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D&D and the rising pandemic


The High Aldwin
The last thing I will add is a gross oversight on my own part, and one that seems to be made by others as well.

I was considering the mortality rate around 3.6% of those infected from information such as (roughly) 4250 deaths in 118,000 cases--but this is actually pretty inaccurate. Sure, if you think 4250/118000 == 3.6% that is true.

But we should only consider the cases that have run their course, for better or worse. Then you are looking at 4250 deaths and 64250 recovered (again, rough estimates). That is a total of 68500 cases that have been resolved. Looking at it that way, the mortality rate is really closer to about 6.2%

From: Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

I am not changing my position overall, but the oversight needed to be pointed out once I saw it today.

All I can say is I wish to the best to all who are facing this crisis head-on, and hope the rest of us never have to.

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I use it as an excuse not to meet people I would otherwise only meet under some vague sense of social obligation. :LOL:
Also, I almost always play and run D&D on-line.


The High Aldwin
Maybe persuading you (and others) to be a little more proactive than just "hoping" a global pandemic will somehow miss your little corner of the globe.

Well, you won't (at least with me) and your message could have been written in general instead of citing me personally. I had a nice parting message for the thread, and you had to attack me for it?

Practicing good hygiene and taking other measures to avoid the flu pretty much helps with the virus as well. I shop once a week for food and get enough for the next week, with sufficient staples to go for two weeks if I am busy and don't have time to stop for a week. During the flu season, I already avoid physical contact with most strangers. I cover my mouth when I sneeze or cough. I don't touch knobs or handles on public doors unless I have to. I keep at least 2-3 feet from people, often more like 5 feet, when I am talking to them in public.

So, with everything I already do, I am not about to hide in my home for weeks. I am going to live my life and enjoy it while I can because there is no point in living in fear. Take reasonable precautions in everything and be safe in general, but don't let remote fear control you. I've said that in my posts.

And yeah, I live in NY state, we have some cases, but I don't consider myself as facing this crisis head-on. I am living my life as I would even without it happening.


Staff member
... Let’s stop saying it’s a bad flu ...So have patience, too, that you cannot go to the theater, museums or gym. Try to have mercy on that myriad of older people you could exterminate.

Dr. Daniele Macchini,

With all due respect to the good doctor manning the front lines, a “bad flu” wiped out 50 million people before we had the vector of high-speed jet travel affordable for a vast cross-section of humanity.


Well, you won't (at least with me) and your message could have been written in general instead of citing me personally. I had a nice parting message for the thread, and you had to attack me for it?
I replied to you because you made a statement that I considered to need refuting. Sorry if you considered that an attack.

If there are a few cases in your state now, then you're in the situation Italy was in two weeks ago. If people in your area react with complacency, you could find yourself in the situation that Italy is in today - or worse.


Staff member
Not an MD, but I grew up in a house with one. He’s an allergist- a subspecialty of immunology. So, while epidemics aren’t his area of expertise, the diseases that cause them are, to a certain extent. So I’ve heard 50+ years of lectures on how NOT to transmit the flu and coronaviruses like the common cold. And it’s pretty much what is coming out of the CDC & WHO regarding Covid-19.

Am I taking special precautions? No. I’m washing my hands and coughing/sneezing into my elbow or down my shirt, as per usual. (Allergies.)

I don’t have any plans to go to large gatherings in the near future other than going to church in Sundays. The diocese, however, has suspended the distribution of wine and passing peace, and is strongly discouraging holding hands during the Our Father.

I’m not currently participating in my gaming group because they’ve gone on a poker binge. Great game, but it doesn’t grab me, and I’m among the worst players in the group because of my disengagement. (They play well enough to pay for their poker trips; I only beat them when I’ve been drinking enough they can’t read me anymore.)

I fully expect a trade show I usually go to in March/April to be cancelled or rescheduled.

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