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Search results

  1. Chaoszero

    Elven ruins adventures?

    I'm looking for a pre-made adventure regardless of edition dealing with the exploration of elven ruins other than Myth Drannor. Any edition of D&D or Pathfinder would be fine.
  2. Chaoszero

    I need a map for Jallarzi's Tower

    There is an old Greyhawk module called "Return of the Eight" and in that module there supposedly are maps for a location called Jallarzi's Tower, or alternatively, the Tower of Terror. Does anyone know where or if a scan of these mas can be found online? I have found a copy of the original...
  3. Chaoszero

    Non-magical weapon augments?

    I have a character in my game who found a magic forge and I told him that if he took extra time he could add little features to the blades he was making. However, I only have a few ideas for non-magical and mostly non-mechanical add-ons: Mirror Shine: The blade is as reflective as a mirror...
  4. Chaoszero

    Panic Room style adventure

    So I'm coming up with a scenario for my adventurers where they will go into a city crawling with undead. The problem - none of the weapons the heroes have can hurt incorporeal creatures. So, the idea is to (1) have them rush into the city, chased by undead, to a magic forge-house where the...
  5. Chaoszero

    Setting-fluff terminology? Simple or Unique?

    I have my own home-brew setting and I take a lot of cues from Tolkien and I am a bit of a language-lover myself. In that vein, I have a lot of racial specific terminology that I put in the wiki for my game. However, a friend of mine says this terminology renders the articles unreadable for all...
  6. Chaoszero

    DnD using Shadowrun mechanics

    I have an idea for an Eberron campaign that focuses less on heroic exploration and more on oppressive story driven film noir. So in order to downplay the desire to "level up" and to keep the characters from growing too powerful for their city setting. I'm going to use the Shadowrun 4E system...
  7. Chaoszero

    Campaing Setting Essential NPCs

    I am trying to make a list of the most important NPCs of my homebrew from a world builder's standpoint. IE - not the characters that the players have so far run into the most; but rather ones I would mention to new players or describe in a setting summary. I got to thinking; What are the most...
  8. Chaoszero

    What is the Population of Waterdeep?

    Neither Waterdeep nor Baldur's Gate have populations listed in the 4e Campaign Guide, and I can't go by the 3e guide as 4e says the populations of both cities have fluxed much. I understand the populations aren't printed to allow the DM to use his initiative and make it up, but I don't know the...
  9. Chaoszero

    A rap song from a badass girl?

    I need a theme song for my newly bada** character. Preferably rap performed by a female. My Eberron group is restarting our game and we're now in the Paragon Tier. My character started as a little half elf wizard girl who was kind of like a cute librarian who didn't like combat. Well, during...
  10. Chaoszero

    d20 Modern Eberron

    My friend is getting tired of swords and sorcery and wants d20 modern. I said I was uninspired by such a prospect, then he says "What if it was set in Eberron?" So here's my plan; set d20 modern (using Urban Arcana) in an Eberron 300-400 years into the future. All modern conveniences are there...
  11. Chaoszero

    Converting DnD 4e to Pathfinder

    I started a 4e game and I really like the story. My players, on the otherhand aren't so fond of 4e (they gave it a year, bless them). So I will continue the plot, but in Pathfinder, but I have a dragonborn and a deva in the party. How should I represent these races in Pathfinder. I dont want to...
  12. Chaoszero

    Emerald Sword Saga in FR. How?

    If any one is familiar with the band Rhapsody of Fire, then they know about the Emerald Sword Saga (if not, go to wikipedia for a summary). How would this be run in a Forgotten Realms setting? The Darklands / Dar-Kunor is the biggest problem. I'm thinking of having them be Chult or the deeper...
  13. Chaoszero

    Should Arcane Archers be for my elves or eladrin?

    First, a little summary of my elfin races, if you will; (I use the 4e rules of the races) Elves - Based on a combination of pictish and apache culture. Elves are a druidic society, mostly using primal power classes and feeling the "breath" of the land to lend them their rage. They are guerrilla...
  14. Chaoszero

    Rules for a Stone-Age campaign

    I'm building a setting set in roughly 5,000 - 4,000 BC europe (exact year is unneeded as it is a fantasy) and I'm coming up with restrictions. Most of these are edition neutral, but it is being held in 4e. I am asking for help with the setting, not the mechanics, if you please. So far - No...
  15. Chaoszero

    Any tips on racial write-ups?

    I'm trying to use the 3e format for racial write ups (personality, religion, lands, etc.) but I'm having serious writer's block. Its not that I don't know the races, but that I'm having trouble with what goes where and whats important enough to include. Is there a breakdown of how they wrote...
  16. Chaoszero

    Tell me about your fey court

    Are there any unique faerie courts out there are all they all like the Court of Stars or whatever seelie/unseelie device Changeling: The Dreaming uses? Does Titania and Oberon reside? What kind of politics come out of your fey court if any? Tell me what you use, if different from the regular...
  17. Chaoszero

    Is Davy Jones from the Pirates movie a god?

    I watched the Pirate of the Caribbean movies for the first time since they were in theaters and noticed that Davy Jones is quite powerful. He can transport himself and his crew from ship to ship. He commands the kraken. He seems to know everything that happens to anyone at sea. He can sentence...
  18. Chaoszero

    Anybody ever played a post apocalypse game?

    I'm thinking about making a new setting and I recently saw an episode of Thundarr the Barbarian and was thinking of making the setting post nuclear war earth. It would sort of be like He-Man where there is lazer guns and such, but mostly swords and sorcery. Has anyone ever done this? I was...
  19. Chaoszero

    Problems with pronunciation

    Has any one ever ran into a player outside (or even inside) you group that pronounces DnD words a little . . . differently? Does drow rhyme with cow or slow? What about the elder of annihilation? Is it the trask? Tarask? Taraskyu? Is it necromatic or necromantic? Are sea devils called...
  20. Chaoszero

    Fiend Folio's Sarkrith redux

    I love the 3e fiend folio and here is my interpretation of one of my FF favorites, the magic hating Sarkrith. It is hard to make monsters that eat magic in 4e, but I think I did well. Let me know what you think.