Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk

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Extradimensional Explorer
If you have a group of them, they can stampede by all individually trampling in the same direction. So I don't think they need both.


If you have a group of them, they can stampede by all individually trampling in the same direction. So I don't think they need both.

I'd rather keep the Stampede and not give them Trample. Trample is considerable nastier than Stampede - five lots of 1d4+Str damage instead of a single d12 damage.


Extradimensional Explorer
I guess the question comes down to whether the lycanthrope should be that much better than the base animal. I'm not entirely certain myself, but I certainly don't think they should have both. Let's see if Shade chimes in.

Actually, here's an odd question. How does Stampeded work in combat? I mean, do all the bison have to ready actions to stampede at the same initiative? Or does it start as an immediate action?


Monster Junkie
I guess the question comes down to whether the lycanthrope should be that much better than the base animal. I'm not entirely certain myself, but I certainly don't think they should have both. Let's see if Shade chimes in.


Upon further consideration, we should probably stick with stampede since lycanthropes generally pick up the SAs of the base creature, not gain new ones. Even if they're more appropriate. ;)

Actually, here's an odd question. How does Stampeded work in combat? I mean, do all the bison have to ready actions to stampede at the same initiative? Or does it start as an immediate action?

Good question, for which I have no answer. :erm:



Upon further consideration, we should probably stick with stampede since lycanthropes generally pick up the SAs of the base creature, not gain new ones. Even if they're more appropriate. ;)

I prefer it with Stampede too. I'll update the Working Draft with the revised version.

Good question, for which I have no answer. :erm:

Since they're working together, I deduce it should happen on the action of the werebison with the lowest Initiative.

Basically the "Ready Action" approach.


Looks good. Anything else besides flavor? Oh, and getting rid of that sneaky wereweasel? ;)

Dammit, I got rid of that wereweasel and it popped up again.

Did we have anything go funny with the Enworld server a few days ago?

There were a number of post edits I'm sure I made which seem to have disappeared (like that Pliosaur "Yo").

Either that, or I'm getting very forgetful.


Extradimensional Explorer
I haven't heard about lost post edits, but there have been some funny things going on the last few days. I keep having problems with all posts being marked as "read" whenever I log out or sit idle for too long.


I haven't heard about lost post edits, but there have been some funny things going on the last few days. I keep having problems with all posts being marked as "read" whenever I log out or sit idle for too long.

Haven't had it do that to me, but the server does sometimes spontaneously log me out without me asking it to.

Anyhow, what are we having for the Werebison flavour - oak-smoked? Barbeque sauce?

A hairy creature with a bison-like head atop a sturdy humanoid body.

Werebison in humanoid forms tend to have powerful, stocky bodies and more abundant body hair than is usual. They often have large heads on a short, thick neck. Werebisons normally appear stoical, placid creatures but have ferocious tempers if provoked.

The werebison presented here is a 1st-level orc warrior and natural lycanthrope, using the following base ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.


Werebison rarely initiate combat, but once a fight breaks out they are fierce combatants, frequently fighting to the death. A werebison prefers to gore with its horns than use its bite attack. A group of werebison will usually stampede if seriously threatened.

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