D&D (2024) You're not planning on getting 2024 D&D? Why is that?

You're not planning on getting 2024 D&D? Why is that?

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It impacted my group. Although we never planned to stop playing 5th edition (because we like 5th edition), three of us insisted on playing other games, which we have been doing for the past year and a half. We only just recently played our first 5th edition session.

When was that survey the Wizards of the Coast released? The one we discovered had lots of questions about what you wanted to see in the game if you were a young person, but only asked a few questions if you were an older person.

That survey is when it started for me. That's when the reality hit me--I an not the target audience anymore. But, the fact that they gave me a different survey based on my age was a smack in the face.

And, I get it. Wizards of the Coast needs to think about the future and I'm not it. They have just been handling it in a way that is prejudiced and insulting.

Which is why I find it fascinating! Because in my circles no one cared in the least at all about it... 🤷‍♂️
Yeah this is my group as well... honestly I think this is how the vast majority feel but EnWorld skews older and has a number of 3rd party publishers who frequent here as well. So I'm not sure how much results here reflect the general D&D market.

It impacted my group. Although we never planned to stop playing 5th edition (because we like 5th edition), three of us insisted on playing other games, which we have been doing for the past year and a half. We only just recently played our first 5th edition session.

When was that survey the Wizards of the Coast released? The one we discovered had lots of questions about what you wanted to see in the game if you were a young person, but only asked a few questions if you were an older person.

That survey is when it started for me. That's when the reality hit me--I an not the target audience anymore. But, the fact that they gave me a different survey based on my age was a smack in the face.

And, I get it. Wizards of the Coast needs to think about the future and I'm not it. They have just been handling it in a way that is prejudiced and insulting.
Never really thought of it that way. Now I'm more irritated with them!

I'm curious about ENWorlders who are currently not interested in purchasing 2024 D&D, and your reasons for that.

We previously had a poll with 172 respondents (as of today, 8-11-2024) which revealed that about half of the survey-responding ENWorlders plan to purchase 2024 D&D (48.2%), about one-third do not plan to purchase (34.9%), and about one-sixth are unsure (16.9%).


EDIT: There's also a more recent 8-17-2024 poll about whether ENWorlders plan to play 2024 rules: D&D General - Will you play the Revised 2024 rules?

There are absolutely good things about the 2024 PHB, like a glossary & an introduction to the game/rules with examples of play - terrific! However, at least here on ENWorld we have enough of a mixed response to warrant further inquiry about why ENWorlders don't want to get 2024 D&D.

So I'm asking about a niche of a niche of a niche. ;) But I'm still asking.

Poll options are based on my own observations; critical thoughts raised by Teos AbadĂ­a, Shawn Merwin, Mike Shea, Jorphdan, and Ronald the Rules Lawyer; and concerns I've read folks bring up on ENWorld. They're not all-encompassing. Feel free to select Other, and please share your thoughts!

Select as many options as you like. Votes are displayed publicly. No time limit.
I'd like to suggest another option: Because it wasn't needed.

I have my issues with 5e on it's face, certainly, but a good chunk of those issues I've resolved with home brew and by casting aside the (absolutely incompetently made) cr calculator. I tend to think of 5e as "Babies First DND". It's easier than most other editions, it's a rule and number crunch from previous editions, it's very easy to get your teeth wet with it and it can be enjoyable. Mechanically speaking, it is a functional d20 rule system, it's just unbalanced at higher and lower level play and plagued with bad writing which ultimately is caused by Hasbro's choice of direction and their oddly skewed priority list.

That being said, one significant reason I'm not even going to bother reading it is because this new edition just was not necessary. 5e was NOT at the end of it's life cycle and I would argue is not at the end of it's life cycle. The attempt to push One D&D/5.5e/6thEd. or whatever it's officially going to be called in a few weeks is nothing but an unnecessary cash grab by corporate suits with no love or reverence for the game when what the game needed was solid, affordably priced supplementary material, and and to focus on the quality of that material so that it lasts. If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it.

Memorizing the rules for 2014 DnD 5e is enough for me as I do not want to learn another system; especially, since my players are familiar with the 2014 rules and are in the middle of a Campaign.

Not just that, but I am not made of money and refuse to purchase anymore DnD 5e books.
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