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  1. T

    D&D 5E Help with a mission hook for HotDQ

    I'll be discussing elements of Episode I of Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Here be spoilers. This Saturday my group will be starting our first foray into 5E with HotDQ. I've got a fairly large group of eight players. For the start of the campaign, half of the characters will start in a tavern...
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    D&D 5E Offensive touch spells

    One of my favorite characters from the 3.5 era was an elderly and physically debilitated wizard who used the spell Spectral Hand to deliver touch attack spells from a distance. I loved that kooky old guy and thought I'd try to recreate him in 5th. It turns out that there is no Spectral Hand...
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    rpgs for an after school program

    I am working with my local library in starting up an after school roleplaying group aimed at teens. As we began hammering out the details it occurred to me that what I'd really like to do at the start is to have the program be a kind of Intro to RPGs. The idea is that every month or two we'd...
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    Trojan in Character Builder?

    I've tried to download the free demo of the Character Builder at WotC's site, but my McAfee keeps detecting a trojan in the file and immediately deletes it. Anyone else have this problem? -tRR
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    the new D&D cosmology: common knowledge to inhabitants?

    I was curious if the new cosmology (the Feywild, Shadowfell, Far Realms, etc.) is common knowledge for the average joe in a campaign setting using default D&D assumptions. Is this something taught in "Sunday School" in every temple and shrine or is this information known only to a few learned...
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    KotS: exploring by room or by area? **spoilers**

    With 4E's move to describing dungeons by area instead of room, I'm curious how DMs reveal encounter areas to their PCs once combat starts: do you lay out the entire encounter area or just what the PCs can reasonably see? I can see how knowledge of the surrounding layout could alter tactics...
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    virtual minis: multiple purchases of same creature?

    Has anything been stated as to whether the purchase of a particular creature "unlocks" that model for unlimited use (so that we can have many instances of a creature in play at one time) or whether the purchase will allow only one instance (requiring multiple purchases for, say, a swarm of...
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    Opinion wanted: playing a cleric using the druid's spell list

    Alas, my beloved Fighter/Rogue is now pushing up the proverbial daisies, and it is time now to create a new character. The concept behind my new character is a heavily nature-focused Cleric. Problem is, the cleric spell list isn't particularly nature oriented, even when choosing the...
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    A question I should already know about touch attacks

    I've got a very low strength wizard I'm creating and had a question about melee touch attacks. Namely, are melee touch attacks keyed off of Strength or Dexterity? I figure the answer is Strength since it's a melee touch attack, but I don't get it conceptually, since I'm merely touching the...
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    Looking for a random weather generator

    Anyone know of a good random weather generator? I'm not looking for software, but rather a regular system using dice. Are there any posted on the web? Thanks, -tRR
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    Battlestar Galactica: Could someone explain Gaius Baltar? **Season 1 spoilers only**

    *** Please only include Season 1 spoilers *** I have recently finished watching season 1 and am really digging the show. However, I don't get Gaius Baltar. Could someone explain his character to me? What is his connection with the cylons? Is he a cylon? What's up with "sexy cylon" always...
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    Hot Pursuit: Determining Obstacles

    I'm looking forward to trying these rules in my campaign! One question: when the rules state that on any driver's turn the first step is to check for obstacles, does that include all npc drivers? In other words, in the example provided should the hobgoblins be making their own obstacle checks...
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    Mage Guild in a low magic setting?

    I am trying to come up with something different for a mage guild in my low-magic campaign world, but I'm stumped. I don't necessarily want the "traditional" fraternal order complete with a ruling council of elders, but I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around anything else. I'd love to hear...
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    What is the minimum level would you play if you were never to gain xp again?

    Assuming you don't know which character class you'll be playing before you choose, what is the minimum character level you'd want you and the rest of your party to be at for the rest of eternity? -tRR
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    Help with finding playmat

    I am trying to find a good gridded play mat for use with my group. Does anyone have any recommendations for one that can be used with dry erase markers? I vaguely remember a product released last year that was a series of smaller mats that could be attached to each other puzzle-style. Anyone...
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    LotR marathon, Dinner and a Movie style

    So, I'm all geared up to host a LotR marathon, and am trying to come up with food ideas, a la Dinner and a Movie on TBS. My thought is to serve three meals, with a movie following each meal. But my creative juices are all dried up at the moment, and would love to hear some ideas from all...
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    [Black Company] Any use for generic campaign?

    I've been reading the threads here about the Black Company Campaign Setting and was wondering about its usefulness for a generic (i.e. non-Black Company) campaign. I've never read the novels and don't really have any desire to do so, but I'm intrigued by the magic system and the grittiness of...
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    Alternity-ish levels of success, complex skill checks, and hit points. Any ideas?

    I admit it: I'm an Alternity freak. Some of the mechanics in Alternity that I'm really keen on are, as the thread title suggests, the ability to achieve one of three success levels on any skill check, the complex skill check resolution, and the stun/wound/mortal hitpoint system. Are there any...
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    the Crusher-Pulaski-Crusher switch

    I'm sitting here watching ST:TNG on "the New TNN" and it is an episode with Dr. Pulaski as Chief Medical Officer. I never really cared much for the Pulaski character, and it appears most people felt the same, for she was only on the show for a season or two before Beverly Crusher returned...
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    looking for tips on drawing angels

    Hi guys, I'm no artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like to draw, mainly with pencils and charcoal. I have a certain fascination with winged creatures, most notably angels. Can anyone here provide me with tips or links to resources that would help me with the drawing of wings...