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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 3)


First Post
I believe we have the claims resolved, and can now continue with the IR.

Here are the claims.

The United Commonwealth of Toril: Reprisal
The Church of Toril: Alyx
The Church of Mercy: Creamsteak
The Republic of Selune: Uvenelei
The Scro Star League: Festy Dog
The Nations of the Chosen of Mystra: Kaboom
The Eternal Empire of Toril: Tokiwong
The Veiled Alliance of Athas: GnomeWorks
The Immortals of Mystara: 'o Skoteinos
Mina and the Knights of Neraka: Anabstercorian
The Unseelie: Sollir
Rajaat and his Champions: The DM
The Church of Shade: Melkor

Unless someone disputes this quickly, I consider these claims finalized.

I will adjust the Lists for the claims accordingly, finalize the Lists, then post them.

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First Post
Answers, rulings, and comments on posts


<< Ilsensine! You have always guided me, and I have always followed your will. Oh great brain! Oh, infinite mind! I beseech you, in your endless intelligence, grant me and my select chosen the right to enter Common Ground, the meetingground of the gods! For our power is like unto that of the lesser gods, this cannot be denied, yet we find ourselves thrust against powers we cannot stand against. Let us speak, and prevent us from violence, oh indomitable will! >>


Ilsensine's Avatar appears in Anabstercorian's mind, and speaks:

The illithid are among the greatest of all who think, and even the United Commonwealth of Toril acknowledges this.
You are among the greatest of illithid, Anabstercorian.
Do you profess to be less than you are?
Do you profess to be less intelligent than you were made to be?
Do you proclaim yourself less wise than you have learned to be?

I must rebuke you, Anabstercorian, for your lack of self esteem, lack of trust in yourself, lack of faith in your own abilities, and lack of belief that your intellect can solve any problem that you face.
As I speak these words, a human by the name of Hazen is overcoming the Dark Powers.
A human.
Do you profess to tell me, Ilsensine, that you are less capable than the race of humanity?

Ilsensine shrugs:

If the Dark Powers entrap you, you will find the key to freedom.
The Dark Powers are very great, but the conscious, thinking mind, is greater and stronger than they.

Ilsensine smiles at Anabstercorian, then disappears.

- - -

Mr. Draco

Well, I'm working on my speech for the Torillian Reporters. One quick question (the cornerstone of the speech relies on your answer) has Kas completed the Cydian Metamorphoses?

RULING: Yes, he has. The reporters are curious about that, too.

- - -

Sollir Furryfoot

Hrm, my post didn't seem to go earlier. Anyways:

Melkor, E-mail me exactly what is your red army project, if it isn't what I think it is (simply converting people to the red goo and setting it free with negative energy).
Tokiwong, expect an email tomorrow probably.
Waiting on the reply from the Lich Queen...

ANSWER: Sollir, my pardons. I did not realize you had asked her a question. Can you repeat your question on these boards?

- - -

William Ronald

A Light in the Darkness

Hazen also adds this statement:

(rest of article deleted)


You won, William. Hazen overcame the Dark Powers, and came back to himself. He gained many levels and much internal strength in so doing.
There aren't many beings that have ever accomplished what Hazen just did.
If you are pulled into Ravenloft, I do believe the Kevellond League stands, perhaps, the best chance of not only surviving, but becoming Ravenloft's first ever Good Domain.

- - -


World Forum

Mitsurugi watches the chaos with glee, his eyes narrowing upon the Humanoid party… he leaps down his blade not drawn until he lands behind his foes… as he attempts to cover the escape of his fellows, the dignitaries and emissaries of the Eternal Empire… once escape is secured he will follow with the use of their own 11th level magic to escape the World Forum leaving behind the chaos… with a smile…

ANSWER: I would daresay the Dark Powers are also watching the World Forum with glee ... Melkor, you just killed the Speaker of the Humanoid League. Your NPC swept his head off with one good swipe of his sword.
Mitsurugi is not able to escape THAT easily!
It would appear someone has thrown up 11th level barriers all around the World Forum, to prevent anyone from escaping.
Who is doing this?
Well now ... the Chosen of Mystra (run by Kaboom) appear to have involved themselves in this little fracas ...

