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Pathfinder 1E [RG] Way of the Wicked


Guest 11456

Way of the Wicked Adventure Path [RG]:

Players & Characters
Shayuri: Silhouette, the tiefling sorcerer guilty of sedition
GlassEye: Armides Diat, the human inquisitor guilty of witchcraft
Deuce Traveler: Lord Nelleon Mallicor, the human anti-paladin guilty of dueling unto death
Scott DeWar: Niles LeGosche, the human wizard guilty of arson
CanadienneBacon: Cass Anders, the human oracle guilty of murder

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Armides Diat, human Inquisitor

[sblock=Armides Sheet+]
Armides Diat
Human Inquisitor (Heretic, Preacher) of Asmodeus 2
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init: +8; Senses Perception +7

AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14
hp 15 (2d8)
Fort: +2
Ref: +4
Will: +5

Speed 30 ft.
Unarmed +4 (1d3+3, nonlethal) x2; Special: provokes AoO
Dagger +4 (1d4+3) 19-20/x2; P/S
Thrown Dagger +5 (1d4+3) 19-20/x2; 10 ft. range
Comp. Longbow +5 (1d8+3) /x3; 100 ft. range

Str: 16 +3
Dex: 18 +4
Con: 9 -1
Int: 10 +0 (includes +2 racial)
Wis: 15 +2
Cha: 13 +1

Base Atk. +1; CMB +4; CMD 18
Consorting with Dark Powers: +1 bonus to Knowledge (planes) & (arcana).
Reactionary: +2 bonus to Initiative checks
Skill Focus: Knowledge (religion)
Point Blank Shot: +1 attack & damage on targets within 30 feet
Precise Shot: no penalty for shooting into melee
Bluff (2) +9; Disable Device (2) +6; Intimidate (2) +8; Knowledge (arcana) +1; Knowledge (planes) +1; Knowledge (religion) (2) +8; Perception (2) +7; Perform (Oratory) (2) +6; Sense Motive (2) +8; Spellcraft (2) +5; Stealth (2) +11


Favored Class: Inquisitor (hp: 1st-2nd)

Heresy Inquisition:
-Righteous Infiltration (Ex): Use Wis mod. instead of Cha for Bluff & Intimidate checks
Judgement (1/day): As swift action, declare judgement which last until end of combat. Add Escape (Su) to list.
Lore of Escape (Ex): adds Wis mod. to Bluff & Stealth in addition to normal modifier
Orisons: Learn a number of orisons useable an unlimited amount per day.
Stern Gaze: Morale bonus equal to half level to Intimidate & Sense Motive checks. (+1)
Hide Tracks: -5 penalty to find or follow Armides' tracks.
Cunning Initiative: Add Wis mod. to initiative (+2)
Detect Alignment: At will, use detect chaos, evil, good, law (1 at a time)
Track: Add half level on Survival to identify/follow tracks (+1)

1st level (DC 13): 3/day
0th level (DC 12): unlimited

Spells Known:
1st level: Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor
0th level: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic, Sift


Inquisitor's Kit 30g 34#
-backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (10), cheap holy text, flint & steel, iron pot, manacles, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, wooden holy symbol
Longbow 75g 3#
-Common arrows (40) 2g 6#
Dagger 2g 1#
Studded leather armor 25g 20#
Thieves tools, common 30g 1#
Silver holy symbol of Asmodeus
[sblock=Iron Circlet]Iron Circlet
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 1,800 gp; Weight –
This circlet of wrought iron alters itself to comfortably fit any wearer. It allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with a disguise self spell. As part of the disguise, the circlet can be changed to appear as any sort of hat, headgear, or hairstyle the wearer desires.[/sblock]

Total Weight: 65 lbs.

