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Mage: The Awakening - OOC Planning Thread

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Just as a heads up I will weaving stories from Reign of the Exarchs into the chronicle :)

So if you don't want to spoil yourself, I say you steer clear of it :)


First Post
A shot at a statsheet, I'm not too familiar with the Mage/nWoD rules so I hope I got everything right. Feel free to comment :)

[sblock]Name: Samantha McKinley
Shadow Name: Morrigan
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Wrath
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Exp: 0

Path: Moros
Order: Adamantine Arrow
Defense 3
Speed 10
Health 7
Initiative 6
Wisdom 7
Size 5
Willpower 5
Gnosis 2

Death ***
Matter **
Fate *

Grim Sight (D *)
Entropic Guard (D **)
Forensic Gaze (D *)
Alter Accuracy (M **)

Attributes: 5/4/3
Strength **
Dexterity ***
Stamina **

Intelligence ***
Wits ***
Resolve **

Presence **
Manipulation **
Composure ***

Skills: 11/7/4
Investigation ** (Crime Scenes)
*Medicine ** (Pathology)
Occult **
Science *

*Athletics **
Brawl **
Drive *
Firearms **
Stealth *
Weaponry *** (Knives)

Empathy *
*Intimidation **
Streetwise *


Resources * (Savings)
Gnosis increase ***
Occultation **
Meditative Mind *

You don’t know the truth yet…

Knowledge will come with time. The dead have a nearly unlimited store of knowledge.

I have the Power…

Everyone dies eventually, both the powerful archmage and the lowly Sleeper stuck in his dreary 9-to-5 job with his family in his suburban home ... I've sworn to protect Sleepers from the beings that would prey on them, and from themselves when necessary. If only they'd open their eyes to reality...

This reality is a cage…

I have seen too many strange things in this world, even before I Awakened, to not believe the tales. I always thought all that magic stuff was a bit dodgy, I never believed in vampires, ghosts ... you know all that mumbo-jumbo. Until I nearly died from having my blood drained from my body by the ugliest bugger I've ever seen. Since then I've had to review a fair amount of opinions on magic and mythical creatures.

Your Shadow Name is your identity…

With my death and subsequent Awakening and rebirth, my former life ended. I chose the name Morrigan because of my Celtic roots. Morrigu the Phantom Queen, Celtic goddess of death. I hope she will grant me the strength to do what I must to return justice to this world.


Samantha McKinley, Sam to her friends, was born in London on May 10th, 1983. She lived there with her parents and younger sister until 1994 when her father was offered a new job in New York. The McKinley’s packed their belongings and said their goodbyes to their friends. Not that Sam had too many friends, she was considered a bit weird even then, too serious and contemplative for an eleven year old. Her pale skin, pale grey eyes and stark white hair didn’t aid her popularity either. So the girl wasn’t too bothered by the move, her sister on the other hand, threw tantrum after tantrum to get her parents to stay in London.

In New York Sam fell back into her old habits, keeping to herself and keep her grades up. At first her fellow students were curious about the strange, quiet British chick, but soon the curiosity turned to bullying after it became clear she just wanted to be left alone with her books. She never reciprocated and the bullying never turned violent. The girl was quite the athlete and her father had insisted his daughters joined a self-defense class once they arrived in New York. Sam, in fact, joined two, one was basic self-defense, the other worried her parents, she’d enrolled into a knife fighting class.

Sam graduated from High School at 18, but this happy event was overshadowed by what happened after the graduation ceremony. While driving home from the ceremony, the McKinley’s car was hit by a truck that’d missed the red light. Sam was lucky and was discharged from hospital after a week with only a broken arm and a few bruises but her parents had been killed instantly and her younger sister ended up in a coma for four weeks with a long revalidation ahead, she would probably never walk again.

Sam had many difficult choices ahead, she wanted to continue studying. She had always wanted to become a doctor, but she didn’t want to abandon her sister nor did she have any income to pay for university. After her parents funeral she signed up for the police academy and she arranged for her sister to be moved to a nearby hospital so she could be there for her when she needed. At least now the government would pay for her education and with an evening job she could support her sister’s revalidation.

A little over a year ago

Sam was glad to get home. It had been a late shift … again. She could barely remember the last time she had had a full night’s sleep, nor could she imagine when the next would be, but her sister’s smile made it all worth it. Mary was doing well, last night she had been able to move one of her toes again, maybe one day she’d walk again. A smile showed on her pale lips when she turned the key in the door, but she didn’t meet any resistance as the door swung open, Odd… She always locks the door, when it gets dark. “Mary? It’s me…” No answer. “Mary? Are you alright? Mary?” Why are all the lights off? Did she go to bed early?

