I review the Acquisitions Incorporated book on twitter

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I understand it it's too much to disclose before the book officially releases, but if it isn't, what classes would you recommend for Verdan PCs? Any further tips for playing them?

Thanks for that quick looksee, confirmed this is not my sort of thing, knowing nothing about AInc. Hopefully it really works for those that want Office politics with goblins!


Reading the tweets about the Verdan, it sounds like they turned Antifa into a Goblinoid race that is appearing everyhwere. I'm sure the Elves of Evermeet will be thrilled mutating Gobliniods just appeared on their island. They should like Woke version of the Hill's Have Eyes Mutants. I tease. What does the Goblin Gods think of these mutate Goblins?

Fighters (rerolling hit dice on a one or two), Great Old One Warlock, and Wild Magic Sorcerer seems obvious and fitting given their back story. The only other thing that interests me is the mechanical Beholder.

They functional seem like a mix of Goblinoids and Chaos Beasts. Will the Verdan be AL legal? Will the Verdan be in BG 3?


Book-Friend, he/him
That's a lot of adventure material! I like the art: standard 5E art is great, but I love them mixing it up, like this or Ravnica.


So far it looks like the worst art since bobble head halflings. Most of the book sound goofy as hell, and not in a fan way. I'm glad it didn't take up an official publishing slot, but I could find 50 things on DMGUILD more worth making FR canon then this book.

Only the race and maybe the mechanical beholder are interesting, and I haven't decided what to make of the Verdan, do they even get stat bonuses?

This looks like it could be the single worst book in FR history, but I will not make a final verdict on that until I know more.


Book-Friend, he/him
So far it looks like the worst art since bobble head halflings. Most of the book sound goofy as hell, and not in a fan way. I'm glad it didn't take up an official publishing slot, but I could find 50 things on DMGUILD more worth making FR canon then this book.

Only the race and maybe the mechanical beholder are interesting, and I haven't decided what to make of the Verdan, do they even get stat bonuses?

This looks like it could be the single worst book in FR history, but I will not make a final verdict on that until I know more.

The art style is specific to Penny Arcade: part of the branding. It's not like the FR are not pretty fun and goofy to begin with , here.

There have been some real doozies from TSR and WotC over the years, I would be really impressed if this ended u pbeing the worst FR RPG product.


The art style is specific to Penny Arcade: part of the branding. It's not like the FR are not pretty fun and goofy to begin with , here.

There have been some real doozies from TSR and WotC over the years, I would be really impressed if this ended u pbeing the worst FR RPG product.

Indeed. There's an important difference between "Not suited for my personal tastes" and "Objectively badly done" that I try to remain aware of, and I encourage others to do the same.

This is a specialized book for a specific audience and it's okay if has limited cross-over appeal. I don't bemoan the existence of the Critical Role RPG books, even though I'll probably never use one. Why should I feel differently about an Acquisitions Incorporated book just because they worked out some sort of joint publishing deal with WotC? It's not like it stole the slot of a "real" D&D book that would hypothetically have content more to my liking.

I'll probably never own the book or play in a campaign using its material. That doesn't mean I should begrudge its existence or the happiness it brings to people who are interested in what it offers. Nothing was lost and I suffered no injury.


Indeed. There's an important difference between "Not suited for my personal tastes" and "Objectively badly done" that I try to remain aware of, and I encourage others to do the same.

This is a specialized book for a specific audience and it's okay if has limited cross-over appeal. I don't bemoan the existence of the Critical Role RPG books, even though I'll probably never use one. Why should I feel differently about an Acquisitions Incorporated book just because they worked out some sort of joint publishing deal with WotC? It's not like it stole the slot of a "real" D&D book that would hypothetically have content more to my liking.

I'll probably never own the book or play in a campaign using its material. That doesn't mean I should begrudge its existence or the happiness it brings to people who are interested in what it offers. Nothing was lost and I suffered no injury.

I'm fine with something merely being not to my taste, but I stand by my statement that is book appears so far to be the worst official book written for FR.

Haha that you've never even seen! That's a bit presumptuous and hyperbolic, don't you think?

Personally having now looked at AI it's really not my bag, and maybe the worst FR product for me, but judging it sight unseen I won't.

And there had been some really, really bad novels in FR....

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