Max Weight: 0-76 (light); 77-153 (medium); 154-230 (heavy)

Ability Rolls (1d10+7=9, 1d10+7=16, 1d10+7=13, 1d10+7=15)
[sblock=Level 2]

Retroactive bonus feat: Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion)

Inquisitor level 2
HP: 1d8-1=6 +1 FC = 7 hp
Skill points (9): One rank in each of the following: Bluff; Disable Device; Intimidate; Knowledge (religion); Perception; Perform (Oratory); Sense Motive; Spellcraft; Stealth
BAB +1; Fort +1; Will +1
Cunning Initiative (Ex)
Detect Alignment (Sp)
Track (Ex)
Spells: +1 1st level casting/day
+1 0th (Sift) & 1st level (Divine Favor) spell known
[sblock=Armides History]Name: Armides Diat (an assumed name; anagram of 'Mitra is Dead')
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Age: 29

Description: Armides is of average height, thin and sleight of muscle, with intense bookish looks. His dark brown wavy hair is cropped just below his ears and has begun to recede prematurely further emphasizing a large forehead. His hands, with long, thin fingers more suited to an artist or scribe, are criss-crossed with a network of fine scars acquired from years of working as an eel-catcher with his father. His eyes are dark brown and his nose has a slight hook that indicates that it was broken at some time in his past.

Armides has an intense appearance that is somewhat disconcerting until he speaks. His voice radiates a warmth that can easily persuade the unwary to trust. The warmth doesn’t extend to his eyes, however. They are full of a blankness, cold, flat and emotionless that, if Armides allows to show, would make people feel as if he is thinking about the most interesting ways to cause them pain. Armides is a master at masking this but only feels the need to put people at their ease when he wants something.

Personal Style: Armides wears finely made clothes and a well-crafted armored coat. Or would, should fine things come his way again.

Personality: Calculating and manipulative and more than willing to use his innate charisma to get what he wants. Not afraid to remove those stumbling blocks that are placed in his way.

History: Armides was born during those hours of the shrouded sun in a shanty on the banks of the Black-Eel Fork of the Great Scale river near the village of Urlag's Bank to an eel-catcher and his wife. He was raised among the reeds with a younger sister learning the trade of the eel-catcher. To their father Armides could do nothing right and his sister, Reisha, could do no wrong. If Reisha let an eel slip the nets it was, somehow, Armides’ fault. Supposed mistakes resulted in repeated beatings. His only true joy was when their mother would join them at the river and sing as she worked; Armides would join in her song with his pure, nearly perfect singing voice. His only true protection was when he was with Arkadi and Nikhil. His father was never comfortable when the three were together in his presence and would avoid them but usually took it out on Armides later. Because of this Armides spent whatever time he wasn’t working, or trying to follow Nikhil pell-mell through the woods, at the house of Arkadi’s father; a man with infinitely more interesting, and dangerous, things to say than his own father.

The year Armides passed the age of eight summers was one of big change in his life. While checking the eel traps he found an odd trinket in the mud where the bank had washed away exposing the roots of an ancient willow. The tiny statuette of black stone, crudely carved to resemble some sort of bat-winged creature, was nearly wrapped in small roots but Armides was able to pull them away. He was obsessed with the figure and always kept it close at hand and would rub it or turn it about in his hands when no one was around. He kept it a secret from even Nikhil and Arkadi.

That summer was also the summer that his younger sister, Reisha, was found drowned, tangled in tree roots in a pool where they staked out the eel traps. Armides showed no emotion over her death and his father came to hate his presence even more. Without his sister there to placate his father the beatings grew more frequent. After the beating that broke his nose his mother conspired with Arkadi’s father to get Armides out of the village.

Late that summer an acquaintance of Arkadi’s father came to the village to listen to Armides’ angelic voice. Pleased with what he heard he bought young Armides for a handful of gold coins. His purchaser, Baldassare, an aging and eccentric bard, ran an unusual college of music for ‘created’ counter-tenors. So, Armides the eel-catcher’s son left the village to become a budding vocalist-in-training.

