in a fragment of text), parchment(10 sheets), ink, ink pen, mirror, brush, bedroll, rope(hemp), flint and steel

Appearance: 5 ft 11 in and 145 lbs, is very tall even for a Domani woman. She has red hair and green eyes. In the Tower, wears a banded white Accepted dress. She owns a handful of other dresses, including a riding dress, all in the midlander styles favored by most Tar Valoners. While she was born in Arad Doman, her mother, a very successful merchant travelled frequently and brought her daughter along.

Her family has a historical connection with the White Tower. Her three times great grandmother was a sister of the Green Ajah, originally a wise woman wilder. She was one of the few Greens to actually marry her warder, but the ability did not breed true in any of her children. She sent them back to Arad Doman to be raised by her siblings. Since then, the ability to channel seems to hit and miss, but at least one child in each generation can channel and the Tower keeps an eye out for them

If her great aunt, a Blue Sister, had not been nearby in Illian when she first channeled, accidently, Sirsei might have died. She was rapidly approaching the moment when the fits and the channeling would happen together. Her mother knew what to expect, and so sent for her aunt. Sirsei left 3 days later and hasn't seen her mother since. That was 3 years ago.

Sirsei has a fiery and willful personality balanced with a desire to learn, but even though she is studious, she takes great pleasure in applying her knowledge. She has shown much interest in the Age of Legends as well as History, the Blight, and desires greatly to learn the Trolloc tongue. She spends so much time in the Tower Library that is almost given that she will choose the Brown Ajah for her own.

She is friendly, though she alternates between introverted moods and extroverted streaks. She smiles often enough and most people find her very attractive, except when she is going through one of her quiet moods. She loves the white Tower and tries to live by the three oaths, but finds them very restrictive, unable to understand why the Aes Sedai submit to them. She'll lie if she can justify it, though she tries not to, especially when a full Sister might hear or find out.

She first channeled a few months before her fourteenth birthday, so she is approaching her 17th birthday as the game begins. The ageless look has set into her features yet, but she looks more mature. Most people assume she is in her early twenties.
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wasn't member of silverhawks game

Jain Hadlin

Midlander(Baerlon)wanderer 1;hp 6;Init +3(Dex); Defense 16(+3 defense bonus,+3 dex); Spd 30Ft.;Att +0(rapier 1d6/18-20/*2 or dagger 1d4/19-20/*2)Rgd Att +3(dagger 1d4/19-20/*2);SV Fort +1, Ref+6,Will+2;SZ m;Rep 0:STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 14

Skills: Balance +7(4 ranks), Bluff +7(4 ranks), Diplomacy +2(1 rank), Heal +5(4 ranks), Hide +7(4 ranks), Knowledge(Blight) +3(1 rank), Listen +3(2 ranks), Move Silently +7(4 ranks), Search +6(4 ranks), Sense Motive +5(4 ranks), Spot +3(2 ranks), Tumble +4(1 rank)

Languages: Common(Midlander), Common(Boarderlander), Common(Cairhien)

Feats:Luck of heroes,Heroic Surge

Class Abilities: Illicit Barter

Equipment: Light horse, Bit and bridle, Riding Saddle, Healers Kit, Explorer's Outfit, Bedroll, Dice, Trail Rations (3 days), Backpack, Flint&steel, 4 Fishhooks, Mirror(sm. steel), Belt pouch (10 mk),1lb soap, spade, waterskin, courtier's outfit,4 daggers,Rapier

Jain's parents were simple folk they crafted and sold pottery out of a small stall in Baerlon. They were poor their parents were poor, and their parents parents were poor. The only thing they really hoped for in life was that their son would go places and rise above his birth, so they named him, Jain, after the legendary Jain Farstrider.

Jain as it turned out wasn't blessed in the exact ways his parents dreamed, they found out at an early age he would never be a hulking strong swordsman like in the tales of old, instead the creator bestowed upon him speed and quickness of mind, and a naturally likable personality. It was these talents that led to him gaining employ with a local healer tending the sick and hurt.
Unfortunately the path of the healer was not his to fallow, both his parents were killed when he was 15, when the kiln they used to make pottery wore out and set fire to their cottage. Thus with no money, no were to go and no family left, Jain decided to follow his parents wishes and travel the world.
For the last 5 years Jain has been traveling the world going were ever chance takes him. Most notably he spent two years in shienar serving as a medic at a small keep on the border and a year in Cairhien fruitlessly trying to work his way into a position for one of the noble houses. Recently though he has found a nagging erg to see the lands of his youth and so is on the path back to Andor.

