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[WoT] Message Board Game - Character submissions


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Lord Tomas Menorian: Tairen Noble 1; hp 7; Init +0; Defense 14 (+3 Studded Leather, +1 Small steel shield); Spd 30ft.; Atk +0 Melee (1d8/19-20/x3, Longsword or 1d4/19-20/x2, Dagger) or +0 ranged (1d6/x3, Shortbow); SQ Illicit Skill (Forgery), Call In Favor x1; SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +3; SZ M; Rep 6 (+3 Fame); Str 10, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 13, Chr 17.

Skills: Appraise +3 (1), Bluff +5 (2), Diplomacy +7 (4), Forgery +3 (1), Gather Information +7 (4), Intimidate +6 (3), Knowledge (Nobility) +3 (1), Listen +3 (2), Profession (Gambler) +7 (4 Background), Ride +2 (2), Sense Motive +5 (2)

Languages: Common (Tairen), Old Tounge (Smattering), Common (Cairheinin), Common (Midlander - Spent 1 skill point)

Feats: Fame, Gambler

Possessions: Long Sword, Dagger, Short Bow, 20 Arrows, Studded Leather, Shield (Small, Steel), Courtier's Outfit (Free), Bedroll, Candle x5, Dice, Scroll Case, Ink (1oz vial), Ink Pen, Lantern (Hooded), 3 flasks of oil, Mirror (small steel), Paper x10, Playing Cards, Deck, Belt Pouch, Sealing Wax, Signet Ring, Tent, Torch x10, Waterskin, Whetstone, Light Horse "Nar'caba'donde" (free), Bit and Bridle (free), Riding Saddle (free), Saddlebags

Money: 20mk, 7sp, 3cp

Description: Tomas Menorian is a tall distinguished looking young man. His blue eyes have the capacity to show compassion and iron hardness. He is clean shaven but for a small goatee that is trimmed to a point on his chin. He wears his shoulder length dark brown hair combed straight back in a severe yet elegent style. (Height 5'11", Weight 16 Stone, Age 19, Hair Brown, Eyes Blue, Handed Right)

Personality: Tomas is a Tairen Noble, through and through. He believes in the distinctions between commoners and nobles. He believes it is his right to rule. Although that belief is slightly blunted by the fact that he is third in line for the High Seat of Menorian. When he is not remembering to be an arrogant snob, he can be quite likable. There is hope that someday he might lose the snobbish quality. When he perceives that he holds the highest station, he is quick to take command of any situation. He knows that he knows better than any commoner for sure. He of course has the cultural dislike of Illianers. He distrusts Cairheinin as conniving untrustworthy sorts. He definitely is not enamored of anyone that can channel and would prefer not to deal with them.

Background: Tomas Menorian is the youngest of three brothers born to the Lord of House Menorian. The eldest, Carlin, was of course destined to be the heir to the Seat of House Menorian. Santiago, being second eldest, would have the honor of being Carlin's Captain of the House Guard. That left nothing for Tomas.

Tomas, while a pretty child, did not have the best constitution. He spent a lot of his childhood catching ill with various sicknesses that the traders brought in. This did, however, give him a chance to develop his fine mind. He was tutored by the best tutors in Tear. Well, his family ranked about the middle of Tairen nobility, so they might not have been the absolute best. But they were excellent and Tomas learned much about the world around him.

When not being tutored, Tomas had a love of gambling. He would spend hours at dicing or playing cards. He had a good memory at cards and an excellent skill at throwing dice. Most of his early games were with House guards. When he grew old enough, he learned to gamble in the Inns frequented by the other Nobles. Tomas picked up a love for gambling on horse races from the other Nobles of his age. Nothing could beat the fine Tairen horses, except perhaps another Tairen horse.

With his occasional illnesses and his time spent on Gambling, Tomas was a bit of a disappointment to his Father. This didn't sit well with Tomas. He loved his Father and wanted his Father's praise. His Father suggested he join the Militia. Tomas scoffed at that. "Isn't that what commoners are for?" Tomas did not wish to be stuck riding in formations all day. It seemed like too much work. He enjoyed the lessons he received from the Man-At-Arms that served his family. Tomas did find another idea to help his father.