Armides trained for many years under the infamous bards of Baldassare’s college but never had enough talent to land choice parts. Through the years intense rivalries formed between Armides and his fellow students; rivalries that were terminated by tragic accidents. Baldassare eventually came to suspect that Armides was the cause of these accidents but before he could summon in the guard he slipped on the stairs of the theater, tumbled and broke his neck.

An already suspicious guard cordoned off the college and brought in Sir Balin of Karfeld to begin an investigation. Disturbing accusations pointed to Armides and he was held under suspicion of numerous murders. The black statuette in his quarters was discovered to be an infernal creature and Armides was convicted of consorting with dark powers. [/sblock]
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Piston Honda

First Post

[sblock=Background]Skalis Vordahl "The Red Glaive"
254 pounds
26 years

An imposing, monstrous man, when unhelmed, his face often remains covered in a mass of long brown hair and a rugged beard. He has his share of battle scars, including a particularly nasty one running the length of his forearm.

Vordahl is known for his savagery, often foregoing the use of verbal intimidation by brutalizing into submission. Despite the perceived intensity and fury of Vordahl, he is more cunning than he lets on.

The son of military hero Kjeil Vordahl, Skalis Vordahl trained for battle and a military life from an early age, becoming particularly adept with the glaive. He earned little reknown outside of his size, but found himself under the command of his father early in his career. Skalis was happy with this, having not spent a lot of his youth with his father, who was now teaching him much.

A couple years into his service, on a raid against a a group of insurgents, they had managed to capture the majority of them. Before they managed to get out of there, a straggler slid his blade into Kjeil. Skalis watched his father's murder, and immediately killed the culprit, striking two more of the prisoners down before the rest of the troop managed to contain him.

After being allowed to serve again, Skalis was changed, the tried and true tactics learned from his father dropped. Instead opting for charging in blind and use of brutality as an intimidation tactic. Many others thought he took too much delight in being on the front line, maiming or killing the criminals they were after, but it was a highly effective scare tactic, seeing this mountain cutting down allies led many to turn themselves in if they saw no opportunity to flee the lands. It was in this that he earned the epitaph of "The Red Glaive"; though Vordahl would clean the blade, he left the pole alone, and over time, the wood was stained red with the blood of his enemies. As Vordahl climbed the ranks, his name bore more weight, and when he was sent in, many who knew him no longer resisted.

During a recent raid, Major Korven Lightblade ordered Vordahl to stand guard over a few of the already captured, knowing they would not run, and hoping to lure the others into surrender. Vordahl gave in to his fury, he ran two of the bandits through, the major ordered Vordahl to lay down his weapon, that he would place him under military arrest. Without a second thought, Vordahl's glaive ran across his neck, killing the major, two other soldiers were felled, the rest of the troupe returned to a bloody scene, surrounding Vordahl. Knowing he wouldn't survive the battle, Vordahl surrendered to arrest, and was tried quickly, thrown into Branderscar to await his execution.[/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

Lord Nelleon Mallicor

Human Anti-Paladin of Asmodeus
Lawful Evil
Level: 2
XP: ?

HP: 22
AC: 19 (Base 10, 3 for Dex, 1 for Dodge, 5 for Scale Mail Armor)
Fort: 6
Ref: 3
Will: 5
Movement: 30 feet
Languages: Common

Strength: 20 (Focus, Racial Bonus, +5)
Intelligence: 8 (Foible, -1)
Wisdom: 15 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 10

Silver Unholy Symbol of Asmodeus (given)
Scale Mail Armor (50 gp)
Greatsword (50 gp)
Composite Short Bow (75gp)
Arrows: 20 (1gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Winter Blanket (5sp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Trail Rations [8] (4gp)
Silk Rope, 50 ft (10 gp)
2x Daggers (2gp each)
Iron Circlet
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 1,800 gp; Weight –
This circlet of wrought iron alters itself to comfortably fit any wearer. It allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with a disguise self spell. As part of the disguise, the circlet can be changed to appear as any sort of hat, headgear, or hairstyle the wearer desires.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 900 gp
2gp, 4sp
Deft Dodger: +1 Reflex Checks
Crime (Dueling Unto Death): See Below

