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D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

WotC says art is not final.

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Sandman I've heard of because of Big Bang Theory and some of their comic-book discussions IIRC. But that's it. Still, if you asked me about Sandman, I couldn't tell you anything else about it, that it has anything to do with wizards (?), or who created it.
Your ignorance is not a strong argument. Its like sayimg Beyonce must not be famous just because you don't know her.

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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Not to mention Mending. There's no excuse for any wizard to look dirty or threadbare.

(You have no idea how many times I wished Prestidigitation and Mending were real...)
Real Wizards don't waste cantrip slots on utility spells. They hire students to do that.


Your ignorance is not a strong argument. Its like sayimg Beyonce must not be famous just because you don't know her.

I know Beyonce, but I don't know this Taylor Swift that everyone keeps going on about. Actually, I know that they go on about her, but I don't know what they're saying about her. She's the blonde, right?


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I don't know, claiming to be a fantasy fan in the year 2024 and not having even heard of Neil Gaiman before tells me that one's conception of what the genre of fantasy is and contains hasn't progressed past the 1980's. Which is fine if that's what you prefer, but it makes one particularly ill-suited towards critiquing recent examples of the form


To me, it edges closer to fantasy as opposed to "1200's Europe that is apparently unchanged by the presence of approximately 10,000 sentient species each with their own culture. And planes. And magic."
to each their own I guess. It you told me this were a scene from an MCU movie, I would have believed it. I want my fantasy a bit more grounded and not this ‘power move for power move’s sake’
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Where is that Singe?
Your ignorance is not a strong argument. Its like sayimg Beyonce must not be famous just because you don't know her.
But it isn't just my "ignorance". I can't tell you the number of times someone who is a fan of a graphic comic, fantasy novel, etc. brings it up and other people have no idea what they are talking about, getting nothing but blank stares and shoulder shrugs.

I mean, it is a lot less common now than it used to be, certainly, but despite what many fans believe, it isn't common knowledge yet.

FWIW, sure, I've heard of Beyonce. I doubt I could pick her out of a crowd, and I couldn't tell you a thing about any of her music (not my jam), but it goes to show how much more well-known really famous people are compared to those well-known mostly in just certain circles.

Also, my "ignorance" is because unlike many "gamers", I'm not really one. I've played some RPGs and it's a hobby of mine, but I don't do many of the things a lot of "gamers" often do: no comic stores for me, no game conventions, no following the latest youtube gaming channel, I don't own a 10-lb dice bag, have dozens and dozens of minis, etc. So, I don't doubt many (if not all) the people brought up as famous and/or mainstream is for people who are fans and such, but are they really well-known to those who aren't fans and such? I think not, but I could be wrong...

I know Beyonce, but I don't know this Taylor Swift that everyone keeps going on about. Actually, I know that they go on about her, but I don't know what they're saying about her. She's the blonde, right?
She's the girlfriend of some professional football player. I've see her at his games. ;)

I don't know, claiming to be a fantasy fan in the year 2024
Well, for myself I never claimed I was a "fantasy fan", I just play D&D and a couple other RPGs on occasion (see the above point).

And as such, I can say this image is not likely what us "commoners" would likely view as a wizard, and more likely a superhero.

People have gone on about gold and silver being reserved for divine characters.
First, not "reserved", simply suggestive. I don't recall anyone saying that white and gold can ONLY be divine... but I may have missed that.


Ah, one of my favorites! Definitely magic-user.


This one isn't a priest??? Huh. Can't really tell from the small image. Looks more "divine" to me.

See, it isn't just the whole gold/white = divine, but the "aura of radiating light" around here as well.

to each their own I guess. It you told me this were a scene from an MCU movie, I would have believed it. I want my fantasy a bit more grounded and not this ‘power move for power move’s sake’

to each their own I guess. It you told me this were a scene from an MCU movie, I would have believed it. I want my fantasy a bit more grounded and not this ‘power move for power move’s sake’
D&D hasnt been grounded for at least 3 editions. Casters have unlimited, risk free, easy to learn magic. They break reality more often than they poop. Wanting some beardy grandpa in a bathrobe doesnt reflect the current edition, worlds, etc.


This one isn't a priest??? Huh. Can't really tell from the small image. Looks more "divine" to me.
Well, lessee - that's from the 2e Tome of Magic, and since she's flying and dropping some sort of fireball spell, nope, not a priest. Wasn't it you who was insisting that the art must reflect what the character can actually do in the game? Or was that someone else?

And, just as a point, those are thumbnails - you can click them for the full sized image. I didn't want to clutter up the thread with big images, as it makes it too hard to read.

Funny though how you like the Tome of Magic image, which is posed in far more superhero tones than the revised PHB wizard.

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