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What's your most anticipated game for 2014?

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First Post
Great question! I'd have to go with D&D next. I really liked the direction the rules were going in during the beta.

I also can't think of any other RPG releases in 2014 that I'm very interested in. Maybe someone could post a list of possible candidates and help job our memories.


Great question! I'd have to go with D&D next. I really liked the direction the rules were going in during the beta.

I also can't think of any other RPG releases in 2014 that I'm very interested in. Maybe someone could post a list of possible candidates and help job our memories.

Good reply and I or someone should compile one. Short list in the mean time:

D&D Next
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space 50th Anniversary Edition
The Strange

I know what mine is!

I got it on the short list. :p


Probably Next. That being said, I'm not really excited for anything but if I had to choose... Now when they come out with Dragonlance Campaign setting, hell yeah I'll be excited


First Post
Other than Doctor Who and Firefly, those names are not very familiar other than I think I saw one of them on Kickstarter once.

I admit though, I tend to lean a little toward the licensed stuff, as those are the worlds I most want to play in :)

Oh and, one more for the list... Age of Rebellion.

Well, I'll be receiving my kickstarter package of Call Of Cthulhu 7th Edition sometime in the late spring I hope, along with a Glorantha package and the 50th Anniversary Doctor Who book around the same time I hope. However, they're not really new games as such. Ditto D&D 5th edition. RuneQuest does have an interesting Luther Arkwright setting coming out (an alternative reality/time-travel setting, based on a graphic novel), and I'm keen to continue buying RuneQuest supplements anyway with the quality of writing they continue to have, and Traveller also. There should be a new edition of Mage: The Ascension this year too.

In terms of absolutely new games, I'm not sure there's anything that grabs me much yet. Star Wars and Firefly are fine and dandy, but Traveller tends to satisfy me for my sci-fi wants really (and Firefly always struck me as a near adaptation of Traveller for TV, while I was so-so about Serenity). Timewatch too, as a genre, is well covered by Doctor Who (which I have already). The Strange didn't really do it for me, in their kickstarter campaign (seemed a bit too sentimental about the creators in the promotional video) and N.E.W./O.L.D just seems a bit gimmicky. So in all, it's all just new editions of old games or expansion supplements for me - unless I get surprised which could always happen.


First Post
Yeah, I hear you Trippy. There is a lot fo stuff coming out that feels like variations on a familiar theme.

What grabbed me abuto Edge of the Empire was less the setting and more than innovating mechanics. If you haven't played it, it's worth a look if for no other reason than the interesitng narrative dice mechanics that promote a sense of collaborative storytelling and improvisation.

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