Delgado Reidian was the House spy master. Delgado took Tomas under his wing and taught the boy some more practical things. He taught Tomas about people and how to read them, how to negotiate with them. He also taught Tomas how to go about ferreting out information in ways that would disguise his intent. Tomas also learned the art of Forgery from Delgado.

Soon after, the Lord Menorian entered into some harrowing negotiations with a Mayener over some oilfish shoals. The Menorian lands were right against the border with Mayene. The negotiations were going bad until Tomas uncovered a bit of knowledge that put the Mayener in a bad light. Additionally, Tomas found a loophole in Tairen law that allowed House Menorian to strike a lucrative deal with the Mayener without having to deal with import taxes. When other learned that Tomas had been instrumental in resolving the negotiations, word quickly spread through Tear about the young Lord Tomas and his quick thinking. His Father grudgingly gave Tomas his approval and started to utilize Tomas on more of his diplomatic tasks.
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I was asked to list how many ranks I had on all skills- I have 4 ranks on all skill (I do that to make the skill-buying process go faster.)

Ashrem Bayle

Ashrem Bayle - Ebou Dari Wanderer

Ashrem Bayle

At the age of 19, Ashrem is lean and graceful and stands almost 6 ft. tall. Slim for his height, he weighs about 165 lbs. His dark black hair is long and wavy and hangs below his shoulders. He keeps a finely trimmed goat-tee and has a small scar just under his left eye that he got from dueling in the streets of Ebou Dar. His piercing ice blue eyes and confident manner make him hard to refuse as well as winning him more duels than the jeweled dagger or oddly shaped sword on his belt. He favors dark clothes and typically wears a dark gray silk vest over a baggy black silk shirt and black pants with black riding boots. A long black coat fits loosly over him. He rides a large black stallion named Durgen.

Ash carries a power wrought “rapier” that was returned to his family when his brother died. The sword has a short straight blade that is sharp on both sides. The hilt is long enough to accommodate two hands and there is no hilt guard of any kind.

1st Level Ebou Dari Wanderer

Str: 10 +0
Dex: 14 +2
Int: 12 +1
Con: 12 +1
Wis: 15 +2
Chr: 14 +2

Hit Points: 7
Defense: 15
Initiative: +4

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +1, Reflex:+4, Will: +3

Power Wrought Rapier +1 [+1 Att, 1d6+1 Dmg]
Jeweled Dagger [+0 (+2) Att, 1d4 Dmg]
Dagger x 3 [+0 (+2) Att, 1d4 Dmg]

Special Abilities:
Dark One’s Own Luck [Approved by DM]

Duelist, Persuasive

Appraise (+2), Bluff (+7, Persuasive), Diplomacy (+7, Duelist Feat), Escape Artist (+3), Hide (+6, Background Skill), Intimidate (+8, Persuasive), Knowledge: Arcana (+2), Knowledge: Nobility (+2), Listen (+3), Move Silently (+5), Read Lips (+2), Ride (+3), Search (+5), Sense Motive (+6), Spot (+6), Tumble (+6)

Rapier, Jeweled Dagger, Dagger x 3, Belt Pouch x 2, Signet Ring, Dice, Flint & Steel, Heavy Horse (Durgen)

Equipment On Mount:
Saddle, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Saddle bag, Bit and Bridle, Rations (4 days), Waterskin (4 days), Horse Feed (4 days)

9 Copper Pennies, 13 Silver Pennies, 12 Silver Marks, 15 Gold Crowns


Born the second son of a Ebu Dari merchant, Ashrem Bayle grew up in the city of Ebou Dar where he was taught the ways of diplomacy and surviving on the streets. His mother taught him reading and writing and his father taught him how to make a life for himself.