Jain Hadin is 5'8" with a lean build(he weighs about 139 lbs), he wears his dark brown hair medium length to accent the slight curl to it, he keeps him self clean shaven, and prefers to remain as neat and clean as possible even when traveling. His clothes are simple but well made, he prefers dark colors, particularly blood reds and maroons, as well as forest green, midnight blue, and black.

I hope i can get in on the fun even though i wasn't part of silverhawk's group, if not, i guess you got some spare NPC stats.
No hard feelings if i don't get in, just thought i give the hole thing a shot. Thanks and good gaming everyone!
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First Post
Rock Thatcher
Borderlander (Saldean) Woodsman 1; hp 12; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 16 (+3 Class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +3 melee (1d8+2/19-20/x2, Longsword), +3/4 melee/ranged (1d4+2/19-20/x2, dagger), +4 ranged (1d8/20/x3, Longbow); SQ none; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will 0; SZ M; Rep 0; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10

Skills: Animal Empathy +1 (1 rank), Climb +5 (3 ranks), Handle Animal +1 (1 rank), Hide +9 (4 ranks), Intimidate +2 (2 rank), Intuit Direction +3 (3 rank), Knowledge (Nature) +2 (1 rank), Listen +1 (1 rank), Move Silently +9 (4 ranks, Free), Search +4 (3 ranks), Speak Language (1 rank, with bonus 1 for Trolloc), Spot +3 (3 ranks), Swim +3 (1 rank), Use Rope +4 (1 rank), Wilderness Lore +3 (3 ranks)

Languages: Common (Borderlander), Trolloc

Feats: Stealthy, Shadowspawn Hunter, Track (free)

Possessions: Heavy horse, bit and bridle, military saddle, saddlebags, Travelers outfit, studded leather armor, Longsword, dagger, Longbow, 40 Arrows, backpack, winter blanket, flint and steel, waterskin, whetstone,

Money: 1 mk, 4 sp, 8 cp

An average 5,7" Black Hair, ever watchfull blue eyes, allways well used but sturdy clothes/equipment. Normally quiet, years of trying not to be noticed is hard to break.

An Excerpt form Rock,s Journal, written to help his learning of how to write.

Rock, the only thing my mother could name me. She never was a bright one, and some times she would talk to people that weren’t there, or stare out the window, for hours on end. I learned to take care of myself early on; even rolling with the hits my father gave me. My dad was a thatcher, a poor one, but the other poor here could afford him, and he kept a house over our heads, that is a small rickety house he could afford after his liquor, somewhere people wouldn’t see him hitting ma and me. Couldn’t fight back then, too little, being only 12, only be quieter than a mouse so not to be seen. Eventually i got to big to hide, so I would leave town and run in the woods.