Class Abilities:
- Aura of Evil
- Detect Good
- Smite Good 1/day
- Unholy Resilience (Cha bonus to saves, n/a for now)
- Touch of Corruption (Touch of Corruption 1d6 damage/day, heals undead)
- Weapon Proficiencies: Simple and Martial
- Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Heavy and Shields (not Tower Shields)

- Power Attack
- Cleave
- Dodge

Skills: 6 (4 for class, -1 for Int, +1 for Human, +2 for new character)
Knowledge (Nobility): 2pt, +4
Intimidate: 2pt, +5
Handle Animal: 1pt, +4
Knowledge (Religion): 1pt, +3

BAB: +2, CMB: 7, CMD: 20
Two-Handed Sword, +7 to hit, 1d10+5 damage
Composite Short Bow, 70 foot increment range,+5 to hit, 1d6+5 damage
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)

Spells: None

Background: The Mallicor family possesses few lands of worth and is located on the edge of the Talingarde kingdom and in rocky mountains not conducive to farming. Historically they are of an ancient line of poor, minor nobility that stretches back before the Darian conquest and who could only maintain an estate in a valley overlooked by several towers of wood and stone, as they lacked funds for a fortress or castle. Life was hard in these mountains, and the family was too small and inconsequential to make much headway in defending the previous status quo, nor were they cared about for as long as they sent taxes and tribute to the new rulers. There are certain ugly rumors about the family and it is said that they only worship Mitra in public, but darker and more ancient powers in the privacy of there own estate chapel. The rumors are prevalent enough for them to be ignored during royal invitations to the capital, but not so prevalent to warrant investigations into the family as a whole.

Lord Nelleon is a believer in the old ways and older traditions. Although distinguished by an air of civility and a fondness for fine music and wine, he also looks part wild as due to his long, unkempt beard that he maintains in the traditions of his olive-skinned people. Like many in his land, he grew tall and strong due to the hard labor necessary for everyone to partake in order to survive in his unkind land, but this kind of life also left little time for mastering formal education. Lord Nelleon has been a blasphemer and treasonous before, as much the rest of his family, but was wise enough to do so covertly. The Mallicor's would like nothing else but see the House of Darian pulled down and see a return of the Church of Asmodeus, but they realize the unlikelihood of this and so make a point to pay their tribute and observe the holiday tributes to Mitra that are required to partake in public.

During a visit by a foreign noble, Lord Nelleon's honor was besmirched and he was compelled to duel, which eventually came out into the open when the deceased family started making inquiries. After a private talk with his father, it was Lord Nelleon's own admittance that led to his current imprisonment. Lord Nelleon's father agreed with his actions as right and justified by the old law. However, as the Mallicor clan has come to realize through these many years, when a crime against the law of the current order is discovered to be committed by one of them, it is best to have the lawbreaker turn himself over instead of risking the entire family coming under closer scrutiny by the crown.

Crime: Dueling Onto Death (+1 to Fort)
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I do so love fire mages, and *ahem* I might be thinking of one:

Our Anti-Hero caught fire to a block of buildings that housed a brothel, one that had kidnapped his little sister and whored her out. It only happened once as she was put out to a particularly mean and temperamental guard - one who was turned down by the knightly order several times- and brutally raped the poor girl until she died at his hand. He found out where his home was and used his fire jet skill to set fire to the buildings. It caught like dry kindling - appropriate justice for killing his sister burned a whole quarter before being contained - the stench of burned bodies was horrendous.

As he stood screaming out his verbal rampages, and laughing at the destruction - watching the fat oaf of a guardsman stand on the roof and burn like a pig on a spit. He did not care when the guards came. He just sneered at them. He know what was coming. He cared not. He and his sister were orphans. He was supposed to take care of her, but was unable to do so in time.