When he was 12, his brother left for the Blight. He was to become a soldier and a great hero. Two years later, word returned that young Dinnis had fallen to a myrdraal’s tainted blade. Ashrem was grief stricken. He told his father that he intended ride to Illian and swear the Hunter’s oath so that he may find the Horn of Valere and do his part holding back the shadow. Unable to bare the loss of another child, his parents forbid him to go. For the next few years, Ashrem learned what he could about the outside world. He practiced riding and stole into the forest to practice with a wooden sword he had carved. When his 18th birthday arrived, Ashrem left for Illian, leaving only a goodbye letter to his family and taking the oddly shaped sword that was his brothers.

On the rode to Illian, he stopped to rest in the village of Calwin’s Gap. A small group of Whitecloaks was also staying there for a few days. Ash saw them in the street, and not wanting trouble, took to a small ally beside a house. The Whitecloaks noticed and fallowed. They came face to face and the Whitecloaks accused him of being a Darkfriend. No one was around to see so the Children decided to have a little sport. One of the Whitecloaks drew steal. From out of nowhere a bolt lighting lanced out of a cloudless sky and killed the Whitecloak. The survivors fled, screaming about a darkfriend loose in Calwin’s Gap. A woman and armored man appeared a moment later and offered Ash help. Confused and suddenly sick, he accepted and was led to a room at the Cracked Mug inn.

He awoke to discover himself bound with rope and the woman standing over him. She informed him that she was an Aes Sedai and that he would be taken to Tar Valon to be Gentled. Afraid, he struggled to get loose only to be knocked out by her Warder.

Ash awoke to find himself in a carriage. His captors where not altogether bad, but would not believe he was unable to channel. The warder even seemed a bit sympathetic. He found his chance to escape when the carriage was suddenly attacked in the night. It seemed the Children of the Light believed thay had discovered an Aes Sedai witch who had helped a Darkfriend and they were not about to get away. In the chaos, Ash was cut free so he could defend himself. He watched as the Aes Sedai shot fire from her hands to vanquish her attackers. A stray arrow however, was all it took to even the odds. Her Warder, enraged by the death of his Aes Sedai, threw himself at the remaining Children. He fought like a mad man, and managed to kill all but two. Wounded they turned their attention on Ash. With a confidence he had never before known, Ash gripped his brother’s sword in his hands the way he did his wooden sword back home. He faced the Children defiantly. Maybe it was their fatigue or Ash’s good fortune, but he managed to kill those two Children and escape with his life.

Afraid that he may indeed be able to channel the Power, Ashrem is afraid to return home. He has set out to find answers. He does not know where to look, or what he hopes to find, but he hopes someday he can go home. Presently he is within the city of Caemlyn as it was just outside the city that he was attacked and freed. He plans to continue to Illian to become a Hunter of the Horn. In finding others to wander the world with him, he hopes he will find safety and maybe even acceptance.
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First Post
Lila Ellisor Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah

[As the game progresses, I'll add other NPCs here. Also note that unless something majorly unexpected happens, Lila Sedai is not a static character; she will be gaining levels just like the PCs, though more slowly. As a newly-raised Aes Sedai, Lila is quite far from the height of her abilities with the One Power.]


Female Tar Valoner Initiate 5/Aes Sedai 2

Lila is a young Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah from a merchant family from Tar Valon. Her uncle is Captain Chin Ellisor of the Blue Crane (who will have Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve for passengers during the events covered by The Dragon Reborn); he's her father's younger brother. She became a novice at 16, when her ability to channel was noticed by a sister who was negotiating passage on one of the family ships.

Unlike most women who came to the Tower, Lila never found the rules that keep her on the island of Tar Valon confining. The city has always been her home, and she knows the reasonably respectable parts of Tar Valon quite well -- well enough that she had been known to show other novices and accepted around on free days. She doesn't do that anymore -- except with some friends among the Accepted who have not been raised to the shawl yet. Other than a quick visit to Cairhein and Caemlyn soon after being raised (Jesse Bial was not happy with her after that), she has not left the Tower since being raised Aes Sedai, but she has been up and down the Erinin on her family's trade ships.