I miss those days, running in the woods, being free, coming home after dark when dad was already passed out. Did that for a few years till hit by the dark one's luck. I came back one day, must of been around 15-16 back then and the house was empty. Later, after talking to friends and the watch i found out what happoned. Dad had picked a fight with the wrong bloke at the bar, ended up dead. So they found ma, talking to the wall and hauled her off to the loony bin. Naturally the housed had been picked clean after that, anything not guarded is fair pickings after all. I tried to see ma but they wouldn’t let me in, a nice lady with a funny face told me she had a episode and that they had to put her down. After she told me what it ment fighting back tears i realized why her face looked so funny. It didnt show any signs of age, then she told me i would be strong, and that I was strong with old blood, and sent me off. So I took everything else at home, some rags, a knife i had hidden, and left town to hide in the woods, must a been a year I lived that way, hunting, learning the spear, till one night. Id been roaming around, finding the walk and the new sights exciting and was far from my hut when I woke up, tied. Apparently a band of trolloc's had been moving through and found in me a meal, thats when I started screamimg, never been so afraid and panicked in my life. That’s when some Sheinerein soldiers charged in, shadows of the night come alive. With suprise they rushed in, slaying the trollocs and saveing me. They had been tracking the scum for days, starting after the trollocs had nearly made it through shienar undetected.
How they got to Scaldea is beyond me (I only learned later that is the country I lived in. I still dont know the name of the town I was born in, yet I don’t plan on going back.). They took me with them, impressed id been alone in the woods so long. They taught me to fight, to hunt, and to track the trollocs. I spent 2 years with them, in return for my life. Two years of learning to write, to speak and write trolloc, lore of the woods I love so much. But I found myself restless, hunting the trollocs was my life, yet I could smell a violence that repulsed me from Shienar. All the killing and continual fighting left a bad smell. So with the blessings of my comrads, and gifts of usefull items, I began to wander.
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Garion Galen (Midlander) Woodsman 1; hp 12; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 16 (+3 Class Bonus, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +3 melee (1d12+3/x3, Hafted Axe), +3/+4(+5/30ft) melee/ranged (1d4+2/19-20/x2, (1d4+3/19-20/x2 30ft) dagger), +4(+5/30ft) ranged (1d8(1d8+1/30ft)/x3, Two Rivers Longbow); SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; SZ M; Rep 0; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Class Abilities: Nature’s Warrior (Forest)
Feats: Track, Luck of Hero’s, Point Blank Shot
Skills: Balance +5 (2 ranks), Animal Empathy +2 (2 ranks), Ride +7 (4 ranks), Intimidate +4 (4 ranks), Wilderness Lore +5 (4 ranks, background), Move Silently +5 (2 ranks), Listen +3 (2 ranks), Spot +3 (2 ranks), Knowledge (Nature) +2 (2 ranks), Hide +5 (2 ranks)
Possessions: Two rivers Longbow (Background), Hafted Axe (20mk), Dagger x2 (4mk), Arrows (40, 2mk), Heavy Horse (20mk), Military Saddle (20mk), Bit and Bridle (2mk), Saddlebags (4mk), 2 days of feed (1sp), Explorers outfit (free) Cold Weather outfit (8mk), Silk rope (10 mk), Backpack (2mk), Bedroll (1sp) 3 torches (3cp), Whetstone (2cp), Waterskin (1mk), Flint and Steel (1mk), 2 days Trail Rations (1mk), 6mk, 7 sp, 5cp.
Appearance: coming soon
Background:Coming soon
The plan for Garion was for him to become a warder when he is able to (he just doesnt know it yet) however it seems that every one hopes to be one. Lets hope our Aes Sedi is a Green then:)
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First Post
Goval, Ogier Wanderer

Goval: Ogier Wanderer 1; hp 8;
Init +0; Defense 12 (+3 Dex, -1 size); Spd 40 ft; Atk +3 melee, +0 ranged; SQ Low light vision; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2; SZ L; Rep 0; Str 17, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 13.

Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +7, Craft (stoneworking) +9, Gather Information +5, Innuendo +5, Intuit Direction +5, Jump +7, Profession (stonemason) +5, Read Lips +7, Search +7, Spot +5, Swim +7.

Feats: Toughness.

Possesions: Quarterstaff, backpack, traveler's outfit, trail rations (10 days), 95 mk.

Background: Born and raised in Stedding Shangtai. Left the stedding at a young age of 70 because he was anxious to see the great cities such as Tar Valon that Ogier stonemasons had crafted long ago. Has been outside the stedding for aproximately half a year before the game starts. Extremely rambunctious (for an Ogier). Loves playing stones.

Shalimar Shiawase: Adult Female Borderlander (Sheiner), Initiate 1; Init +2; Def 14 (+2 Class, +2 Dex); Spd 30ft; HP 4; Atk -1 (1d4-1, crit x2, dagger); SQ Weavesight; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 12.
Skills: Composure +6(4), Concentration +4(4), Diplomacy +5(4), Heal +6(4), Intimidate +5(4), Listen +6(4 ranks), Sense Motive +6(4), Weavesight +11(4)
Languages: Common (Borderlands, Midlands), Trolloc.
Feats: Extra Talent(Healing); Extra Affinity(Spirit), Strong Soul
Weaves per day: 4/3
Affinities: Air, Spirit
Talents: Elementalism, Healing
Weaves Known:
Conjunction: Sense Shadowspawn;
Elementalism: Tool of Air, Arms of Air, Create Fire, Harden Air; Healing: Delve, Renew, Heal
Illusion: Mirror of the Mist

Equipment: 3 daggers, Accepted Dress(scholar's outfit), riding dress(traveler's outfit), saddlebags, a light horse named dapple, parchment(5 sheets), ink, ink pen, bedroll, pack, healers kit, healers balmx4, 1 Signet ring(lioness with dove balanced on her paw.