Iuz and the press…
Iuz reclines in his crimson throne Talindra seated by his side on a similar yet smaller throne…
Talindra watches the reporter enter after their tour of the grounds of Chorazin, a floating city in the Plane of Elemental Fire. The city is a splendor of crimson marble and walls that twinkle with flame… The press is show the highest esteem and their needs are seen to at all times… murals décor the walls of the exploits of the Pantheon of Darkness… especially Iuz, Master of the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness…
The reporters seat themselves and prepare for the interview, Iuz smiles reclining in his throne, and speaks softly, “I hope the tour was pleasant… and I trust the attentions of the various ladies of my court were to your liking… I, am Iuz, Master of the Glowing Darkness… a deity of Life, Change, and Conflict. I would like to extend a hand of greeting to you, I am very much honored by this occasion, to speak with the press.”

ANSWER: The press listens respectfully to this well-mannered, dignified demipower from the world of Oerth. They are very impressed by Iuz.

Talindra smiles as well, as Iuz continues, “The world is lurching towards conflict once more, I am sure you are of the bloody fighting brewing in the World Forum, born of words said in truth. It is no secret that I feel that Forrester should be punished for his actions… you may ask how can I, the harbinger of destruction be so hypocritical? I did what I had to do out of love… love for a world that I was willing to die for… I took upon me the host of the Red Scourge in my ignorance I felt that such an action would unite Oerth in a single devastating strike against a foe that threatened to consume all… I was as I said ignorant of the power and the majesty that is the Red Scourge… nor was I prepared for the actions of Forrester and his frank callousness to condemn a world to utter destruction…”
Talindra added in, “But condemn he did…” she continues, “but in that act of villainy milord was enlightened… and he plumbed the secrets of the Red Scourge… he delved into its majesty… and incorporated its voice… its vision… we shall give it shape… we shall mold the Red Scourge into a weapon to prevent such destruction from ever coming to pass to this world…”
Iuz nodded, “What is the Red Scourge, it is as I have said before… the rage of a world suffering in pain… in agony from an oppression of powers that wish to keep the people from their divine destiny. It is our birthright, Oerth’s gift to her children… a gift can be used for both acts of creation and acts of massive destruction… many call me a villain, a demon, and worse, I am all those things, and more. The Pantheon of Glowing Darkness seeks to elevate all life to a state beyond the normal ken… we seek to spread our message and bring the glory to all beings… and free them from the oppression of their masters…”
The reporter nodded somewhat puzzled by the words as Iuz continued

ANSWER: They are not puzzled. They are, however, very attentive.

“Pain is a weakness of the flesh… suffering a weakness of the state… and death a weakness of the spirit… I shall make them distant memories… you ask if I am a villain… I am a villain of the worst type for I seek to have all peoples free… to seek the path… and open their minds to the majesty of the Glowing Darkness… that is my goal, freedom. Freedom from this suffering, and the enlightenment exists in the mystery of the Red Scourge. Its pranas and koans of pain and suffering hide the kernel of peace that so many have longed for… before I can begin the Golden Path before… I can eliminate these weaknesses I must first destroy the old order…”

The reporter nodded and turned to Lady Talindra, “And what is your place in this Pantheon milady?”

Talindra smiled almost wickedly, “I am his Empress… I am his confidant…” she smiled sweetly,
“I support my husband, my lord, and my master. He has the brunt of many nations against him, for Freedom and the dissolution of corrupt orders is never a popular stance… but I believe in his words… and his actions…” she touches his arm lightly, “he will bring a new age to the infinite worlds…”

The reporter nodded and looked to Iuz, “And Milord… reports have come in that there is a tenuous alliance between your own power and that of the Eternal Empire of Toril… what do you have to say to that?”