If he can escape . . . . . he fantasizes what he would do, but escape is not realistic.

brief history
he and his sister were orphaned as children at the death of both of their parent, first the mother in childbirth if his younger sister, then his father by a group of bandits. after his mother's death, his father made him promise to watch his sister.
after his parents loss they were raised by an uncle who continued his wizardly studies. Under his uncle's influence he became pragmatic.
was learning how to cast a fire spell but erred and backfired burning his face teaching him a great respect for his knowledge and ability.

Niles LeGosche
Wizard - fire elementalist 2
Arsonist by convenience, evil by choice

STR   10   +0
DEX   17   +3
CON   9    -1
INT   20   +5
WIS   15   +1
CHA   8    -1
[race: +2 INT]

HP    9
AC   13
BAB  +1
CMB  +1
CMD  14
CONCENTRATION +13 [+5[int]+2[trait]+2[lvl]+4[feat]

FORT     0     -1      +0    -1
REF      0     +3      +0    +3
WILL     3     +1      +0    +4

club            +1   1d6     X2      B    ---
   thrown       +4   1d6     X2      B    ---
dagger          +1   1d4  19-20/x2   p/s  ---
   thrown       +4   1d4  19-20/x2   P    ---  
light crossbow  +4   1d8  19-20/x2   P    ---  
quarterstaff    +1   1d6     X2      B    ---

human - Spell Focus [evocation] [URL]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/spell-focus---final[/URL]
    +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic
bonus - elemental focus [fire] [URL]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/elemental-focus[/URL]
     For one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, or fire), Add +1 to the Difficulty Class.
cl1 - Combat casting [URL]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/combat-casting---final[/URL]
     +4 to concentration checks

possibles: Gtr Spell Focus; Gtr Elemental focus; brew potion; still spell; silent spell; craft wondrous item

1. Arson - You have willfully started a fire that destroyed property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t
  start just a minor little trash fire.  Your act of arson threatened a major town, city, church or castle and
  likely cost someone their life. You’ll be punished for your crime by facing the fire yourself.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack,  you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your
  damage roll. This bonus is a  trait bonus.

2. Focused mind - type: Magic
You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.

HUMAN features
  +2 to one ability
  med size
  move 30 feet
  bonus feat
  +1 skill point / level


  Fire Supremacy [SU] fire resistance 5; If you are within 5 feet of a source of flame at least as large as a
  campfire, you can draw the fire around you for 1 round as a swift action.  Anyone striking you with a melee
  weapon or unarmed strike takes an  amount of fire damage equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1).  
  Weapons with reach avoid this damage.

  Fire Jet [SU] 20 foot jet, 5 feet wide
    dam =1d6 +1/2 lv
    dc = 10 + int +1/2 lv (16) reflex
    fail = 1d6 dam next round [avoid with reflex vs dc 15]
    use: 3 + int per day 0000[s]0 000[/s]

SKILLS 2[class]+5[int]+2[bonus]+1[fav clas]+1[race]=11/level

Skills:               Ranks  +3? Mod  Misc Total
Acrobatics              +x   +0   +3   ---   +3
Appraise               +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Bluff                   +x   +0   +0   ---   +0
Climb                   +x   +0   +0   ---   +0
Craft: Alchemy          +x   +3   +5   ---   +8
Disable device          +x   +0   +3   ---   +3
Escape artist           +x   +0   +3   ---   +3
Fly                    ---   +3   +3   ---   +---
Heal                    +x   +0   +1   ---   +1
Know Arcana             +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Know arch/engn          +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Know Dungeoneering      +x   +3   +5   ---   +
Know Geography          +x   +3   +5   ---   +
Know History            +x   +3   +5   ---   +
Know Local              +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Know Nobility/Royalty   +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Know Religeon           +x   +3   +5   ---   +
Know The Planes         +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Linguistics             +x   +3   +x   ---   +
Perception              +1   +0   +1   ---   +2
Profession:             +x   +3   +1   ---    +  
Ride                    +x   +0   +3   ---   +
Sense Motive            +x   +0   +1   ---   +1
Sleight of Hand         +x   +0   +3   ---   +3
Spellcraft              +1   +3   +5   ---   +9
Stealth                 +1   +0   +3   ---   +4
Survival                +1   +0   +1   ---   +2
Swim                    +x   +3   +0   ---   +