Money: 9 silver pennies

Description: Shalimar is short only 5 foot 3, almost doll-like with large sparkling blue eyes that seem to fill her face, and long Blond hair, which she always wears up in an elaborate braid. Even before the Aes Sedai agelessness has set in she has the perpetual exuberance and air of naivete which makes her look like a child. She is thin, and easily considered beautiful. Men have professed their love for her at first sight, and recanted it the second she opened her mouth. "Protect me indeed. Hmmpf"

Shalimar is the daughter of a minor lord of House Shiawase. She has always wanted to defend the realm against the shadow, but has always been put off. She was taught to heal the soldiers she was envious of, and in that way she has carried out what she perceives as her duty. The more she gets put off however, the more insistent she has become.
She was bundled off to the White Tower as soon as her father could arrange it. To her, it was a way to get into the true battle with the Blight. It was no surprise to anyone when she made her intentions to become a sister of the Battle Ajah known, except possibly to the yellows who believed she was planning to continue on with her studies in the healing arts.
When around those she considers her peers, she is often quite friendly and caring. It however is possible to anger her, and quite easily, by denying her something that she sees as hers. Her haughtiness has faded over her months in the one tower, but it hasn't vanished completely and she is liable to forget she is only accepted when not reminded.
She is quite excited to be going on her first real adventure, even if it is only to Camelyn, to visit a relative (any other reason to get out of the tower, is something she would leap at, even if its only for a few hours let alone a few days.)
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First Post
I should note that I'll be out-of-town for a week starting on February 27th, so I won't be available then.

Name: Pedron (no last name)
Class: Wanderer Level: 1 Background: Midlander (from Lugard in Murandy)
Size: Medium Age:17 Gender: Male Height: 5'6" Weight: 140
Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Brown


Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 10

HP 7, Defense 16, Initiative 3, Saves: Fort 2, Ref 6, Will 3

Melee +1, Ranged +3

Skills: Four ranks each in Disable Device (+6), Hide (+7), Listen (+5), Move Silently (+7), Open Lock (+7), Pick Pocket (+7), Profession (Gambler) (+5), Ride (Background Skill) (+7), Search (+6), Sense Motive (+5), Spot (+5).

Feats: Luck of Heroes, Illicit Barter (as per Wanderers), Ambidexterity

Language: Common(Midlands, Illian)


No one's ever described Pedron as good looking, and the Lugarder accent and the way he looks at everyone and everything suspiciously gives him an untrustworthy appearance. In this case, you'd do well to judge the book by its cover.

Pedron has no idea who his father was, and he doesn't think his mother really knows either. For this reason, he's decided not to use a last name. He was raised by his mother and uncle at his uncle's inn in Lugard. Pedron grew up working for his uncle, using his quick wits and quicker fingers to make sure the Inn's patrons got less than they paid for. He cut purses and cheated in games of chance in the common room, then sneaked into the patrons' rooms while they were out, or even while they slept, to steal trinkets. His uncle always got his cut, and it was he who laid down the one cardinal rule: never steal too much or too obviously. They both broke this rule when they schemed to separate a Borderlander from his horse, a fine gray mare with the improbable name of Birgitte, and blame it on a local horse-thief. The plan worked well except for the blame part. The Borderlander, who turned out to be a thief-taker with powerful friends in Lugard, quickly figured out that someone at the inn was responsible. Pedron's uncle did what any responsible citizen would do and fingered his nephew. With no other choice, the boy took the horse and ran.

Pedron's been wandering for several months now, stealing and gambling to get by, although he's learned the hard way that cheating in other Inns is risky. He doesn't think the Borderlander is chasing him anymore. When the heat dies down in a year or so, he intends to return to Lugard and repay his uncle. His philosophy of life, a lesson learned hard but well, is that everyone is looking for his take and he's willing to stiff you to get it. You need to make sure you get your share, and that often means stiffing them first.

Gear: thieves' tools, traveler's outfit, 4 daggers, shortbow, 20 arrows, rapier, playing cards, dice, backpack, winter blanket, and 4 days worth of rations, 5 mks Total weight: 29 lbs.

In addition, he still has Birgitte, a standard light horse with a riding saddle and saddle bags containing his bedroll (43 lbs.)

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