Would you buy a hardcopy Tome of Horrors 3.5?


+5 Keyboard! said:
Thanks, Voadam. Just purchased it.

You're welcome. :) The 3.5 stuff has LAs for a bunch of monster races which is nice if you want to play or allow wierd characters. I almost got into a pbp game playing a grippli.

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Yes, more than likely I would. I had Tome of Horrors 3.0 for a couple of years. Then I decided to thin down my collection a bit and I sold it. Big mistake. Fast forward to last Christmas when I finally picked up Wilderlands of High Fantasy and discovered all these references to Tome of Horrors. I downloaded the $10 pdf version of Tome of Horrors 3.5 not long after. It's much cheaper and I'm glad to have it, but...it's not a book.

Until I leap into 21st century and get a laptop computer it's not very convenient either. I had the idea of printing the entire thing out myself, but realizing the time and expense involved I decided against that as well. For now, I just print off the creatures I intend to use in a specific adventure or campaign. While that's handy, I'd still rather have a book I can reference anytime I like at (or away from) the table.

I still have the 3.0 Version on my shelf.

Alas, I'm only able to game 1/week at the local gaming store 30 miles away.

If I had a 3.5 ToH, it'd make the trip every time (along with ToH2 & ToH3).

If it ever comes out, I'd have it on Pre-order immediatly.

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