ASI suggestion for sword & board ftr


sword & board ftr w/ Str 20, Dex & Con 16, Resilient: dexterity, Shield Master, Lucky, Heavy Armor Master, ASI suggestion?

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Con, and your feat selection is nice although i would always take resilience wis over dex for a char who has the hp to botch a reflex save


Have you considered the Sentinel feat? If you're trying to be "tanky" and keep nasty monsters off your fellow PCs, Sentinel is incredibly useful.

If you're looking specifically to boost a stat, then Con is probably the best choice. That said, if you don't find yourself running out of hit points very often, you might consider boosting Dex so you can be more effective at range. Javelins are nice, but you run out of them fast and their range is super limited. Sometimes you really need a longbow. +1 to your initiative doesn't hurt either.

Incidentally, is this a build that you are planning, or is this an actual PC who has (or is about to) hit 19th level?


As long as i get to be the frog
sword & board ftr w/ Str 20, Dex & Con 16, Resilient: dexterity, Shield Master, Lucky, Heavy Armor Master, ASI suggestion?

Mobile is fun with shield master. Knock them prone attack and then move away and the can’t hit you are anyone else back.

Alert is highly effective. Going first can feel like getting a whole extra turn.

Out of combat is suggest ritual caster. It offers so much.

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