Iuz smiled, “The tenuous alliance is strong, we have like philosophies and they have impressed me with their culture and their dedication to bring Forrester to justice. I have been so impressed that our alliance has strengthened immensely, and I hope it shall continue. Even now temples have begun to appear in their lands… I am much pleased about this…”


The Reporter asks: Lord Iuz, Lady Talindra, what would you say to Erika Lesage if she were here now?
Would you ally with the United Commonwealth?
What are your plans for Realmspace?
Do you have any plans concerning Krynnspace?
What is your reaction to the news of the alliance of Melkor and Rajaat?

- - -


I'm so flattered!
You guys just can't stop talking about me! I blush.
I'd step back in and correct Edena's RP'ing of the Humanoids -- he's doing a horrible job -- but things are just too silly.


Well then, Forrester, you should play them! After all, you are the one who made the humanoids legendary! :)
Heh, my job is horrible, eh? Oh well ... :D
I could have had the humanoids denounce Forrester as a criminal too, eagerly brownnosing before the elves and others who want Forrester brought to justice, slavishly stating how well they would cooperate in the hunt for their hero ...

I will say two things:

1) About ten thousand twenty-megaton bombs were used against the Elder Gods and the Red Army. They don't seem to have harmed Oerth in the least, of course, because nobody speaks of them. How nice!

2) On the other hand, some sun-stuff gets thrown at the Red Army, destroying their 100,000PL-ness, and somehow Forrester is to blame. Riiiiiiight. And somehow, I managed to kill a bunch of other armies and a bunch of Angels (who are immune from twenty-megaton nukes, I also hurry to point out.) I also must remind you that it was Edena, not I, who insisted after the fact that this attack somehow tore Oerth apart beyond the repair of 11th level magic.
Because if 11th level magic could repair all the damage, this really wouldn't be an issue, would it?

ANSWER: I never said Oerth was beyond repair by 11th level magic. I have repeatedly said it could be repaired by 11th level magic. Of course, these repairs need to be done uninterrupted by attacks - and I do believe Melkor, Rajaat, and some others intend to do a wee bit of attacking on Turn 7.
Heh, and I the DM never blamed you Forrester.
I have defended Forrester the PC, when pretty much everyone else has attacked him. That is my job.
And yeah, I'm the one who ruled the bombardment tore Oerth apart.

Carry on. I have little doubt that it is Edena's goal to reduce the Humanoids to the savages that they originally were, not to mention knock them back into the rubble. Have at them.


Well, they can do that, of course. But I have made it clear, time and again, what hate, anger, and fear leads to.
They can smash the Humanoid State, execute the humanoid emissaries - hey, they can do anything they want.
But there is always a price for deeds done. Always.

The Dark Powers are not interested in excuses, justifications, or rationalizations (or, for that matter, even legitimate reasons.)
They only look at deeds.

- - -


Hi, Forrester:

(rest of article deleted)


Thank you for the support, William.
I am not biased against Forrester.
I am not biased against anyone.
However, I reserve the right to put everyone through the wringer. Such is my fate, as DM, to do evil things to my hapless players ...

- - -


Hey Forrester,

(article partly deleted)

I won't beg you to come back into an IR that continues to present new and impossible opponents constantly for the sake of "entertainment." I just want you back here because the excuses for why Forrester is gone are fake. They don't seem real, they don't have a feel to them. They are fake. They are not the IR. They are not the story.

You understand what I mean? Filling in a Plot hole is an anti-motivation factor.

Get back, send in a template, and post once per thread. Thats not difficult. Ignore the nuisance if you want. Hell, post as if you are ignoring everything that is happening if you don't agree with it. Just say what ever the hell you think you should say.


Edena: "Toril is being burned by the Union of Oerth and there new ally: The entire multi-verse!"

Forrester: "Sitting down at a table eating brunch with Anabster and using the recently enslaved Elf, Sanctus Punitor's, bones as a spoon."

