• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General Hasbro Q and A with Chris Cocks has some details about the movie production and DnDBeyond .

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Monopoly Dungeons & Dragons | Collectible Monopoly Featuring Familiar Locations and Iconic Monsters from The D&D Universe https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095VQWQZ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_A9K7HG2H0EYV8YXK931X
Huh, they actually did a fairly decent job with the conversion for once. Whoever made that knew their D&D. The regular properties are monsters, ascending the power curve from Kobold and Goblin (Mediterranean/Baltic) to Demogorgon and the Tarrasque (Park Place/Boardwalk). The railroads are adventures (Tomb of Horrors, Tomb of Annihilation, Castle Ravenloft, Undermountain), the utilities are the Feywild and the Shadowfell, Community Chest is "Treasure" and Chance is "Encounters." And the "luxury tax" space is "Rust Monsters!"

Oddly, however, the four corner squares (Go, Jail, Free Parking, and Go to Jail) are identical to traditional Monopoly. Even the art is exactly the same; the only things they changed were the background and the font. I wonder if there's some sort of legal reason they have to keep those as-is. Trademark-related? Some arcane copyright agreement going back to when Hasbro bought Parker Brothers*, or even further to when Parker Brothers bought Monopoly? Or maybe just Hasbro's internal branding rules.

*Well, actually Hasbro bought Tonka, after Tonka bought Kenner Parker Toys from General Mills, after Kenner Toys merged with Parker Brothers, after General Mills bought both Parker and Kenner, after Parker Brothers bought Monopoly from Charles Darrow, after Charles Darrow stole the design from Lizzie Magie. If Monopoly were really imitating capitalism, it would take longer to unravel the identity of the winner than it would to play the game in the first place.
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D&D can become the main franchise by WotC because it is enough flexible for all type of audences, from kid-friendly adventures to grimmdark horror stories.I guess Hasbro wants D&D to become as Fortnite the king of the crossovers, but 5Ed is not ready to add elements from no-fantasy IPs (sci-fi or superheroes, for example).

And this is a very busy year in the entertaiment industry, with all those mergers and acquisitions. We can't know if any partnership deals are going to continue or end.

Oddly, however, the four corner squares (Go, Jail, Free Parking, and Go to Jail) are identical to traditional Monopoly. Even the art is exactly the same; the only things they changed were the background and the font. I wonder if there's some sort of legal reason they have to keep those as-is. Trademark-related? Some arcane copyright agreement going back to when Hasbro bought Parker Brothers*, or even further to when Parker Brothers bought Monopoly? Or maybe just Hasbro's internal branding rules.
I doubt it's a legal issue; rather, it's most likely a branding policy. Leaving the corners untouched (or nearly so) makes a Monopoly board instantly recognizable for what it is no matter which of the hundreds (literally hundreds, over the years) of IP-themed Monopoly variant boards you're looking at.


Already do
Monopoly Dungeons & Dragons | Collectible Monopoly Featuring Familiar Locations and Iconic Monsters from The D&D Universe
They've also made two different D&D Clue games. One back in the 3e days with the iconic 3e characters, and a more recent one set in Baldur's Gate.

I'd actually love a D&D-themed Life board game. You could set it in Eberron and have the cars all be airships.
Huh. I never thought about Life being available for branded games like Clue and Monopoly are. But you could do a D&D one. Probably need to add more random death to the game though :)

The one that surprises me that they haven't done is D&D Risk. You'd kind of think it would be a natural move to use something like the Realms or Nerath or Ansalon and make a big old Risk game out of it. They have a bunch of Risk variants (though not nearly as many as they have Monopoly variants) and they did Lord of the Rings Risk, I'm sure some kind of D&D Risk could work.


I crit!
Huh? Someone said Cinquest of Nerath is risk like.


A D&D Risk should be with a map of Cerilia, the world of D&D, or a cluster of floating islands in Spelljammer.

Conquest of Nerrath is a D&D strategy board game, but it is not Risk.

* What is your opinion about a partnership deal, or beyond, between Hasbro and Enforcer Group, or with Paradox Interactive?

* Will we see any thime a LEGO version of Ravenloft castle based in the module "the curse of Strand"?

* If there is a merger or acquistion between Paramount and other company this could affect the partnership deal with Hasbro, couldn't it?

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