X4: Master of the Desert Nomads - IC


Neither Girgal nor Bevin detect any magic other than the usual auras on the party.

After about 20 minutes the gate opens and the man emerges.

"You are welcome to enter the compound but your giant skeleton must wait outside the gate. Is that acceptable?

The Abbot feels that its presence would create too much disharmony. It is already a difficult time for us because we are coping with an unfortunate curse."

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Bevin Rockhammer Dwarf Rogue2/Enchanter6, AC20 FF17 T15, HP44/44, F+4,R+8,W+5

"Curse? I should think that an abbot would be just the person you would want to see to get a curse taken care of! We must learn more of this curse immediately! Whom does the curse affect?"


First Post
Aram smiles at Bevin's response. "What my excitable little friend here means, is there anything we can do to help? We have some small skill in dealing with...well, with problems such as these."


Bevin Rockhammer Dwarf Rogue2/Enchanter6, AC20 FF17 T15, HP44/44, F+4,R+8,W+5

A slight flush steals across Bevin's face as he says, "Yes, yes, yes, that's what I meant to say: How can we help??"

Walking Dad

First Post
Girgal, AC 23 (T15, FF20), HP 59/59, F +11,R+8,W+13

Girgal justs wants not be affected by another curse...


Hide+11, move silently +9

used Spells: Detect Magic

Ripclaw has:
Full Attack: 2 Claws +7 melee (1d6+4 plus poison) and bite +2 melee (1d6+2) and tail + 2 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Leaping pounce, poison (DC 14 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex), rake 1d6+3
Hide+13, Move Silently+9


Bevin Rockhammer Dwarf Rogue2/Enchanter6, AC20 FF17 T15, HP44/44, F+4,R+8,W+5

Bevin may not share Girgal's mindspeak ability, but the look he gives the Ghostwise Halfling clearly says "Me, too!!!"

[sblock=OOC]New pic of Bevin now in RG[/sblock]
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ooc: Leif: cool

The man says "The curse only affects those who stray from their rooms at night, so if you stay in the guesthouse you will be safe.

Though maybe you adventurers can help and we would appreciate it. The Abbot will explain more but the curse seems to take the form of a monster that appears at night. Hopefully if you can slay it the curse will end.

In any case the skeleton must remain outside. That decision is final. What do you say?"


Bevin Rockhammer Dwarf Rogue2/Enchanter6, AC20 FF17 T15, HP44/44, F+4,R+8,W+5

[sblock=OOC:]kinem: Thanks! I googled "Dwarf Wizard Picture" and that was the first result. And did you get a look at his shoes? He's gotta be the only dwarf on his block wearing Nikes![/sblock]

IC: Bevin says, "A monster that appears at night? That sounds less like a curse than an infestation. And, yes, it does sound right up our alley. We've got a few extra mousetraps we can spare, don't we, felas?" :D

Rhun said:
Not to be outdone by Leif....
Oh, Please! As if that were even a remote danger! But, not to be too badly outdone, here's Bevin again (with the colors slightly altered):


  • BevinRockhammer-kinems-X4-Masterof theDesertNomads.jpg
    BevinRockhammer-kinems-X4-Masterof theDesertNomads.jpg
    5 KB · Views: 117
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First Post
"Indeed," says Aram, nodding in agreement with the dwarf. "We shall stay and aid you." The dervish turns to look at Rajah. "What say you friend? Can we leave your skeletal companion out overnight?"

Not to be outdone by Leif, I too have added a pic to Aram's RG posting, and here as well:



Rajah agrees, though regretfully, that the skeleton can be left outside.

The party enters through the gate into a large courtyard with many buildings within it. The man points out the guest house, which is on the right hand side near the gate. It is unremarkable - only plastered and whitewashed stone. In front of the main door is a 6” circle of red clay.

"Visitors are required to touch their head to the circle before entering the building. In this way, they show respect to the protective spirits of the house" he explains.

On each door of the double door entrance is painted an eye so that the protective spirits may see evil before it enters.

"We haven't had guests recently, though sometimes we do, either people bringing us supplies or those seeking a spiritual retreat."

Another man approaches, this one wearing a brown robe with some extra designs woven into it. "Greetings! I am Father Fuller, the Abbot" he says. He asks your names ...

The man who led you in says "These travellers are willing to help us with the curse, Father."

"Really? Thank you, we would appreciate such help" Father Fuller says. "Let me show you where the curse seems to be centered while Riley stables your animals." He leads the way towards what looks like a blacksmith's shed.

This small shed shows signs of having been long deserted. Inside is a large hearth with a set of bellows in good repair. There is no fire in the hearth, and the air seems icy and chill around it.

"We will soon retire for the night" he says "but we will pray for your success! I promise that if you succeed we will prepare a worthy feast for you tomorrow night."

(ooc: Do you let the man take your camels? What about Ripclaw and Bones? What else do you do?)

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