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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 1


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"My name's Cassandra. We're all like you here; mutants. This was intended to be a rescue operation, not a pitched battle to escape. Now that we're clear though, we have a few options to offer you as far as what comes next. Unfortunately, none of those options are 'return to your normal life.' On the other hand, it's not all bad either. And...I figure you have a ton of questions for us too...so maybe we should start with that. Want to come up and join the rest of us?"

Luara looks up to Cassandra, while rubbing her cold numbed hand. "Interesting to give a choice, although I feel like I don't have one, with the what not of being surrounded by strangers that seem to have been spying on me for a while. On the other hand I never really had a normal life, as everyone in this van could probably attest to the same thing." she pauses for a moment. "It is probably best if 'our kind' sticks together instead of always running, and as for the questions, I'll ask when it feels like we're not on the run for our lives." she gives a little chuckle. "Maybe there's a secret hidden bug planted in here, seeing how everyone is after me."

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Cassandra shook her head.

"It's complicated," she admitted. "But you do have a choice. More than you think. As for us, we haven't been spying on you. Everything we know about you we were told by an organization that has been, but..." she sighs. "Like I say, it's complicated. To be honest, we have no idea why everyone's so interested in you. Come on, lets head back up to the others and we can discuss all this."


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Laura nods her head in understanding. "Life is complicated ... Oh and please forgive me, even if you probably already know it, it is rude not for proper introduction. My name is Laura." she says with a smile.


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Terry Quinlan, The Grid

Terry kept quiet for most of the trip to the airport. Having been stymied in the hacking department, even with his mutant abilities to bolster his training, had him on edge. He focused his attention on trying to catch any surveillance before it saw them, then sweet-talking anything into politely turning its attention away from the group.

As Laura rejoined the group and officially introduced herself, Terry, having already had his 'maybe you could give us some static?' discussion with any surveillance in the airplane, gave a wave and smile to Laura.

"I'm Terry," he said. "Sorry about giving you a scare earlier, but my ... talents were the only ones that could get past your other little friends to give you a heads up on Felix."


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Felix produced an awkward, stressed mer when Terry blathered his real name: he was planning on explaining things to Laura after they had landed, but then terry had to go and blow that idea by blathering his real name before he could.
he let out an annoyed meow before pulling himself onto the armrest of his abandoned chair and then propped himself up on its back before yapping off one more, moderately loud annoyed mow and pawing out the time out jester.
His hairs were raised and he was obviously annoyed as he shot Terry a glare before he twisted back down and very briefly sat on the armrest before turning his gaze his cloths he gave a sigh and then began expediently pawing them into a roll and then picking them up between his left forelimb and chin before swiftly making his to the plans diminutive restroom, he nudged the middle of the door with his head and the door buckle inwards, he leaned back and up while also siting down, took his right paw and pushed the door to the side, it bucked the rest of the way and then was properly open.
He scampered inside before quickly closing the door and locking it, a brief tussling sound escaped the compartment before the door unlocked and opened again.

Felix zipped out, dressed and a bit in shambles, made his way back to Laura.
he was again a mere three foot one, fuzzy, and tailed, he looked to her briefly before his gaze darted about for a moment, he then sighed and then looked her in the eye. “Well, the cat is out of the bag, my name is not actually David, it’s Felix, Felix Vontell Jaeger. But I assure you the deception was not to meant as any kind of betrayal to you, it’s just that I did not want to complicate thing and having a thirty three year old ID with my apparent age is a needless compaction.” He stated flatly, while giving a brief pause and continued “as I’m sure you’ve noticed my ability gos beyond simply turning into an extra-large hose cat, to sum it all up, I’m a Ailuranthrope, a werecat. With all that comes with it, shapeshifting, regenerative ability, longer life span, thus why I still look like a younger teen… and a silver allergy. As you might assume, the ‘myth’ of werewolfs was based more on fact then I’d like. However, I can’t ‘Infect people with the curse by biting them’” he said, making quotation marks with his fingers while commenting on the curse pare before continuing onwards “that part is purely a myth, as is the whole moon foo-ha though it has been a bit of a running gage the family allowed to go on for centuries… if you don’t change in plain sight the full moon people don’t assume you have Lycanthropy , or any other kind of Therianthropy for that matter.” Felix commented onwards before finishing with a chirp “anything you would like to ask now?”

