D&D 4E WoTC is increasing the amount of 4e info, but..

Bishmon said:
Or he could continue being honest with his customers so those customers continue to choose to shop at his store, and not at some other store that doesn't lie to them in order to get their money.
I agree. I prefer my local retailer to be honest. That's the only advantage he has over online ordering, after all!

On the other hand, I also would my retailer to have a good taste to care for his opinion... ;)

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Mustrum_Ridcully said:
I agree. I prefer my local retailer to be honest. That's the only advantage he has over online ordering, after all!

On the other hand, I also would my retailer to have a good taste to care for his opinion... ;)

I would prefer that the retailer is honest but also lets people know that there is a large opposite to his *Opinion*.



First Post
Honesty from a retailer is a good thing as long he actually listens to what his customers want out of a game and tempers his opinion based on that. It would be as simple as saying something like:
“I haven’t liked 4E based on X, but since you like Y, or have no strong feelings about X you may like it more than me”.

If it’s nothing more than channeling “Comic Book Guy” voice saying “Worst Edition EVer” to younger players, then it helps no one and hurts his sales.

Nahat Anoj

First Post
Bishmon said:
Or he could continue being honest with his customers so those customers continue to choose to shop at his store, and not at some other store that doesn't lie to them in order to get their money.
I see where you're coming from. However, while deriding what will likely be the biggest RPG product of the year before its even out may display "honesty," it also displays an astonishing lack of business sense IMO. And I don't think it's dishonest to sell a product that you don't personally care for. For example, I don't know why people like to play Magic the Gathering so much, but I certainly wouldn't :):):):) on a new set or edition before it comes out. I would try to learn what about this new set might appeal to my Magic customers and try to showcase that to them, regardless of my personal feelings for it.


Brown Jenkin said:
It all depends on what they release. The devils stuff really doesn't give us much new.
Yes. I am very happy that we are (in theory) getting more information. First I'd like to see some new information, though. :) I don't need to see the actual books or the book text, I just want to know how various parts of the game work - rituals, multiclassing, etc. Monster stats are fun to read, but we already have plenty of examples of monsters.
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First Post
yeah getting back on topic, I'm also happy about the info. What would you speculate the most sought after sneak peak info would be?
Here's probably my top three:
- multiclassing
- rituals
- the underlying math

Maybe WoTC will be nice enough to drop by and tell us what's coming Wed. :)


First Post
This is about as early as they should be releasing information for the hype factor. We are a bad audience, most of us have a strong opinion already of buy or no-buy, so all we desire is the information now.

You don't want to hype the product for very long before making it available to the marketplace. Two months seems like a reasonable kickoff point for that type of marketing information.


First Post
I don't like those constructible card games. You know, pirates of the spanish main and whatnot.

But if I owned a gaming store, I'd learn to like them, by jove!


First Post
And I don't think it's dishonest to sell a product that you don't personally care for. For example, I don't know why people like to play Magic the Gathering so much, but I certainly wouldn't :):):):) on a new set or edition before it comes out.

Let's say it was another Fallen Empires - a generally underpowered set that was roundly disliked by most players - or another Legends - a set with greivous printing errors that severely messed up the distribution of cards by booster box. Let's also say you were in the loop enough about Magic to understand that an underpowered set is underpowered, or hear the news about the terrible misprinting.

I'd think that, given that, it would be dishonest to not warn someone who's about to buy an entire booster box of Legends from you that they might be buying a bum box that only draws from half of the possible cards in the set.

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