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D&D 5E (Recruiting) Greyhawk Old-School Sandbox-Style Campaign


I'm fine with using a wiki.

I think I've worked up my stat-block.

[B]Name:[/B] Mialee
[B]Class:[/B] Bard 1
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Background:[/B] Entertainer/Gambler
[B]Size:[/B] Medium (5'4", 126 lb)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Female
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Chaotic Neutral     

[B]Str:[/B] 14 (+2) save: +2     [B]HP:[/B] 10 (1d8+2)
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +5     [B]AC:[/B] 14 leather armor
[B]Con:[/B] 14 (+2) save: +2
[B]Int:[/B] 8 (-1)  save: -1     [B]Speed:[/B]   30
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 (+2) save: +2     [B]Init:[/B]    +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 (+2) save: +4     [B]Passive Perception:[/B]    12

[B]Skills:[/B]                    [B]Abilities:[/B]
Acrobatics         +3      Spellcasting
Animal Handling    +2      Bardic Inspiration (d6)
Arcana             -1
Athletics          +2
*Deception         +4
History            -1
Insight            +2
Intimidation       +2
Investigation      -1
Medicine           +2
Nature             -1
Perception         +2
*Performance       +4
*Persuasion        +4
Religion           -1
*Slight of Hand    +5
*Stealth           +5
Survival           +2

[b]Cantrips:[/b] Mage Hand, Vicious Mockery
[b]1st Level [2 Slots]:[/b] Comprehend Languages, Cure Wounds, Dissonant Whispers, Identify

Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: Lute, Viol, Harp, Playing Cards
Languages: Common, Dwarven

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type[/B]
Rapier, 1h             +5     1d8+3        P
Dagger, oh             +5     1d4          P

Entertainer's Pack
*Playing Card set
Favor of an admirer (love letter)
Leather Armor
Belt Pouch

[B]Money:[/B] 15 gp

[B]Entertainer Routine:[/B] Singer
[b]Personality Trait:[/b] I'm a hopeless romantic, always searching for that "special someone."
[B]Ideal:[/B] I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters.
[B]Bond:[/B] I will do anything for the poor, the meek, and the downtrodden.
[B]Flaw:[/B] I am a gambler, but never tell me the odds.
This all looks good to me except the Init mod should be +3. Otherwise good to go.

I won't be able to get any stats or anything done until Thursday, maybe Friday.
Not a problem. We don't have to be in a huge hurry.

Kail Ryon is a Human Monk Hermit. Kail is a reluctant monk, and as an orphan found that the steady meals and training within the temple were far superior to living on the streets. He cuts his blond hair close to his scalp and the occasional blonde beard appears when on the road. Although trained to better his mind and body, and taught the Divinity of the Mortal rather than gods, he is young and reckless. This left him to be sent away, on a pilgrimage to better himself and attune himself to the plight of mortals. He wears simple linen robes in the form of a ki, tightly fitted to allow freedom of movement. With few possessions and a young heart he wanders the land attempting to atone and find his "path".

Hey there, im new to this forum but not DnD 5e or PbP. I thought this looked like a fantastic idea for adventure and thought i'd give it a pass. One thing is that I have never played as a player before, and spent the last 15 years playing solely as a DM. I wanted to get a feel and try it out through this format. Let me know if you want a different class or archetype as I was considering Ranger or maybe a spellcaster/paladin instead. Wanted to round out your party if thats what your into!
Welcome, Spartain104! Good to have you here. I hope you end up enjoying PBP as much as I do. Bear in mind it moves quite slowly relative to tabletop. I like to see around one post per day from players on average, but I understand when that isn't always possible.

I like the concept you have presented, and you have approval to begin character creation. Go to http://invisiblecastle.com/stats/roll/ and use "Kail Ryon Ability Scores" as the Name, then link your rolls here.

In true old-fashioned spirit, I say stick with the character idea you like most and if it doesn't work out for one reason or another, retire the character and create a new one! That said, 5e is pretty flexible as far as party design goes, at least so far as things like essential skills are concerned.

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Davis Gray: human wizard outlander. Gray is a athletic looking young man with dark windswept hair, clearly dressed for traveling more than any sense of style. He has a voracious appetite for knowledge, exploration and first hand experience, always wanting to see what lies over the next hill or around the corner.


Sounds like a great old school game! A charlatan rogue, a bard inspired by a passing troubadour, a monk, an elven fighter, a wizard, hmm...

So does the forming group need a healer? I was leaning toward fighter, but if a healer is called for, I could write up a proposal for a cleric?


First Post
In the true spirit of old fashioned RPG I have rolled incredibly interesting. Let me know what you'd want me to modify.