EQUIPMENT 121 gp; 40 lbs
Wizard's kit 21 gp; 21  lbs
backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink,  an ink pen,  an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, 
 a spell component pouch,  Torches (10),  trail rations (5 days), a  waterskin
other items: 100 gp; 19 lb
  sun rods (10), alchimest fire (2), Tobacco (5) lbs, Smoking Pipe, water purification sponge, Saltpeter (10)

[sblock=iron circlet]
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 1,800 gp; Weight –
This circlet of wrought iron alters itself to comfortably fit any  wearer. It allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with a  disguise self spell. As part of the disguise, the circlet can be changed  to appear as any sort of hat, headgear, or hairstyle the wearer  desires.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 900 gp         [LEFT][COLOR=#000000]
Read more: [URL="http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?350681-%28A-Game-of-Trust-2%29-Way-of-the-Wicked-IC/page18#ixzz3W02nnrEE"]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?350681-(A-Game-of-Trust-2)-Way-of-the-Wicked-IC/page18#ixzz3W02nnrEE[/URL]

Acid Splash; Arcane Mark; Bleed; Breeze; Dancing Lights; Daze;  Detect  Magic; Detect Poison; 
Disrupt Undead; Fey Aspect; Flare; Ghost  Sound;  Haunted; Jolt; Light; Mage Hand; Mending; 
Message; Open/Close;   Penumbra; Prestidigitation; Read Magic; Resistance; Root; Spark;

Level one
Burning Hands; Comprehend Languages; Ear-Piercing Scream; Expeditious Retreat; Feather Fall; 
Identify; Magic Missile; Mage Armor; Unseen Servant; Vanish

Level  two
Burning Arc; Scorching Ray
level    0     1     2     3     notes
base     4     2     --    --
int     +0    +2     +1    +1
total    4     4     --    --

acid splash
detect magic

first level
burning hands
[s]burning hands[/s]
[s]magic missile[/s]
mage armor

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Cass Anders, LE Human Oracle 2 of Asmodeus

Init 2
Perception 6

AC 16 touch 12 flatfooted 14
hp 16 11 6 2 5 12 [currently full up] (due to -4 from Con dmg, -10 dmg from mist, 3 hp healing Armides, 10 hp healing Cass)
Fort 0
Refl 2
Will 2

Str 14
Dex 14
Con 10 9 7 (pedestal trap) foible, +2 race
Int 13
Wis 9
Cha 18 focus


Longsword +3, 1d8+2, 19-20/x2, 4#, S
Shortbow +3, 1d6, 20/x3, 60', 2#, P

[-2 ACP: Acrobatics, Climb]
Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Intimidate +8, Heal +3, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Diplomacy +8, Perception +6, Spellcraft +8, Sense Motive +1

Feats: Alertness, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword), Extra Revelation

Longsword, 15gp, 4#
Shortbow, 30gp, 2#
Arrows (20), 1gp, 3#
Chain shirt, 100gp, 25#
Backpack, 2gp, 2#
Flint and steel, 1gp, --
Pouch, belt, 1gp, 0.5#
Waterskin, 1gp, 4#
Holy symbol (Asmodeus), silver, 25gp, 1#
Case (map), 1gp, 0.5#
Rope (50' silk), 10gp, 5#
Grappling hook, 1gp, 4#
Rations (5 days), 2.5gp, 5#
Traveler's outfit, 1gp, 5#
[sblock=Iron Circlet]
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 1,800 gp; Weight –

