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The Orville Season Two - Thoughts?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ship or probe goes in. Gets blown up. Kaylon receive no data on what happened because the action is on the other side of the event horizon.

Only if the ship or probe returns, do they get data- prey destroyed or disappeared.

I didn’t realise the Kaylons were such scaredy cats!

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I didn’t realise the Kaylons were such scaredy cats!

It makes sense for their characters though. They've been hiding out in their home system for how long? They only came out when they thought they had a insurmountable advantage... and were stopped cold despite their intellectual superiority, preparedness, and thoroughly vetted plan.

I was a bit disappointed when the Kaylons were revealed as Determined Exterminators, I was hoping for some nuance.


Knew it had been done but DEs are a lot more prominent.

Yeah. I was hoping they'd just be "people". Someone to talk to, negotiate with, attempt to ally, prevent a potentially disastrous misunderstanding from happening, etc. who have an odd viewpoint because most of the biological concerns don't interest them.

Now they are effectively a boogeyman plot device.


Yeah. I was hoping they'd just be "people". Someone to talk to, negotiate with, attempt to ally, prevent a potentially disastrous misunderstanding from happening, etc. who have an odd viewpoint because most of the biological concerns don't interest them.

Now they are effectively a boogeyman plot device.

That could be changed, if their fundamental premise could be shown to be flawed. Time for a patented James Tiberius Kirk logic loop!

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