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My friend suspects the last scene is a clone perhaps stealing from Timothy Zahn's plot where Luke fights a clone of himself.

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Dances with Gnolls
Yeah, I gotta say, comparing Vader to Kylo is pretty out there.

Expertise with the force aside, we are talking two completely different people.

One with a huge focus of will, while the other is riddled with conflict and uncertainty. Mostly in himself.

And aside from all that, I mean... Vader... "He's more machine now than man".

Kylo is all fleshy bits. That blaster bolt hit meat.


I always love it when someone calls Rey a Mary Sue. It shows me that individual isn’t a thinking person and their views on things can’t be trusted.

This might be one of the silliest things I've ever seen written on an internet forum - not to mention ironic in that by showing your penchant for jumping to such a conclusion over one thing, you diminish your own worthiness of being considered a thinking person. I'm not saying you are or aren't a thinking person - I would never make such a conclusion on one little statement - but that your assertion is not indicative of depth of thinking. Thus the irony: your post is a performance of what you're complaining about.

Perhaps consider that there might be valid reasons to think of Rey as a Mary Sue, or at least "on the spectrum" (as I put it), even if you disagree?

And more importantly, even if it is a faulty view, you do realize that smart people aren't smart about everything? There are plenty of "thinking people" who are very intelligent in some ways, not so much in others?
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@Janx , I think your mention of Ripley illustrates why not all characters need to follow the same formula for character arc and such, and that adhering to such rules of writing is rather limited. It really depends upon the story. Alien is much more of a set piece, a short story. Ripley is a cipher for the audience's experience of terror. Rey or Luke are portrayed over years, with a real arc of development.

That said, Ripley doesn't change and develop over the four movies she's in, and even in Alien she goes from being second or third in command and part of a team, to having to deal with the creature on her own. But my point is, the necessity of a character arc isn't as great in her story as it is in the Star Wars films, and for Luke and Rey.


@Janx , I think your mention of Ripley illustrates why not all characters need to follow the same formula for character arc and such, and that adhering to such rules of writing is rather limited. It really depends upon the story. Alien is much more of a set piece, a short story. Ripley is a cipher for the audience's experience of terror. Rey or Luke are portrayed over years, with a real arc of development.

That said, Ripley doesn't change and develop over the four movies she's in, and even in Alien she goes from being second or third in command and part of a team, to having to deal with the creature on her own. But my point is, the necessity of a character arc isn't as great in her story as it is in the Star Wars films, and for Luke and Rey.

Agreed. I referenced Ripley for that contrast. Figured it might be a clue if Rey's plotting didn't align with the expectation. But also, my memory on the new and prequels sucks.

Anywho, it's clear that I'm not qualified to talk about Star Wars and this is not an Alien thread :)


Ah yes, Luuke, that pinnacle of EU writing

The name of the clone was stupid, but the overall arch was decent and they tied it to the OT well.

For example Luke's clone was grown from the hand he lost at Cloud City. The insane Jedi Master was also a clone and it seems cloning force users is a bad idea.

Luke was also still a little inexperienced as he had a very limited experience with Jedi Masters.

That Trilogy also built on the end of RoTJ better than the Disney stuff. And created one of the most compelling Star Wars villains that is often mentioned in the same breath as Vader.

And Thrawn has returned to the new canon as well essentially the same character. He is a popular character.

They were also more original than TFA, a great example of making non force users relevent and not having to revert to 90s plot of new super weapon, new Darksiders of the week and a new even better super star destroyer.

TFA gets criticized because it's almost a remake of ANH, but a lot if the characters are heavily reminiscent of old Legends ones and IX is seems to be borrowing a lot of plot points from Dark Empire.

You can make a very good arguement for Disney Star Wars being creatively bankrupt.


I had this idea that it could be interesting if Rey and Kylo engage in another duel, with Rey winning again. But they he attacks Rey through their Force connection, showing her a vision of what he thinks her potential is, thinking that his "Force reflection" can do some kind of damage. But she recognizes the trick and flips it back on him, creating an avatar of what Ben Solo could have been, and then "Dark Rey" and "Ben Solo" fight, and Solo wins, with Kylo Ren finally being defeated and destroyed, leaving Ben Solo behind.


The reason I don't think Darth Rey is a vision or dream is that light saber. It seems like they woudn't create such a (n admittedly cool) thing just for a dream sequence.

What I think is more likely the case is one of two scenarios, maybe both:

1) Rey goes to the Dark side. She'll almost certainly be redeemed, but at some point she goes Dark.

That's the obviously one. My preferred is:

2) Rey becomes a "holistic" force user, not limited to either Light or Dark. They've implied this a bit, and it fits the narrative of the "end of the Jedi." I mean, this would certainly fit the quasi-Taoist leanings of Force philosophy, which sees Light and Dark as two sides of one whole.

The problem with that view, however, is that her light saber is red and she looks like a Darkside force user. But maybe part of this approach is that you can take on attributes of Light and Dark, as necessary.


Or they fully embrace the old Dark Empire comic and have Rey pretending to go evil in order to ingratiate herself with the reborn Emperor.

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