Would you play D&D if the sacred cows were sacrificed?

D&D 4th ed. has gotten rid of the Sacred Cows of D&D (AC, hit points etc)

  • I'd hate it

    Votes: 95 28.4%
  • I 'd mostly hate it

    Votes: 71 21.2%
  • neutral

    Votes: 106 31.6%
  • I'd mostly like it

    Votes: 36 10.7%
  • I'd love it.

    Votes: 27 8.1%


First Post
There seems to be a discussion in this thread as to whether Elric was ever a first-level character. Let me set the record straight: I was born as a 10th level infant. My crying pierced as sharply as a sword, and I practiced powerful incantations when left alone in my crib. Look upon my diapers, ye mighty, and despair!

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The Human Target

I voted Neutral.

For the most part, I don't think sacred cows living or dying are hugely important to the quality of the game itelf.

Even if I do dislike some of them.

Or even a lot of them.

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