Am I coherent? Hell I don't know.


Heh. So, you think I am throwing new and impossible opponents at you, just for entertainment purposes?
And you think my story for how Forrester departed is empty and hollow, eh?

Hmmm ... I can rule that Forrester is still around. I can rule that he is arrested, chained up, dragged before the Supreme Court of the UC, brought up on charges of atrocities and war-crimes.
But I won't.
I won't rule any such thing.
If you people want to go after Forrester, hunt him down, and capture him, as if he were a criminal, you do that on your time. Not mine.

As for my new and impossible opponents ...
You don't think I'm going to leave you in peace, do you?
You don't think I'm going to leave you alone, do you?
I must be the annoying, aggravating, unreasonable, and impossible DM. Such is my fate.

For what it's worth, I have let you (and all the others except William) off easy, so far.
I do not think Melkor will do so, if he wins this IR.
If Melkor wins this IR, and he just might - I am totally neutral on the matter - then he will teach you a new definition of the words unreasonable and impossible.

- - -

Mr. Draco

That would be nice. Well, would the entire multi-verse like to ally with the Union of Oerth? Somehow i don't think so...

ANSWER: You never know, Mr. Draco.

- - -

William Ronald

Mr. Draco:

Has the Union rid itself of all Red Steel? If people work together to heal Oerth, we can keep this IR from going to Ravenloft. The fate of the IR depends on its players.

ANSWER: The Union of Oerth has rid itself of it's Red Goo and Red Steel, yes.
But it has not rid itself of the dragons and trolls produced with the help of the Red Goo.

- - -

Mr. Draco

William: the union rid itself of all red steel, and any part of our armies that was created/maintained with red steel

ANSWER: Ah. Ok. You have done so. The Red Goo Rating of the Union of Oerth falls to 0.

- - -


OOC- Well since we don't even get to open our own conference and have the entire point of holding it in an interlude removed I may as well make the best of it. (Weapons are confiscated at the door. The entire conference room is under an antimagic shell. May not mess with Demigods or greater but at least it will stop some mass death.)
(If we can hold this place on Common Ground we will do so, they have the funny feeling only Gods can actually get there. Hmm some of the PCs have a measure of divinity (Chosen,Avatars and Gods).)
Kalanyr stands, a golden glow shining from him and a sense of hope radiating from him in all directions. He stands and bows to all in attendace.

"Welcome, representatives and media personal of Athas, Dreipner, Mystara, Krynn, Oerth, Toril, The Astral Plane and other places throughout the Multiverse. to this Conference. It gives me great honour to formally open this conference to all.
Feel free to ask questions and settle important issues that is the reason why the Coalition of Light and Shadow and the People of Ishtarland have decided to hold this meeting.
Key topics that I suggest people pay attention to is the Blight known as Red Goo and the baneful attentions of the Mists of Ravenloft.
It is my belief that as Red Goo is an unnatural corruption of the worlds brought on by the hatred and death that was wrought it should be cleansed as soon as possible and I will be doing everything in my power to see to it.
We have all heard of Ravenloft and the baneful beings who rule it the Dark Powers, however it is my theory the Dark Powers are similar to the Red Goo and the fiends they are merely the hatred, darkness and evil inside all beings, while such things persist they cannot be defeated but if steps were taken against such hatred they would be weakened.
That is the reason for this meeting to resolve our conflicts without pulling us all into Ravenloft or strengthening the scourge that is the red goo."

Kalabyr resumes his seat and waits for others to speak.

(great part of article deleted)

OOC - (When this conference is going to close could you give me 24 hours notice if possible Edena, I have something In Character to do just before it closes.)


Will do, Kalanyr. And no, it cannot take place in Common Ground. It can take place on Oerth, and that is where is taking place.

- - -



With a swift stroke, Angelika removes the dust from her robe. "You see, my friends, what we have done here can be done on a much larger scale. Remember what happened to our homes? Remember how they looked only a little while ago? Oerth hasn't abandoned us. Oerth has helped us, even though it is in pain. Oerth noticed us. Oerth gave us strenght. Oerth gave it's blood, which made us survive."

