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D&D 5E New WotC Survey! Learn About A New D&D Product!

WotC has launched a new survey about the future of D&D. This survey includes an NDA (which some people have not taken to well!) halfway through, which asks you not to talk about the survey on pain of being tracked down and fined, but it's about an upcoming (unannounced) new D&D product. You can find out what it is by taking the survey (or it's all over social media aready).

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The NDA really doesn't make sense, unless its just crossing their Ts and dotting their Is. But it ends up feeling like they are crossing their Is and dotting their Ts, especially considering the nature of the product and the fact that A) some people couldn't even hear it (pre-product technical difficulties!) and B) I, at least, didn't even get to comment on it in any way. So I received an NDA to watch a two-minute video to which I could give no feedback.

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Dirty, realism-hating munchkin powergamer
I answered a bunch of racial questions. I had to put N/A/don't know on the gnome stuff because I have barely looked at gnomes and nobody I know uses one.

Then we got to the secret squirrel part, I watched the very slowly narrated video, said I could understand it, and then got booted out with no questions about it. The one I got made it look like the guys at DND Beyond aren't going to be happy unless they are getting acquired.
I wish I had the chance to tell them "No, I'm not interested."
This mirrors my experience.

BTW (and I can talk about this, since it's pre-NDA), the survey questions, themselves, seem problematic, since there are never any "whys?" or comment spaces. I'm sure some of my ratings don't come off quite right, since I couldn't explain them. Seemed kind of useless, gathering-info-wise.
Yeah definitely. How do they know if I am dissatisfied with the elven darkvision because I want it gone or because I want them to have more powerful special vision or because I am dissatisfied how darkvision rules work in general?

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