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OOC - Mad Kings Monkey II (recruiting closed)


First Post
Welcome newbies. Prepare to be bullied, abused, sworn at and argued with. And that's just Bayar ;).

After the last adventure, dogs could be viewed with some suspicion. Fun times! :)

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Started drafting an IC response, but after a big day and 6 hours until I have to be up again, I am going to have tokeep it quick and dirty tonight. Hopefully I will have a little more time tomorrow.

Tailspinner - my natural inclination is to core characters. So monk, good. That been said, while I am a bit leery of some of the non-core classes, I think that the Inquisitor or witch may actually be a better fit. Something to keep in mind. The Baron is not going to employ evil characters, people her cannot trust. Let me know what you are thinking.

Isida Kep'Tukari - personally, I vote the personal and specific and a little left field. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the right up.

See you all soon.


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And then there were seven.

One thing I forgot to state specifically is that each of the characters is in the employ, in the case of the the Ullara, Thuan and Rufus, the Baron. (the original characters are all in the service of the Chancellor). Please include something in the background as to how your characters came to this. The Baron and his Chancellor each have in their household staff a number of people of unusual talents, which the Baron and Chancellor employ on a variety of tasks.

I dug up the following from the wilds of the first OOC thread. Most of this was in the campaign wiki, which failed its save vs disintegration at some point. When things slow down, I will try and re-build it. Meanwhile ...

However, for simplicity, perhaps we should just stick to the PF pantheon. There is a description of the various deities on the pathfinder wiki.

Dogheads PbP Guide

1. Post.

2. If in any doubt, post.

3. If you have posted and find yourself sitting around twiddling your thumbs and getting bored waiting for others, post. If you are waiting for me, hi-jack the thread.

4. My aim is try and keep the game moving along. So when posting, especially in combat, describe your character's intentions as well as actions. That way if the situation changes between your post and your characters actions, or if (when?) Real Life gets in the way for a while, I have a reasonable idea of what how your character will respond without having to stop and get clarification.

5. Include any appropriate crunch in an OOC footnote, preferable in sblocks.

6. Use "talking marks for anything said out loud", and italics for thoughts. I am not a fan of colours, it makes me feel like I am reading a book for toodlers.

The Land

I am going to start you in a moderately small sovereign Duchy, one a number of small states or principalities making up the 'island'. I am going to use the cluster modal. Surrounding the capitol, there are a number of regional cities. These are ruled by Barons and are mostly fortified. They are the administrative centres for each of the regions. Surrounding each of the cities are a number of market towns. These are generally not fortified, although they may have some fortified buildings. Surrounding each of these are a number of villages.

The characters will start in one of the towns on the edge of the Duchy. Beyond are foothills leading into the mountains which divide the land in two. There are also forests, largely wild, and dangerous (of course). Generally, the towns and the cities, and the cities and the capitol are one or two days travel from each other.

What is known about The Netherworld.

1. The Netherworld is uninhabited. Of course there are stories about all sort of creatures and kingdoms and dragons (of course) existing in the Netherworld. But no really believes them, just as no one believes there really are vampires and fairies and ghosts in our world. Right?

2. There are a number of different environments in the Netherworld, ranging from arctic wastes to dense forests to barren sun blasted deserts. They all share the quality of appearing washed out, almost colourless. And the actual conditions between the different environments differ little. Some are a little warmer, some a little cooler, some are a little drier and some a little more damp. But thats about it.

3. The paths are always easy to see and easy to follow. Some are great roads, others are merely narrow tracks. But the ground, regardless of the surrounding terrain is never difficult underfoot. The paths are never obstructed or challenging.

4. There are some junctions along the paths. They are rare however. These junctions are always clearly marked and signposted. Sometimes, one of the options at a junction will appear abandoned and disused. It will be overgrown or obstructed in some way. The footing will be treacherous. No one really knows where these paths go. It is believed that they lead to portals that have somehow been destroyed or are otherwise not working.

5. Time and distance in the Netherworld is only tenuously connected to time in the material world. Generally, the time taken to travel between two portals will remain the same each time the trip is taken. But never exactly the same. Similarly, the time taken will generally reflect the physical distance that separates the portals in the material world. But it never seems to be constant. As a general rule of thumb, however, shorter distances take about one minute per mile, longer distances one hour per one hundred miles and greater distances something faster than that.

As always, input is welcome.

I am thinking that I might tie the group together by putting your characters all in the service of the local Frieherr (Baron). Or better still, perhaps in the service of the Kanzler (Chancellor) of the local Frieherr.

These are troubled times. The young Duke is said to be ill, and he has no male heir. Two great neighbouring powers are rattling their sabres, while returned mercenaries from the last war still carry on their trade across the Duchy as bandits. Dark clouds roll across the once featureless sky of the Netherworld. And the ancient fair folk have reportedly been seen in the courts of man for the first time in three generations.

These are troubled times and so the Chancellor has begun taking precautions against the possibility of troubled times ahead. He has taken into his employ a number of new people, young men and women of unusual talents and with some measure of skill at and experience with handling themselves in unusual, even dangerous circumstances. But not so much reputation that their hiring would drawn notice.

That been said, and it was never really said so much as implied, the new employees have found themselves largely put to work in the day to day running of the Chancellor's household. Since their employment, they will have spoken to the Chancellor himself but a few times. They work as directed by the senior members of the Chancellor's household; his Statthalter (Steward), his Kammermeister (Chamberlain), or Marschall (Marshal). The work has been largely mundane so far. But the pay is decent, and regular, the food good and the cots are warm.

Apologies for the 'narrative voice'. I keep slipping into it when laying out ideas. As I said, if you have other suggestions as to why the characters are working together, feel free to make them. If you are happy with the above, give some thought to why your character's name was put forward as someone potentially of usefulness, who suggested it and how they know of your character. Post it up if you can, I would be interested to see what you think.

Finally, I have been tossing up giving the setting a vaguely Germanic feel. Hence the cut-and-paste use of german terminology. Double apologies for anyone who actually speaks German or has some real knowledge of the period and is offended by by brutal disregard for linguistic and historical accuracy. Let me know if it is too horrible to bare.

For this game, we can assume that the Baron has being doing the same.

The reason for having all the charaters in th eemploy of the Chancellor and abron are simple:
1. It give the party a reason d'etre.
2. It allows me to introduce everyone immediately.
3. It avoids the problem of having to explain why a random stranger would be asked or allowed to join.
[MENTION=93196]Axel[/MENTION] - in the original OOC thread you mentioned the idea of Bayar as one of the Marshal's "head-kickers". If you wish to, we can incorporate that. We can say, for the last few months, Bayar was seconded to the Chancellor's household for a time, during which the events of the last adventure happened. It is up to you.



Feel free to read the War of the Burning Sky Players guide. You may choose to have your character know as much, or as little from it as you think appropriate.

Its seems that the first adventure is also available for download from the WOTBS site. Read it if you wish to bored stupid for the rest of the game. The same goes for the rest of the material on the site. Read at your own risk.


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Feel free to read the War of the Burning Sky Players guide. You may choose to have your character know as much, or as little from it as you think appropriate.

Its seems that the first adventure is also available for download from the WOTBS site. Read it if you wish to bored stupid for the rest of the game. The same goes for the rest of the material on the site. Read at your own risk.


Downloaded. I really get bored at home with no internet access. *SIGHHHHHH*


All the characters have now been introduced into the new IC thread. Its all yours.

Rathan, Isida Kep'Tukari and Tailspinner - Once you have incorporated a description of how your characters came to be in the Baron's employ in their Background, I will get you to add your character to the RG thread.


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