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D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

WotC says art is not final.

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Or better yet, why not have both? The wizened old wizard and the younger accomplished wizard? A scene where she could be coming to his rescue or something would be cool IMO. Or even a group image with all sorts of different types of wizards?
Well, this is only one image from the entire book. If my understanding is correct, each class is going to get multiple illustrations. Although I couldn’t promise old men with beards, I’m guessing that each wizard will have a different look. And that’s not counting any wizards that will show up throughout the rest of the book.

So, don’t assume the old standby has been completely abandoned, after having seen one painting…:)


I cast invisibility
Bathrobe beardy grampas are fine.
I don't know, it seems like a cry of "Vive la révolution!" against it.

But many players want their own Wizard character to be an other concept.
Great. No issue with that. I can't even recall the last time my PC was a bearded old bathrobed man.

So, don’t assume the old standby has been completely abandoned, after having seen one painting…:)
Oh, believe me, I'm not! I'm sure there will be an image of the old standby someplace in the book--no doubt about it IMO.

Frankly, the image of the new wizard isn't my cup of tea, to me it just isn't "wizard". There's too much going on that makes me think Sorcerer, for instance.

This recent branch of discussion began with me simply saying such an image as this one does not represent what most people think of when they hear "wizard". Which, at this point, no one will convince me otherwise. We simply are not to that point yet. This image? Superhero is much more likely than Wizard. Again, not talking fantasy fans, RPG players, etc. just the general public.

My preferred concept for one is the Cleric ;-)
I was thinking Divine Soul Sorcerer, personally. Or even Celestial Warlock. 🤷‍♂️


That someone better

Because obviously when I used the words Fantasy, and Fantastic, in the terms "Fantastic Medieval Aesthetic", and "Medieval Fantasy" they are to be ignored entirely; As I was really talking about 100% historical fidelity.


I see that the artist did not draw from, combine, or make use of any actual historical medieval armor styles, when the 'Dungeon punk' aesthetic was formed whole cloth, out of thin air...




It is so obvious in hindsight that the 'Dungeon Punk' Aesthetic was not a Fantastical, or even remotely a Fantasy interpretation of Medieval armor styles in any way shape or form.

Thanks for clearing that up.

No Medieval Fantasy Aesthetic to see here folks. Move along, move along...


Looks ok to me but I prefer artists like Erol Otus, Peter Mullen, Stefan Poag, Vault Crawler and Doug Kovacs. This is very MtG.

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