◦STR: 14
◦DEX: 17
◦CON: 14
◦INT: 6
◦WIS: 15
◦CHA: 5

I can't post a link (Forum rules, I haven't posted enough) so here is the tail of the link, maybe you could copy and put it in? Sorry to be such a hassle...


I'll start making a character from this, but if you want me to tweak anything a bit let me know. I'm not afraid to RP this VERY interesting character.

EDIT: Also I'd assume as a human I would add 1 to each ability score to my stats would look more like.

◦STR: 15
◦DEX: 18
◦CON: 15
◦INT: 7
◦WIS: 16
◦CHA: 6
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Sounds like a great old school game! A charlatan rogue, a bard inspired by a passing troubadour, a monk, an elven fighter, a wizard, hmm...

So does the forming group need a healer? I was leaning toward fighter, but if a healer is called for, I could write up a proposal for a cleric?

I'm taking cure wounds with my bard. I can only cast it twice in a week, but it's there.


Davis Gray: human wizard outlander. Gray is a athletic looking young man with dark windswept hair, clearly dressed for traveling more than any sense of style. He has a voracious appetite for knowledge, exploration and first hand experience, always wanting to see what lies over the next hill or around the corner.
Looks like another great character for this campaign. Please roll your ability scores here: http://invisiblecastle.com/stats/roll/ using "Davis Gray Ability Scores" for the name then post the link back here. Then you can begin character creation using the guidelines outlined above.

Sounds like a great old school game! A charlatan rogue, a bard inspired by a passing troubadour, a monk, an elven fighter, a wizard, hmm...

So does the forming group need a healer? I was leaning toward fighter, but if a healer is called for, I could write up a proposal for a cleric?
In this campaign, I imagine healing spells in particular will be reserved for true emergencies. Because of the 7 day duration for a long rest, your group likely will not be able to afford to burn spell slots on healing alone. I expect hit dice and healing potions will be an ample portion of healing in this campaign. Of course you will be free to use spell slots as you see fit, bearing in mind that they are a precious resource not easily recovered. Having a cleric devoted to healing could be a great boon, but I leave that decision up to the group.

In the true spirit of old fashioned RPG I have rolled incredibly interesting. Let me know what you'd want me to modify.

◦STR: 14
◦DEX: 17
◦CON: 14
◦INT: 6
◦WIS: 15
◦CHA: 5

I can't post a link (Forum rules, I haven't posted enough) so here is the tail of the link, maybe you could copy and put it in? Sorry to be such a hassle...


I'll start making a character from this, but if you want me to tweak anything a bit let me know. I'm not afraid to RP this VERY interesting character.

EDIT: Also I'd assume as a human I would add 1 to each ability score to my stats would look more like.

◦STR: 15
◦DEX: 18
◦CON: 15
◦INT: 7
◦WIS: 16
◦CHA: 6
It does appear you rolled up several sets of ability scores. I am going to ask you to use the first set rolled (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4855989/), which is 15, 14, 10, 14, 10, 15. Otherwise, you are correct in your other assumptions.


First Post
Here is my stat block, borrowed the idea from creamsteak.

[B]Name:[/B] Kail Ryon
[B]Class:[/B] Monk 1
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Background: Hermit[/B]
[B]Size:[/B] Medium (5'11", 170lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Good    

[B]Str:[/B] 15 (+2) save: +4     [B]HP:[/B] 10 (1d8+2)
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +5     [B]AC:[/B] 16 (Monk Defense 10+dex+wis)
[B]Con:[/B] 15 (+2) save: +2
[B]Int:[/B] 11 (0)  save: 0     [B]Speed:[/B]   30
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +3     [B]Init:[/B]    +3
[B]Cha:[/B] 11 (0) save: 0     [B]Passive Perception:[/B]    15

[B]Skills:[/B]                    [B]Abilities:[/B]
*Acrobatics         +5      Martial Arts
Animal Handling    +3      Unarmored Defense
Arcana             +0
Athletics          +2
Deception         +0
History            +0
*Insight            +5
Intimidation       +0
Investigation      +0
*Medicine           +5
Nature             +0
*Perception         +5
Performance       +0
Persuasion        +0
Religion           +0
Slight of Hand    +3
Stealth           +3
Survival           +3

Armor: Nonw
Weapons: Simple, Shortswords
Tools: Flute
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblin

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type[/B]
Quarterstaff, 1h         +5     1d6+3          P
Quarterstaff, 2h         +5     1d8+3         P
Unarmed, 1h             +5     1d4+3          P
Dart, ranged             +5      1d4+3         P

Explorers Pack
Winter cloak
Scroll case with notes
Common clothes
Herbalist kit

[B]Money:[/B] 5 gp

[B]Hermit:[/B] Seeking Enlightenment
[B]Personality Trait:[/B] Speaks litter, but communicates in volumes through hand gestures.
[B]Ideal:[/B] Striving for emotional balance will lead to logical thinking that will not cloud our minds.
[B]Bond:[/B] I'm still seeking the enlightenment that eludes me. It burns within my mind.
[B]Flaw:[/B] Incredibly enamored by ale and wine.