Between strength in the Power and patient determination, Lila was raised to the shawl after only 7 years in the Tower, spending about three and a half years as a Novice, and the same as Accepted. Since then, she has been more interested in learning about the world than developing her skills with the One Power; even though she has a lot of potential, she is weaker than most Aes Sedai. But in a few years, she will be among the strongest.

Mostly through correspondence, Lila has already begun to piece together a small network of eyes and ears who look out for odd bits of information for her. She has contacts in all the great libraries, and others in areas that no one but a Brown sister would expect.

As an Accepted, she read as much of the Prophecies are allowed to read (and a bit more than that); when she was raised to the shawl a year ago, she set about reading the rest. She is trying to put together some odd information she stumbled on to in her research, before taking her findings to the Brown's council, or even to the Amyrlin. If she discovers what she thinks she will in Caemlyn, there could be world-shaking repercussions.

Physical Description

Age: 23 Height: 5 ft 8 in Weight: 135 lbs - Lila is very tall for a westlander woman, and on thin side
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown, cut like Egwene's picture in the book
Clothes: Lila dresses in fairly simple styles, favoring well-made dresses that are appropriate for the wealthy merchant's daughter she is, or a minor noble. All of her dresses are in the midlander styles favored by most Tar Valoners [four scholar's outfits, two traveler's outfit].


Str 8 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 17 Wis 16 Cha 12
HP: 25 BAB: 3 [2 with melee weapons; low strength] Def: 14 [+3 Defense, +1 Dex] Spd: 30 ft Initiative: +1 [Dex]
Fort Save: +4 Ref Save: +4 Will Save: +12 Reputation: +5
Languages: Common (Midlands, Borderlands, Tairen, Cairhien), Old Tongue [via Speak Language skill] , Ogier [via Speak Language skill]


Cash on-hand: 2000 mk
Scholar's outfit (4), traveler's outfit (2), belt pouch
Dagger, Quarterstaff
Ink (2 vials); Ink Pen; Parchment, 50 sheets
Mirror, small steel
Horse, Light; Saddle, Riding; Bit and Bridle; Saddlebags; Feed, 20 days (enough to cost 1 mk)
Note: Lila deliberately doesn't have much equipment, and does have a relatively high amount of money. She's used to living in a big city, where most things can be bought on demand.

Feats and Skills

Skills: (bonus, ranks)
* Composure +10, 7
* Concentration +8, 8 [Background]
* Decipher Script +13, 10
* Diplomacy +10, 7 [+2 from Smooth Talk]
* Knowledge (Arcana) +11, 8
* Knowledge (The Age of Legends) +11, 8
* Ride +2, 1 [cross-class]
* Sense Motive +10, 6 [+2 from Smooth Talk]
* Speak Language (Old Tongue) [cross-class]
* Speak Language (Ogier) [cross-class]
* Weavesight +17, 10 [+4 initiate class bonus]
* Gather Information +7, 4 [+2 Aes Sedai Resources]
* Intimidate +5, 0 [Aes Sedai presence, charisma]

Feats - Smooth Talk [Background], Extra Affinity (Spirit), Extra Talent (Healing), Tie Off Weave, Multi-weave, Extra Talent (Warding), Iron Will [bonus, Aes Sedai], Extra Talent (Conjunction)

Special Abilities

* Slow Aging
* Aes Sedai presence (+4 bonus to intimidate)
* Resources, Aes Sedai (+2 bonus to Gather Information, 50% chance of obtaining resources in city, 25% in town/village, 10% in the countryside)

The One Power

Affinities - Air, Spirit
Talents - Elementalism, Healing, Conjunction, Warding
Weaves per Day - 0-4/1-5/2-5/3-4/4-1
Weaves Known -
Conjunction: Bond Warder, False Trail, Trace, Sense Shadowspawn
Elemantalism: Arms of Air, Create Fire, Fireball, Harden Air, Light, Tool of Air, Wand of Fire
Healing: Delve, Heal, Renew, Rend
Warding: Dream Shielding, Seal, Shield, Ward Against People, Ward Against the One Power, Ward Against Shadowspawn
Cross-Talent: Harness the Wind, Warmth, Mirror of Mists
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