ANSWER: That is true, literally.

With small steps she walks up to an altar, covered with bushes, overgrown by green.
Flowers bloomish, animals cuddle their young. Humanoids of every kind follow Angelika as she steps up to the altar, and they wait when she turns around to speak to them again.

"Our ally, Hazen, is in trouble. He is in pain, in pain with himself. There is nothing we can do to help him at this point, nothing. He must do what is good, what is right. And he must do this alone. The only thing we can do, is pray. Pray that he does the thing his hart tells him to. Pray that he doesn't think what he should do, yet sense it. I trust him. Now, let us pray."

ANSWER: And he triumphed. Hazen, triumphed.

Angelika starts the prayer, her people following her as she speaks. Angelika knows Hazen is in deeper than she has said, and he might not be able to get back. She shivers as she thinks of what could happen to the powers of good if even Hazen can not resist the force of evil. She shakes her head, reopening her eyes.

"Now my people, go back to your jobs. We shall soon make our move. It is now my task to speak to the world, and I shall do this soon. But this isn't my first priority. Go now, I will soon inform you on what we will do.
As her people move back from the altar, Angelika walks towards her chambers.

"So, you are sure you're taking this step?"
"Yes, I have to. I hope you and your army can help me. My own people will not be able to resist it. I already sense the fear in them, they doubt my words. I need proof. I need to show that my words aren't just words. I will go soon. I cannot order you to follow me, as I will not force anyone into a possible death."
"We shall follow you Angelika. We have chosen to follow you before, we shall do it again.
I sense your worries for your people, for Oerth. It is true. The Angels shall follow. We will equip ourselves soon. Have you spoken to your people about this?"
"Not yet. They don't know what my plans are, yet they might have a clue. I mustn't delay to much. They must be moved from this place, as it doesn't seem safe anymore. They will be safe in our hiding worlds. I do believe in Oerth, yet I do not trust everyone on it.
Oerth must be cleansed and that is what we shall do. I will only need you and my mages, who indeed know what's going on."
"Alright Angelika, you have made your choice. I will inform the rest of my kind. We will be ready to move out when you are."
"Good. Now, I must speak to the press. They are waiting in the darkness. I shall enlighten them. May the light shine on you!"

ANSWER: The DM is rather curious as to what Venus is going to spring on everyone also ...

(The DM chuckles, sadly.)

A lot of very kindly, nice posts about me up there, folks.
Hmmm ... such friendliness is a real inspiration for me to carry on, deal with the pressure, issue fair rulings, try to enable people to have fun.
A real inspiration.

(The DM regards everyone)

In 72 hours from now, Turn 7 starts.
If you have questions about the Attack/Defense rules, ask them on the boards, and read the answers.
Learn the Attack/Defense rules if you wish to survive.

I am breaking my own rules for the sake of Dagger and Zelda, who alone among all of you do not have 11th level magic.
They do now.

Mind you, there is NO escape from a Coup de Grace.
It does not matter where your Power has gone, what it has done, or how it could have somehow survived.
If you are the subject of a 100 percent kill in a Coup de Grace, you have only one remaining option:

Get down on your knees IC, and beg for mercy from the victorious enemy, for your Player Character.
Or spit, IC, in that enemy's face, and defy him or her to the bitter end.
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Thanks Edena.

For what its worth I think you have done an excellent job with this IR considering what you have to deal with. I may disagree on some points but thats to be expected since it would be a very boring world if we all agreed on everything.


First Post
The Reporter asks: Lord Iuz, Lady Talindra, what would you say to Erika Lesage if she were here now?
Would you ally with the United Commonwealth?
What are your plans for Realmspace?
Do you have any plans concerning Krynnspace?
What is your reaction to the news of the alliance of Melkor and Rajaat?