This circlet of wrought iron alters itself to comfortably fit any wearer. It allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with a disguise self spell. As part of the disguise, the circlet can be changed to appear as any sort of hat, headgear, or hairstyle the wearer desires.[/sblock]
TOTAL WEIGHT CARRIED: 61#, Medium load, 20' speed
WITHOUT BACKPACK: 35.5#, Light load, 30' speed

Spells Per Day: O-lvl unlimited; (4) 1-lvl

Spells Known:

(5) O-lvl: create water, detect magic, guidance, spark, stabilize​

(2) 1-lvl: cure light wounds, obscuring mist, burning hands*, [inflict light wounds]**​

*mystery spell

**At 1st level, an Oracle must select to know either all cure or all inflict spells per level, and gains these spells in addition to those on Table 2-6. Cass selected all inflict spells.​

Class Skills: An oracle with the flame mystery adds Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, and Perform to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: burning hands (2nd), resist energy (4th), fireball (6th), wall of fire (8th), summon monster V (fire elementals only, 10th), fire seeds (12th), fire storm (14th), incendiary cloud (16th), fiery body (18th).

Oracle's Curse: Clouded Vision: Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see. You cannot see anything beyond 30 feet, but you can see as if you had darkvision. At 5th level, this distance increases to 60 feet. At 10th level, you gain blindsense out to a range of 30 feet. At 15th level, you gain blindsight out to a range of 15 feet.

Mystery: Flame (of Revenge)

Revelation: Heat Aura (Su): As a swift action, you can cause waves of heat to radiate from your body. This heat deals 1d4 points of fire damage per two oracle levels (minimum 1d4) to all creatures within 10 feet. A Reflex save halves the damage. In addition, your form wavers and blurs, granting you 20% concealment until your next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. The DC to save against revelations is equal to 10 + 1/2 the oracle's level + Charisma modifier.

Extra Revelation: Fire Breath (Su): As a standard action, you can unleash a 15-foot cone of flame from your mouth. This flame deals 1d4 points of fire damage per level. A Reflex save halves this damage. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. The save DC is Charisma-based; to save against revelations the DC is 10 + 1/2 the oracle's level + Charisma modifier.


Eyes and Ears of the City: +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.​

Murder: You have killed without just cause and been condemned for it. Punishment: Death by beheading.
Benefit: You deal 1 additional point of damage when flanking a foe. This additional damage is a trait bonus.​

[sblock=Background]Cass grew up poor in Talingarde and coveted things his parents could not provide: fresh bread for breakfast, presents on feast days, a blanket during winter, and money that wasn't the product of pickpocketing. Turned down at sixteen for service with the Knights of Alerion, Cass hired on as guard to Trion Merck, a Talingarde white slaver. There, Cass's covetousness turned to the finer things in life -- swordplay, blackrot rum, and women. This spring, while squiring new slaves from Merck's warehouse to a shithole of a brothel in the seedier underbelly of Talingarde, Cass clapped eyes on a young whore, a child really, with firm assets and the pale straw hair of an angel. "Gods, I want her, why shouldn't I have her?" thought Cass. Four days later, driven half-crazed with lust and drunk on rum, Cass returned to the brothel, snatched the child, and raped her in the alley behind a barrel.

The child survived two days before succumbing to death, but not before cursing her perpetrator with blindness. A week after she died, the child's brother set fire to Cass's barracks in Merck's warehouse. Newly blind, Cass could not see his way to escape before the flames burned hot, sloughing Cass's skin and gagging him with the cloying odor of burnt flesh. A scant day after the fire, things turned worse. The brothel owner demanded recompense for the loss of his stock, prompting an investigation by Talingarde city bureaucrats into Merck's dealings. Rather than pay a hefty fine, Merck opted instead to turn in Cass. City officials wasted no time convicting Cass of rape and murder, and shipped him to Branderscar Prison. In the damp of his cell, Cass laid in a fever and prayed for deliverance from the pain of his fire-ruined skin. Asmodeus answered.[/sblock]


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