WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.


Roll20. Fantasy Grounds. D&D Beyond. And once upon a time d20 Pro.

All of those have WotC digital products that are not in PDF file format. All of them have digital products that you can purchase as products.
so? PDFs are still digital

You can say not all digital is PDF, but all PDFs are still digital, and it still is the only thing sold on DTRPG, which was one of the sites given.

I'm baffled, and obviously ignorant myself of something. But I can't figure out what that is.
the fact that some of the sites mentioned in the survey only sell PDFs, which makes pointing out that not everything digital is PDF to someone who is wondering which PDFs WotC is selling miss the whole point
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
No I definitely agree that trying to bend, spindle, mangle and fold 5E into other genres is uncool.

But I would like to see a company with the resources WotC has try their hand at like, another TTRPG with genuinely different rules.
If only there was another company with WotC's resources.

If it gets overwhelmingly positive response they'll tackle it.
Maybe. It's fairly clear they've already tried repeatedly, with the various attempts at psionic in UAs over the years. But WotC have previously stated that Dark Sun consistently is voted one of the more popular legacy settings in these surveys, but they've clearly bypassed it in favour of setting that have polled less well, in the shape of Dragonlance and Spelljammer. And Spelljammer stealing most of the old Dark Sun monsters, and their clear attempt to actually destroy the setting in Light of Xaryxis which only got edited out at the very last minute, tells me that they've pretty much given up on it and are not trying very hard right now.


Maybe. It's fairly clear they've already tried repeatedly, with the various attempts at psionic in UAs over the years. But WotC have previously stated that Dark Sun consistently is voted one of the more popular legacy settings in these surveys, but they've clearly bypassed it in favour of setting that have polled less well, in the shape of Dragonlance and Spelljammer. And Spelljammer stealing most of the old Dark Sun monsters, and their clear attempt to actually destroy the setting in Light of Xaryxis which only got edited out at the very last minute, tells me that they've pretty much given up on it and are not trying very hard right now.
There's no evidence I'm aware of that they tried to "destroy" Athas in the adventure. Only that Athas was planned and got replaced last minute with Doomspace.

If you have any evidence whatsoever that Athas was explicitly planned to be on the process of falling into a black hole, I'd love to see it.

There's no evidence I'm aware of that they tried to "destroy" Athas in the adventure. Only that Athas was planned and got replaced last minute with Doomspace.

If you have any evidence whatsoever that Athas was explicitly planned to be on the process of falling into a black hole, I'd love to see it.
Argh, sorry, my mistake, i was conflating it with the destruction of Sithicus in VRGtR. Lack of sleep.

I think the rest of my post stands though. Up to very recently I'd been assuming that the logic behind the removal of Athasspace from Spelljammer was to keep the air clear for an actual Dark Sun setting later on, but now I'm not so sure. I'm starting to suspect that WotC is just so terrified of touching DS with all its baggage of slavery, that they didn't even want to mention the place.


Argh, sorry, my mistake, i was conflating it with the destruction of Sithicus in VRGtR. Lack of sleep.

I think the rest of my post stands though. Up to very recently I'd been assuming that the logic behind the removal of Athasspace from Spelljammer was to keep the air clear for an actual Dark Sun setting later on, but now I'm not so sure. I'm starting to suspect that WotC is just so terrified of touching DS with all its baggage of slavery, that they didn't even want to mention the place.
I think it's been too problematic both content-wise and rules-wise but they may be willing to take another look at it with a new edition. With spell lists being reorganized psionics may be more doable, and Ajit George has been pushing for a chance to take a crack at it.

The fact that it's on a queation with Birthright and Mystara tells us something as well. Not entirely sure what, but it tells us something.

The fact that it's on a queation with Birthright and Mystara tells us something as well. Not entirely sure what, but it tells us something.

Also it was noticable that a fairly significant product line in Al-Qadim WAS just completely omitted from the list (I wrote it in...), while Dark Sun, no matter how 'problematic'. at least made the poll.

Al-Qadim is unlocked in DMGuild as Forgoten Realms spin-off, with Kara-Tur and Maztica. I guess because marketing reasons the sourcebook would "1001 Nights" more generic, and with only a couple of pages about Zakhara.

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