Iuz thinks for a moment, "I would tell Lady Lesage that she has nthing to fear from me... she should instead focus on her own plights... the UC is coming apart... though her statement about Drawing a line that I shall not cross... has in a word insulted me... but I digress."

Talindra smiles, "We shall not ally with the United Commonwealth they have made it quite clear what they think of Oerthians and Iuz in particular..."

"As far as Realmspace is concerned," Iuz thinks for a moment, "or any other space, once Oerth is made whole once more then the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness shall begin the crusade across the infinite worlds... it shall be the beginning of a New Era..."

Talindra nodded and continued, "As far as Rajaat is concerened he is t the moment a wildcard... we shall see where he stands in time... although his dedication to elimnate all non-humans is slightly troubling... but no less then others who wish to wipe out all things friend and foe alike..."


First Post
For Freedom and Peace

Walking up the stairs of the nondescript building, the hobgoblin saw, from the corner of her eye, a patrol of armoured elves rushing towards the parliament building of the United Commonwealth. She smiled smugly as she mused on the consequences of what had happened and the benefits she might derive from it. Her master was extremely generous to successful servants and some credit of the elevated tensions within the councils of the commonwealth could surely be put at her feet.
After exchanging a few words with the guard at the door she entered and was escorted through a long corridor to an exotically decorated office. Weapons and grisly trophies of battle lined the walls, shrunken heads of elves and humans, torn banners of ancient armies. A maginficent piece of mithril plate mail with a large gaping hole in the chest was positioned to attract attention but dominating the room was a large table made entirely from polished bones. The three impeccably dressed humanoids sitting behind that table seemed almost out of place in those savage surroundings.
She bowed her head in a gesture of respect and said to the large orc she knew to be one of the most prominent members of the separatists:
"Once again you honour me by meeting me in person and once again my pride in my humanoid heritage soars by seeing your strength and wisdom. Your cunning and determination is bringing our plans to fruition and soon the humanoids of Toril will be free once again in their own nation. The time for justice is approaching.
There are two ways in which you can achieve independence for your people. One by rebellion, the other by referendum. I know you are still considering both options, there are advantages and dangers with both, but since the public oppinion amongst your people is shifting in your favour my master advices you to choose to demand a referendum for the humanoid population to determine their freedom or continued subservience under lesser beings. A war at this time could easily grow out of control and the consequences are impossible to predict. If the referendum fails the voilent option will still be available. Regardless of the means you choose for achieving independence you will have the continued support of my master. We'll contribute considerable funds to finance your operations and will stand by your side as allies if you so desire. Until then we will continue to keep our cooperation secret."


At the same time the God Emperor invites the most serious and well renouned newsagencies and reporters to an exclusive pressconference.
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First Post
Silver Phase is also present at the conference. His voice has gained a metallic rasp to it, and his movements are even more graceful and ordered than usual. Other than that he is just his normal self concealed under the usual heavy black cloak.

"The issue staring us in the face is being dragged into Ravenloft, this I see as the most important issue namely because by bringing up copious amounts of Oerth blood with eleventh level magic the foul blasphemy of red goo can be easily eradicated. As of late we have no possible idea how to counter the Touches and the eventual dragging of everyone and everything into darkness.

That's why I find this Ravenloft problem the major issue here and I suggest we try to focus on this so that we're still around to easily counter red goo.

Also, violence at this stage in things seems completely pointless, entity's inability to die make fighting redundant to achieve any purpose. This conference is an excellant chance to sit down and throw ideas at how to slow, stop, or if we're lucky reverse what has happened in recent times.

An idea which has crossed my mind is maybe finding the source of our fall into darkness and removing that. That idea is incredibly general but information can build onto that either to clarify it more or adjust it to an idea more suiting. If we can find a peaceful solution we would most certainly have no worries.

Also I have another idea, to research and locate the essence of that which makes someone happy. The, how can I say it, pure extract of the emotion happiness, not only that but mixed with other positive emotions and releasing it as a kind of 'counter-mist' may work wonders for Oerth and its fellow sufferers. Combined efforts may make that idea possible.