Felix’s ears perked up as did his tail as it flicked to and fro in anticipation.
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Laura watches in shock as Felix explains his story. "So your real name is Felix." she says while eyeing his small stature up and down. "Well it suits you." she turns to Cassandra, while pointing her thumb in Felix's direction. "Him not stating his real name while trying to become my friend isn't spying, I don't know what is then." she states with a smile. She turns back to Felix"Why didn't you state your real name at the start, you were you just pulling off the 'frog in hot water' trick, which I understand. I probably would have panicked if you told me everything at the start, but not telling me your name, why?"

Voda Vosa

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"Standard protocol I'm afraid." interrupts Vittorio. "My name is Uomo Nascosto, superior of Felix. Agent Vontell was instructed to do so. You need to understand he might have ran into deadly danger if his identity was revealed before the time was right; his affiliation with the company is no secret and as such it would have not been tolerated. The agent was instructed to keep an eye on you, in case the government rushed their operation, and we couldn't reach you in time. More of a secret bodyguard than a spy, if you will." the curpulent man stands, walks to Laura an places a hand firmly on her right shoulder.
"Look Miss Laura, I will explain to you our current situation, so you can judge what would you like to do, so smart up and listen." retrieving his hand, he motions whoever is standing to sit down. They were on a plane after all.
"We" he motions to the assosiates to Gryphon Co. "Are working for the Gryphon corporation, and they" he motions to Drake only assosiates. "For Mister Drake. Regardless, both organizations believe that a mutant terrorist group is on the move for a big hit. We are speaking of bad news, thousands of people dead, explosions, horror, tragedy. You get the picture. Needless to say, we ain't gonna stand arms crossed and do nothing about that; call it bad press for mutants , humanitarian sense, whatever you like." Uomo smiles broadly
"The gang and I, we decided to play the bad guys, and infiltrate in the terrorist organization. Piece o' cake for this old timer, though the fact of having these new assets with me surely caught their attention fair and square! Hah!" after a very mafia moment, Uomo gets more serious.
"Their plans are still not clear to us yet, but they desperately need you for something, otherwise why would they care for you in particular when there's so many other mutants in distress worldwide, right? Thing is, we are sent to Brazil and end up rescuing you. Now this is a cornerstone, a moment to take a course of action. Your choices were pretty clear to me: Join the terrorist group, join our organization, join no one and walk away from this conflict. But then the winged woman shows up, so we now have a third party in this mess; we can use it if you pick option number 2, or you can also go with her." Uomo makes a gesture, and then shuffles into his trenchcoat again. This time producing a cigar. "Bad habit, kills you slowly, ye'know" he says and grins. The 'no smoking' sign, however, makes it a short lived smile. He pockets the cigar.


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Laura sits still and stays silent for a moment. Having a serious look, twirling her hair to think about her options. After much given time; she looks to the big Mafia man Uomo, and decides with a firm structure. "You've sent a bodyguard to protect me, and then rescue me since everyone seems after me. ... If it is all right, I'd like to join your group, your organization, whatever you need me for. It is the least I can do, and it's better then walking away and doing nothing about it while people are suffering." She gives a quick and short nod of the head.
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‘Why is he using my middle name?’ Felix though awkwardly for a moment with his left ear lowered as the two conversed before chiming in while reaching into his pocket “Because if I said my name was Felix and I used any of these…” he started after taking out his wallet from his pocket and pulling out a ID a debit card, and three credit cards, all to the name of David Fletcher, before replacing them and continuing “I’d be rather suspicious, also if anyone overheard us talking and you called me Felix, it would be an immediate red flag. Even if I told you not to use my real name in public, overall, it was just a needless risk.” Felix ended while rubbing the back of his head. ‘That I’m associated with Gryphon corp is about as secret as my name itself… I'm am, was, off the radar and of no interest...’ he pounded onwards in his head. Yet he quickly found himself scratching behind his ear and then leaning into his hand. He quickly stopped, gave an embarrassed smirk and then got back to the notepad he was sawing through on the floor, flipped though the last few pages before flipping strait back to the first, taking the provided pen, and blitzing through.

Walking Dad

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"In this case, welcome to the team! Good to be not the only newbie around, as I was only recently recruited, too."
Frost says cheerful. The first mission seemed to be a success.
Only a tiny bit in his brain wonders if Uomo would have really accepted another answer from Laura.




HP 1

conditions: normal

TOUGHNESS 13 (13 Impervious)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)


Voidrunner's Codex

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