D&D 5E WotC has updated the Hadozee glide ability on DnDBeyond

I cannot think of why this is a reasonable position. Why would crucial errata days after release not be released simultaneously to hardcopy owners and digital owners? Now that WOTC owns DNDBeyond I cannot think why they would favor one over the other.
There's nothing about this change that would remotely be classified as "crucial". It's about as trivial an issue as actually exists.

If they totally ignore putting anything out anywhere else for several weeks, sure, then you can go ahead and raise a stink. But this change happened, what, a few hours ago?

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There's nothing about this change that would remotely be classified as "crucial". It's about as trivial an issue as actually exists.

If they totally ignore putting anything out anywhere else for several weeks, sure, then you can go ahead and raise a stink. But this change happened, what, a few hours ago?
Honestly, I think any reasonable table would have trouble running the jump as originally written.

But I want to know about the controversial slavery element, y'all.

There's nothing about this change that would remotely be classified as "crucial".
and yet they pushed it out only how many days from the book being live?!?! someone thought it (and the one we can't talk about) was important enough to do, BUT not important enough to let us all see it

There's nothing about this change that would remotely be classified as "crucial".
You know darn well I am not referring to "this" change. And that it is "crucial." It's about as "crucial" as it comes. Like "putting out a house on fire" level crucial.

and yet they pushed it out only how many days from the book being live?!?! someone thought it (and the one we can't talk about) was important enough to do, BUT not important enough to let us all see it
16 days, I believe.

It's probably because D&D Beyond subscribers are more important, and physical book buyers are less so.

Wait, is THAT the part we're not supposed to be talking about?

Given how long wavedashing Hadozee was talked about as a thing, I'll give it another 2 weeks before we see a reaction as per the Recent Topic. I suspect that's the timeframe of "Oh hey people are commenting on a thing" to "Actual implementation on the website"

You know darn well I am not referring to "this" change. And that it is "crucial." It's about as "crucial" as it comes. Like "putting out a house on fire" level crucial.
I actually have no idea what you're talking about. If there was a thread about something else, I missed it. I just remember the Hadozee glide ability because I saw someone in another thread talking about how broken it is.

I'm gathering from the context in this thread that there's something problematic about the Hadozee in terms of presentation, but I don't actually know what it is.

I don't know how to prove I DON'T know something, but I've mostly been arguing about wizards all day.

I am not sure they MEANT that message. But right now it is one I am feeling
I'd probably get used to it. I mean, they're not going to stop printing books, but the main locus of communication about games-specific stuff is going to be through D&D Beyond.

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