In the end but, these ideas are very fickle and all they are is just ideas. Things that have richocheted about in my head for a moment. I really feel the need to hear the theories of others as to what exactly the mist is, if we know what it is exactly we could define a defense in opposition to it, and more importantly, ideas or theories on how to get rid of it. I believe that no idea could possibly be not worth a look over at a time like this."

For a second one of his small hands comes out of a sleeve. It appears to be made of mithril coated with some kind of fluid. Tiny pistons and joints in motion are seen under small mithril plates as his hand moves, but as soon as it appears it is gone again.
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First Post
Meeting Point

Anfaren, cleric of the shattered Lendore Isles, begs to take the floor. Quickly he flashes a smile at the many delegates attendant at this meeting, the first in what feels like a great, long while.

'I am afraid Jand is... indisposed at the moment.' Anfaren begins. He coughs lightly, scans his notes, and then looks directly at the cameras set up by the press.

'Many of us have seen our world shattered about us, friends and loved ones die by the dozens, hundreds, and millions. I think that it is safe to say that we have seen firsthand destruction unparallel to any that has occurred to Oerth before now. Certainly it beggars before it the minor conflicts and squabbles that have occurred before this all began.

'Why has this happened? Even before the gnomes began to tinker with this tool we now all hold, technology, some of us at least had the kind of power that we have seen unleashed in recent times. But despite this, we stood still, in a sort of permanent game of waiting. Why is it that the "red goo" is a strictly modern phenomenon? There were times on our world when enough hate existed to summon it into being, if only it was given a slight nudge. Yet it was never born fully.

'Once, great kingdoms warred over Oerth. They too had the power to do much more then they ever did. Yet they never threw the sun's power against the world, nor invented world-devastating magiks of like nature. They were not limited by knowledge! After all, have not much our current knowledge of magic come from the remains of civilization they left behind?

'So why is it that now is a time when we need not worry only for our own kingdoms, but for the very planet upon which we stand today?

'My explanation is resident in one word; indifference. Some of those among us here would not shed a single tear for a million lives, and would burn a world just to hear the screams. Never mind that there would be no one left to scream afterward -- let the future deal with itself.

'Vecna would laugh at many of you if he saw us now. He knew that the ultimate power is that of control. Destruction is temporary and irreversible. It is the tool of the weak.

'But I have not come to speak only with you of evil intent. What I say next is aimed at us all, including Jand and myself.

‘Ponder carefully every choice you make. Consider whether the end justifies the means. Destroying those that are against you means absolutely nothing if the world is shattered as well.

‘Thank you.’
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First Post
Welcome to "Chateau de Sol" everybody

The members of the Torilian press relax, finally at ease with the infamous criminal Anabstercorian. It's hard for them to connect this charming, friendly example of the Illithid species with the murderer of the entire Eternal Empire field army. As they lounge on comfortable couches in the sun room, a huge translucent dome filtering the light of the sun to a manageably searing intensity, Anabstercorian hovers in front of them, crosslegged, dressed in a long, flowing robe of purple silk that hangs limp from his body.

(Bold is the press, underlined is Anabstercorian.)


Please, call me Ab.

Ab, then. Ab, what is your opinion on "The Forrester Controversy" as it's being called?

I supported Forrester in his decision to break the Oerthian defenses and bombard the Red Army with stellar plasma, and I will support him now. We are not allies, he and I - Many of our goals are mutually exclusive. Despite this, we have often worked together on projects of import - The destruction of Vecna, for example.

You were involved in that, weren't you?

Yes, but only as a supporting role - Forrester deserves the lions share of the credit, as well as good old Sauron. How is Sauron?


An Illithid assassin, formerly in the employ of the Shade. I used him as a decoy in the debacle with the Eternal Empire, who have now, predictably enough, become the pawns of Iuz.

The Eternal Empire isn't going to appreciate that comment.