Forgot to mention. I hope you do not mind, for the Hermit background I took Perception instead of religion. I figured wanderlust and exploration would be more on his mind than religious studies, thus why he is still looking for enlightenment.
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Here's Gray, my wandering wizard. The rest changes make for some interesting dynamics, so I focused on rituals. We'll see how far I survive.

Stats (pre-racial bonus)

[MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION] I slightly altered my background, pending your approval. Swapping out proficiency: musical instrument for proficiency artisan's tools (drawing supplies). I like the idea of Gray endlessly drawing, with the margins of his spell book filled with tiny sketches of people and places he's seen.

Also I assumed it was okay to have spent my 10 gold, and begin with a familiar already summoned. Zilla- the lizard.

[B]Name:[/B]       Davis Gray
[B]Class:[/B]      Wizard 1
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Background:[/B] Outlander
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (5'11", 155 lb)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Chaotic Good     

[B]Str:[/B] 13 (+1)              [B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d6+3)
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 (+2)              [B]AC:[/B]   12
[B]Con:[/B] 17 (+3) 
[B]Int:[/B] 19 (+4) save: +6     [B]Speed:[/B]   30
[B]Wis:[/B]  8 (-1) save: +1     [B]Init:[/B]    +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 11 (+0)              [B]Passive Perception:[/B]     9

[B]Skills:[/B]                    [B]Abilities:[/B]
Acrobatics         +2       Spellcasting
Animal Handling    -1       Arcane Recovery
Arcana             +4       Cantrip: Light
*Athletics         +3                Prestidigitation
Deception          +0                Ray of Frost
*History           +6       
Insight            -1       Wanderer
Intimidation       +0       
Investigation      +4        
*Medicine          +1
Nature             +4
Perception         -1
Performance        +0     [B]Spellcasting:[/B]   
Persuasion         +0       1st: 2       6th: -
Religion           +4       2nd: -       7th: -
Slight of Hand     +2       3rd: -       8th: -
Stealth            +2       4th: -       9th: -
*Survival          +1       5th: -

Armor: none
Weapons: dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow
Tools: Drawing supplies
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc 

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range[/B]
Quarterstaff           +3     1d6+1        B
Quarterstaff, 2h       +3     1d8+1        B
Dagger                 +4     1d4+2        P
Dagger, thrown         +4     1d4+2        P   (20/60)

Ray of Frost           +6     1d8        Cold    60     + target speed reduced 10'

Dagger (2)
Component Pouch
Hunting Trap
Unlucky Rabbit's Foot
Traveler's Clothes
Belt Pouch
Explorer's Pack

[B]Spellbook:[/B] (*prepared)
*Alarm (R)
*Comprehend Languages (R)
*Detect Magic (R)
Find Familiar (R)
*Protection from Evil and Good

[B]Money:[/B] 10 gp

[B]Personality Trait:[/B] I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.
[B]Ideal:[/B] Free Thinking. Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress.
[B]Bond:[/B] My family is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
[B]Flaw:[/B] My endless curiosity and lack of caution will be my end.
[sblock=Background]Davis Gray was a precocious child, endlessly frustrating his tutors. He would skip his lessons to go wandering down to the creek, he would shirk the work they set him and go exploring in Widow Mattison's attic. He wouldn't study, he wouldn't mind them . . . and then he would effortlessly pass whatever test they set him.

His parents were of solid merchant stock, hardworking and dedicated. He loved them in his own way, but he knew their life was never for him. He was truly devoted to his older sister, Doreen, and she was one of the few people who could get him to sit still for more than a few minutes. Between his parents, his sister, and all the villagers who benevolently tolerated his explorations, he received enough supervision to survive his childhood.

Eventually he was sent away to study magic, in a hope that it would give him a solid focus in life. At first he was captivated by the newness of it all, his master, his studies and his new home. But eventually his wanderlust returned in force. He finished up what he could of his apprenticeship, and headed out into the world. He is a vagrant, a drifter, and explorer and an endless wanderer, but not without purpose. Every new thing he learns, every new sight he sees, he records them all in his mind. Each town he passes through, he tries to find someone headed the right way and convince them to send a letter back to Doreen. He's never quite sure if any of the letters ever make it home, or if his couriers just pocket his coin and forget the request. But he writes anyway, just so he can share his discoveries with something.[/sblock]


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I've been extremely preoccupied with RL the past 4-5 days. Please excuse my absence. I'll review the characters posted so far in a day or two if time allows. If not, I will keep you posted.

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