Sam tried to turn on the lights in the hallway, nothing, What the f*** she reached for a pistol like she had been trained to, which of course wasn’t there, students weren’t allowed to take their sidearm home, her own pistol was safely hidden in her bedroom. Instead she reached for the knife she always kept in her boot. Armed with her flashlight and her knife, she proceeded into the living room, “Mary?” A sound startled her and a shade shot passed her, “Skittles,” she breathed, her sister’s cat had never been too fond of her, “Bloody cat.” The living room was a mess. Someone had really gone to town here. Books and glass everywhere, she nearly tripped over one of the standing lights, Mary’s wheelchair lay knocked over near the kitchen door. “Oh dear god,” Sam gasped, carefully moving closer. Her boot was standing in something slippery, blood! Oh s***! “Mary? Mary! Answer me!”

She tried to push the door open with her foot, but it didn’t budge something heavy was blocking it from the other side, “S***! Mary!” Sam rushed back outside, tripping over an extension cord and cutting herself on the shattered glass of the table. She didn’t feel the pain as she climbed over the fence and ran to the backdoor, only stopping to check the fuse box and turning the lights back on. No training could have prepared her for what she found there. Mary lay naked on the floor, blood and ripped pieces of clothing everywhere. Her throat had been slit and her body been horribly mutilated. “Oh dear god, Mary. No!”

Sam was good at what she did, with a few deep breaths she detached herself from the situation. Her sister became just a body, an unfortunate victim, not related to her in anyway. With a cursory glance she could tell Mary had been raped and that she had resisted. She could tell the killer had been interrupted, he hadn’t finished his work. There were signs of a secondary struggle but no other signs of entry or exit. Whoever had stopped him might still be here.

Suddenly it was there, right in front of her, the ugliest bugger she’d ever seen. Wrinkled sickly yellow skin, crooked teeth, one of them jutting through its cheek and the smell, whatever it was it must have been swimming in sewage before it got there. She lunged at it with her knife but with remarkable ease it grabbed her wrist in the viselike grip of its bony hand and spun her around. “I’m sorry this ‘ad to ‘appen to ye’r family,” it hissed, Sam felt like she was about to throw up from the smell and fear, “If it’s any consolation, ye’r sister’s suffering ‘as been avenged. The bastard that killed her will suffer a very long time for what he did,” it hissed, it’s mouth close to her ear, Sam froze, “But I can’t let ya live, not after ye’ve seen me,” she felt those disgusting lips on her neck and then something akin to ecstasy as she slowly felt the life being drained from her veins.

“Sam? Maria? Are you guys home? Oh god!” Darkness, blissful darkness, peace, rest, quiet.


But death isn’t that simple now is it? Before the true peace follows, you have to pass Stygia. Sam passed curiously through the many mausoleums and tombs, she’d never expected this to be the afterlife. She expected to be … well dead. She’d expected eternal blackness, no more consciousness, just dead, done with. She felt herself pulled towards something, she couldn’t explain it, but she had the feeling she had to follow this path to wherever it led. It was actually quite beautiful, covered in white marble with gold trims at the sides. Occasionally she’d pass a shade, another recently deceased she imagined searching his way to the next life, or whatever was at the end of this road. She hoped to find Mary before they passed into the great nothing.

Eventually she came to a large square dominated by a gigantic tower of … lead? Well she was in the land of the death, wasn’t she? Why wouldn’t there be a lead tower? Stairs spiraled upwards along its exterior, “I guess I’m supposed to climb that?” she asked no one in particular, most of the other recently deceased seemed to have their own worries. She climbed the tower for what seemed like hours, after a while she could only see the eternal bleak darkness below and a bright light at the top. After what seemed like eternity she arrived at the top and there was nothing there except a large stone, reminiscent to an offering block and a knife.

As if guided by an invisible hand, she reached out to the knife and used it to slit her wrist painlessly. Slowly she let her lifeblood drip onto the offering block as the few achievements of her life flashed before her eyes and then something different, something that hadn’t come to be or might never come to be. As she felt her life, or is it death, drain from her veins for the second time that day, she got the feeling she wasn’t done yet. Her blood pooled to form letters, “Samantha McKinley”

“I think she’s coming too!” Light, bright stabbing light, loud noise, movement, pain.


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First Post
Ooooh, Fate too. So young and yet so grim. I'd love to hear of her awakening, Aenion. She'll be a fine addition to the party indeed. :)

Daniel is a little man (5' 1") surrounded by women that can slap him around, and whom he depends upon for money. He'll better be good. :D

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