(Laughs) You people think I'm dangerous? I'm a puppy compared to Iuz. At any rate, what other questions do you have?

What's with your recruitment campaign?

(Hesitates for a moment, collecting his thoughts) Illithid are firm believers in reincarnation. Most souls will, overtime, escape the prison of the afterlife and move on to another travel through life. Our experiments seem to confirm this, but of course cosmological phenomena are always manipulated by belief, so our experiments are ultimately void.
What I am doing is offering the various thrall species a chance to accelerate that process of reincarnation, which ends, ultimately, in reincarnation in to the One Race, the Illithid. We're giving you all a chance to skip the millions of deaths and reincarnations involved in the process. In fact, you've already interviewed Alex, our first convert, haven't you?

That's true. It was a very interesting conversation.

Then you likely know the details of the process - But I'll repeat them anyway. It begins as a normal act of ceremorphosis - The larvae eating its way in to the victims skull, devouring the brain and whatnot, and metamorphosing the body in to an Illithid form. However, thanks to my experiments in psionic manipulation, I've altered the process. Rather than destroying the mind of the host, the mind of the larva and the host merge in to a gestalt whole, something with the past of both, but more future than either could have alone. Enhanced intelligence, strength, agility, and health - The boons of an altered state.

But I doubt many of your potential recruits appreciate the brain eating...

I'm working hard on phasing that out. Now that my allies have the secrets of 11th level magic, it is within our power to give ourselves the boons of the Neo-Illithid, living on thoughts alone.

That's very ambitious.

Yes. But I intend to succeed.

What's this about you intending to transform people against their will?

I do not intend to do any such thing. I have the advantage here - I'm going to live nearly forever, and I'm right. You're all bright people, you'll realize I'm right eventually, and then you'll come to me. Dragging you to the right path would only destroy it.

That's rather enlightened of you.

I like to think so.

Also, your book, The Illustrated History of the Illithid Peoples - Is it true you're going to be writing a sequel?

I hadn't intended to. I have been thinking of writing a biography of Forrester. Now is certainly a good time for that, wouldn't you think?

I'm sure it would be! Also, the Demiplane of Dread dilemma...

I have intentions for dealing with that... The illithid are naturally peaceful among themselves. We will not be engaging in conflict or adding to the level of despair and negative energy currently infusing the myriad worlds. I am going to start a campaign to encourage good will towards fellow men and whatnot, as well as vast, vast orgies.

That contrasts sharply with your previous anti-orgy political stance.

Changing times, changing ways.

Thank you for watching Crossfire, folks. Catch us next time, when we interview the dread god Melkor, Black Flame of Consumption.


First Post
Great roleplaying, everyone! Cheers! :)

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William, can you transfer Hazen's speech back to these boards? That speech should most certainly be here!

- - -

Melkor, since we are back at the main boards, I will state again:


What you are doing is life-threatening to Lord Melkor. Are you SURE, Melkor, that you want Lord Melkor to continue his search for the Dark Powers?
He will find them, if he keeps trying, yes.
But I cannot guarantee his survival. This is really, really dangerous, what he is trying.
If you REALLY WANT to continue the search for the Dark Powers, Melkor, say so, and I will respond to your post.

- - -

I am going to start Turn 7 next Monday, at 1 in the afternoon.
Assuming the ENBoards are up, and everyone can make it, of course.

Send me your templates, but don't rush - if the template doesn't arrive before the Turn starts, that's fine.
The Turn itself will go on for some time, for I have to give everyone a chance to annouce Attack/Defense routines, then resolve them, and I am going to take the Turn one day at a time.

- - -

If you have prepared Attack/Defense routines for day 1 (and only day 1) this is the time to send them in.

If you do not understand the Attack/Defense rules, this is the time to ask questions.
Ask questions.
Ask anything you want.
I WILL answer. I will do my best to clarify anything you wish clarified.

Just ask here, on the boards. It's easier on me, and everyone can read my reply.

Voidrunner's Codex

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