Dragonlance WotC Officially Confirms Takhisis and Tiamat Are The Same

It's been an issue in dispute for decades, over various editions of D&D, but WotC has officially confirmed that - at least in 5E - Dragonlance's Takhisis is, indeed, currently Tiamat. In previous editions, Tiamat has varied from being a big dragon to a minor goddess, while Takhisis has been a greater god on Krynn. At times they've been the same entity, and at others different entities. Today...

It's been an issue in dispute for decades, over various editions of D&D, but WotC has officially confirmed that - at least in 5E - Dragonlance's Takhisis is, indeed, currently Tiamat. In previous editions, Tiamat has varied from being a big dragon to a minor goddess, while Takhisis has been a greater god on Krynn. At times they've been the same entity, and at others different entities. Today, WotC is putting its foot down and saying that Takhisis and Tiamat are, indeed, the same being.

Of course, this is not an opinion universally held. Dragonlance co-creator Margaret Weis emphatically stated that "TAKHISIS IS NOT TIAMAT, DAMN IT!"

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Fizban's Treasuryof Dragons confirms that the beings echo across various settings.


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So for those looking to not use the pregens and use your own PCs, you can say that a future Takhisis sent Lord Soth back in time and he killed Goldmoon before she found the Disks of Mishakal. Thus the PCs need to fill the void and save the world. Where have I heard this plot before...? :unsure:
Doesn't work. Per Dragonlance lore, time travel can only change the past if one of the "Greygem" races are involved. Soth, as a (former) human, couldn't do that.

Clearly, she'd need to send a kender death knight back to do the job.

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So for those looking to not use the pregens and use your own PCs, you can say that a future Takhisis sent Lord Soth back in time and he killed Goldmoon before she found the Disks of Mishakal. Thus the PCs need to fill the void and save the world. Where have I heard this plot before...? :unsure:
Sorry, but that has to be me!

* If lord Soth was sent to the past to kill Goldmoon.....then before this happened the agent Jones would appear and with his teletrasportation device this would be sent to the island of Fortnite. Who is interested into a skin of lord Soth! A leak tells Tas and Flint will can be hired as bodyguard nPCs!

My answer about the chronomancers and time travelers is a new transitive plane, the timeghyll, a mixture of time-loop, purgatory, backroom and "hollow earth" (style Julio Verne's title and Mystara's spin-off).

If the time is a river then the uchronic demiplanes are the "aqueduct" and the timeghylls are like ravines created by diverted and later returned a river. When the History or the timeline is rewritten (but later corrected) by time-traveler and chronomancers...(TEFERI ASOKA, I AM WATCHING YOU, AND BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE TO POINT BECAUSE IT IS NOT POLITE!) a "trace" or imprint remains in the space-time continium. In the beginning they seems "dreamlands" what later merger with the Feywild as domains or special regions. Some time-dragons and chronomancers use the timeghylls as "raw material" to build (uchronic) demiplanes. Maybe the main clue to recognize a timeghyll is because they are totally dessert, like a city evacuated hours ago, or the population behove like nPCs of a old videogame (really bad social interactions). But there are some natives with soul, people who would be born only with the alteration of the timeline (because their parents married other people and things like this). Also feys like to visit, explore and live here.

Some timeghylls are rebuilt by great powers to punish or hold/contain certain sinners or menaces. For example there is a timeghyll where the kingpriest of Istar is the supreme deity, but the world suffers a planar invasion of elementals, constructs and plant monsters, with the irony the sacred champions were too specialiced to fight undead and infernal outsiders. In other timeghyll lord Soth is allowed to be with his wife and son, but with a trick. Sometimes these are replaced by his first wife and son (a half-orc), or the shape, or the soul, or both. Both children, the half-orc and the half-elf, hate each other.

And why not a autognome sent from the future to kill the kingpriest of Istar?

Or maybe the Krynn we know it is only a demiplane, and in the true Krynnspace the age of mortals started and ended centuries ago.


Update now that I have the book. It seems like the have merge the temptress and the dark warrior. That explains the armor-clad female warrior image previously previewed. From the book:

"She sometimes appears as a powerful human warrior with gleaming armor and long black hair, but her true form is a five-headed dragon."


"So, you do you feel about adding the title 'mother of half dragons'?"

"W-what? I'm in the five-headed dragon form!"

[Engages the smolder] "Exactly."

"You know what? This will probably tee off my family more than the whole 'dark army taking over the world' thing. Let's do this."


Update now that I have the book. It seems like the have merge the temptress and the dark warrior. That explains the armor-clad female warrior image previously previewed. From the book:

"She sometimes appears as a powerful human warrior with gleaming armor and long black hair, but her true form is a five-headed dragon."

No sex in my violence sim?

No sex in my violence sim?
me and you seem to be exact oppasits in so many ways but I have to agree here... It is a US thing (one TSR didn't worry as much about) explode someone's head perfect family fun (PG) a suggestion of sex and skimpy outfit a little restricted (PG13) out right say or show something (even if fully covered) and you are in full restriction area (R)...

I have heard it's puritan influence, but it is annoying.

I don't need women objectified, and I don't want art turning off young girl players... BUT let be honest most 13 year olds don't think a belly shirt is 'sexy' they think it is normal (I had this argument with my niece for YEARS before giving up and just saying I am old...)

edit: and the funny part is that most women I have met gaming have been sex positive... so I can't imagine it REALLY hurting sales for SOME minor stuff to be thrown in,

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