WotC WotC Gets A New Logo?

According to the Wall Street Journal's David Ewalt, Wizards of the Coast has a new logo. His article was the piece where we learned how Hasbro was restructuring.

Update - WotC just updated the logo on its social media accounts, so it's official!



Here's the old logo for comparison.



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Not a fan. It just looks too generic, and the "of the Coast" part is too overshadowed by the ginormous "Wizards".

Consider the possibility that this was intentional, that minimizing the latter part of the name is by design.

This brings the logo into better alignment with the Hasbro Divisions name - "Wizards and Digital"

The typical shortening of their name I hear is the rather ugly-sounding "Wotsee". I can't blame them for hoping to turn that into "WIZARDS".

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I see this as the kind of logo that would appear at the beginning of a movie; you can practically already see the animation even in the still version.

I don't mind it, and even think it looks kind of cool, although it is an extreme break from all of WotC's traditional logos, it practically screams "ready-made movie-friendly logo," and I believe it will look kind of odd printed on/in books as opposed to fading in on movie/television screens or in video games, in which it would look fully appropriate.

The fact that the base version is already pre-sized to the ubiquitous 16:9 widescreen TV/movie format ratio is all the more reason to believe that Hasbro had this new logo created specifically for a hoped-for series of D&D/Magic movies and/or TV shows, as part of their new creation of the Wizards & Digital department to contain Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: the Gathering. This new logo was definitely designed specifically for screens rather than for print.

Welp, maybe they should have run it past some teenagers first (particularly the soliday W), because they quickly came up with some... creative interpretations and now I will never be able to unsee.

It definitely is a digital first logo which is where all major corporations have/are going. Working for a print based company even they are focused on digital over print for new branding.

Maybe, but honestly I can't remember seeing the WotC logo on any of the D&D products I have purchased. I don't think it is a big deal for the D&D products, but could be a good thing for the brand.
its been on every book since Swords Coast Adventurer's Guide for 5e, it was on every 4e book, it was on the 2013 White Box Rerelease, and it was on every officially published book in 3/3.5.

It is also on every DDM and Icons of the Realms miniature package as well as the Nolzur's miniatures...

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