• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    How useful is DMG2?

    A non-inclusive list of stuff in the DMG2 to love, in no particular order. New crunch in the DMG2 Rules for "companion" characters to accompany your PCs Rules for temporarily adjusting existing PCs to match the level of your existing party. Updated rules for creating solo monsters Rules for...
  2. S

    New Podcast format makes me sad

    You can tell iTunes to convert them (right click on each podcast, there will be an option to convert to iPhone/iPod format). It'll take a while per file though, and apparently you can only select one file at a time to convert (after which the conversion option disappears until it's finished).
  3. S

    The New Red-Box...

    There are 3 master sets planned. The "Dungeon" is planned for release in July, the "City" in October, and the "Wilderness" in December. Each is 10 sheets of dungeon tiles of that specific theme.
  4. S

    accidentally hitting grabber instead of grabbee?

    Yes. AFAIK, there weren't official rules about that in 3E either, just a reduced hit chance. In 4E, enemies provide cover, but your allies do not.
  5. S

    So what are the thoughts on the RPGA?

    It worked for me. I don't think I had any sort of cached login. I just want to echo everyone else here who says that RPGA games are a great way to meet players if you're interested, or to have quick access to reasonably high quality modules if you have a consistent home group. Of course RP...
  6. S

    Vision and Light Question

    Remember, a sunrod is also essentially a 20 square radius "Look, HERE we are!!!" as well.
  7. S

    Goblin Hexer - Stinging Hex

    The compendium will eventually have the MM monsters too, it just doesn't have them yet. That was made clear in the article where they announced the addition of monster stats and stuff from Dungeon/Dragon magazines.
  8. S

    Standing doesn't provoke an OA?

    But you can't shift out from under the hostile orc, for the simple reason that he can't be standing above you in the first place (enemies can only occupy your square if you're helpless). You can however, shift out from under your buddy standing over/by your prone body, perhaps he's providing...
  9. S

    Why are skill challenges "broken"?

    A note, there are new errata posted on the WOTC website here. The DMG errata includes a massive revamp of the DCs for the skill challenge system.
  10. S

    Rogue's Dagger

  11. S

    Is Fey Step really the best racial power?

    You don't use the halfling power to just dodge a normal hit. You use it to dodge the crit, then if the monster still hits you, you've at least avoided the max damage.
  12. S

    Starting characters above 1st level

    It's on page 143 of the DMG, conveniently on the page the TOC lists as Starting at a Higher Level. There is also a nice chart of what level powers to pick.
  13. S

    What happened to "Race Matters"?

    The Warforged racial paragon paths published in Dragon have different roles as prerequisites, the Warforged Juggernaut requires you to be a defender, the Warforged Lifeseeker a controller. In addition, the Warforged article and the new Dragonborn article have both provided additional racial...
  14. S

    AC vs other Defences

    You may be missing the neck slot items that all provide an equivalent boost to the magic pluses of armor. Your ability bumps will also increase your other defenses, go ahead and spend the feat on your weak one, you've plenty of feats to take.
  15. S

    Ioun of True Sight vs Hood of the Wolf...?

    The price difference is a factor of the overall pricing scale of 4e magic. Every 5 levels, the cost of magic items goes up fivefold. The Hood is a upper level paragon item, the Ioun stone a mid-high level epic item. When you're getting to that level, you're bringing in plenty of cash as well.
  16. S

    Ioun of True Sight vs Hood of the Wolf...?

    The Ioun stone allows you to see all invisible creatures instead of just one. In addition, the Hood of the Wolf requires that you target the enemy in the first place, so it's not going to help you if your opponent is already invisible.
  17. S

    Collected Core Handbook Errata

    You're missing the point of this rule. This rule allows you to decide to apply your Hunter's Quarry to the attack roll that was a critical hit, therefore maximizing it with the crit.
  18. S

    Bad Guys, Initiative, and Ready

    One thing to consider when playing readying tricks like that is that it's possible that the PCs will somehow prevent the second monster from reaching that flanking position, in which case the first monster's readied attack never goes off either (due to a lack of a trigger).
  19. S

    Artificer Up (Playtest Version, not Final)

    You wield a hand crossbow in one hand and your implement in the other :p Or more seriously, it's probably an error, ignore the part about needing a ranged weapon, the power doesn't do [W] damage anywhere.
  20. S

    Dragon article -- Class Acts: Wizards

    http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drtoc/364 The full PDF is linked from the large image at the top of the TOC.