• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Drakeskull

    Imp Buckler defense broken?

    Would Imp Buckler defense work with a 2 handed weapon as well? Why would no fighter go with it and a 2 handed weapon if thats it. And do the two weapon defenses stack? It seems absurd to waste 3 feats on 3 ac if they dont and still doesnt make sence still why wouldnt you pick imp buckler defense...
  2. Drakeskull

    anyway to avoid aoo when gaining focus?

    I was also wondering if there was a way to avoid aoo when gaining my psychic focus.
  3. Drakeskull

    psychic burst withdraw and standerd action?

    It takes a double movement for a withdraw right? So is it possible with a phsychic warrior to burst and double move away then take a standerd action?
  4. Drakeskull

    Empowered variable only?

    Ok can you empower a bulls str? because It says variable numeric affects does this mean only things that include dice rolls? Im looking the take empower power with my psychic warrior but I need to know that first.
  5. Drakeskull

    Up sizing the d10 and d12?

    Ok It seems kinda weird but in the end the D10 and D12 or 2D6 have the same max damage. Is there an errata for this or is it just the way it is? the d10 ends up 6d8 where the d12 and 2d6 end up 8d6.
  6. Drakeskull

    How many undead can a this build control?

    How many build should a level 3 wiz level 3 cleric and level 3 true necromancer control. Using different spells and such. My player has created one and Its kinda boggleing me looking for all the little rules every where. If anyone is familiar with this could you help me out?
  7. Drakeskull

    Epic warlock advancment

    Ok Im running an epic game (played from level 1 in a game with very low xp), Its a solo game with only one player and his group of npcs, He just recently ran into a Very hard encounter and there were some bad save rolles and they all died. He decided on getting more people for his group since he...
  8. Drakeskull

    Advanced Giants bab question?and epic.

    What if a giant has enough racial hit dice to give it an attack bonus over 20. Would it then more attacks then 4 I think not but I cant find a rule against it. The Tarrasque has 48 hd and a bab of 48 but it uses natural attacks. What about the Giants? also when would a Giant be able to get epic...
  9. Drakeskull

    Can you critical on a eldritch blast?

    I was wondering if you can critical on an eldritch blast.
  10. Drakeskull

    Full str to off hand?

    I was thinking of making a feat that allows full str bonus to off hand attacks but im not sure what kinda prerequisites it should have and if there is something to a similar effect already out there.
  11. Drakeskull

    Keeping trolls dead?

    Ok I would like to see how every one keeps there trolls dead and kills there trolls and the ways they can die. Can they die from death from massive damage? Can you coup de grace them with out fire or acid? Do you have to do that much accual fire or acid damage to keep them dead or do you allow...
  12. Drakeskull

    Ride by attack on a large or larger creature?

    Ok in normal ride by attack you can ride by and not provoke an attack of opportunity right? and you do provoke an attack of opportunity when charging a creature with reach right? then what happens when you try and ride by attack a large creature?
  13. Drakeskull

    Multiple flamings on a weapon???

    Ok I have never even considered that fact that you could put multiple flamings or other damage dies on a weapon but then I look at that DnD stat side for the King Snurre and on his greatsword it says "+3 flamming (x3) greatsword" and up there on damage It says 3d6 fire. So it is possible to have...
  14. Drakeskull

    I would like a simple sorceror revision.

    As many people I fill the the sorceror is underpowered and I have looked at several threads and there alternatives, but Im thinking more on a simple line of fixing them up. Like giving them a d6 hd or 4 skill points. Maybe even just a change in there spell advancement. It just seems so wrong...
  15. Drakeskull

    Frenzy rage exhausted question?

    Ok on a normal frenzy or rage you become fatigued until the end the encounter after ending it. When in rage a frenzy at the same time you then become exhausted, but is it normal exhaustion or is it until the end of the encounter? Or maybe exhausted until the end of the encounter and then normal...
  16. Drakeskull

    When a creature becomes large???

    In our campaine there are many barbarians. We have a more barbarian style race of humans to that can reach up to seven foot in height, but there is one that is a freak of nature and stands nearly 8 foot. At what height and size should they be considered large?
  17. Drakeskull

    Double weapons str bonus???

    When using a double weapon what are the str bonuses you add to your attack. Do you add full to both sides or 1 and 1/2 or do you get full to the primary attacks and 1/2 to the secondary? I cant find it. Im not sure if it considers the extra attacks as off hand or if the regular attacks are...
  18. Drakeskull

    Powerfull and dire charge?

    Will bonuses to charge apply to all attacks if you have dire charge or have a druid that casts the pounce ability on you? Like powerful charge and flying kick ect.
  19. Drakeskull

    Sunder Questions?

    When Making a sunder attempt as an attack do you use your current attack roll that you make it with or a attack using your full bonus? Also if you drop someone and make a cleave attempt can that cleave be a sunder attempt? These questions involves some epic charicters fighting a bunch of frost...
  20. Drakeskull

    Hold the line and side step

    If a charicter has hold the line and side step and makes the attack of opportunity and takes a 5 foot step back does the charging creature stop thus not getting its attack off?