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Ring of the Fey Lord (DM:Atanatotatos, Judge:Lord Sessadore)Up:Lorik, etc.

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Heinrich curses his shaking hands. Come on, now, not like this is the first time you've mixed it up with guys that want to kill you...

Stepping back, he fires his crossbow once more, once again missing his target by a long shot. Cursing, he reloads his Crossbow.

Move Action : Shift to B3

Standard Action : Sly Flourish ... I hit 11 vs AC

Minor Action : Reload Cbow.

Wow... my highest roll to date = 4.


First Post
With a fast maneuver Lorik manage to attract on himself the attention of the feys attacking Ikni, who stays unconscious although her condition doesn't worsen.
Heinrich is still unlucky with his crossbow.
The dark fey snarls something in frustration and makes a gesture towards the red capped fey next to him. The little monstruosity moves fast in a circle around Lorik passing through trees and attacks him from behind, and while Lorik manages to parry his dagger with extreme ease, immediately thereafter, the Dark fey moves and flanks Lorik on the other side of the red cap, ducking under a swing of the half elf's sword, looking for an opening. The fey pierces through the fighter's armor with his long knife, wounding him.
One red cap continues to attack Heinrich, causing him another small wound. Finally, a last Red capped fey comes out of the trees north-east and charges Derien, but the Elf is nimbler, and dodges the attack.

[sblock=initiative and status, Round 2]
18-Gnome 1
18-Gnome 2 cursed
18-Gnome 3 -16, marked by Lorik, invisible
18-Lorik HP:17/29 S:11/11
16-Ikni HP:-4/31 S:11/11, Unconscious
5-Heinrich HP:5/24 S:7/7, bloodied (stealth 15)
4-Red cap 1 dead
4-Red cap 2
DE-Dark fey -19, marked by Lorik
4-Red cap 3
4-Red cap 4
DE-Derien HP:7/26 S:9/9, bloodied
4-Galinndan HP:20/24 S:8/8
DE-Haruka HP:30/30 S:10/10

Lorik hits and marks both target. Ikni is stationary. Dark fey delays; Heinrich misses (sorry joe, keep trying and you'll succeed); red cap 2 moves around and attacks Lorik, but misses; Dark fey shifts provoking a combat challenge attack from Lorik, that misses; it flanks and attacks, dealing 12 dmg; Red cap 3 hits Heinrich for 4 dmg; Red cap 4 misses Derien. Can't believe these rolls, really[/sblock]



First Post
Dancing away from his attacker, Derien calls down fire on the Red Cap flanking Lorik. That will keep him safe. Ikni still lives, and the tide flows in as well as out. Now. "Arise!"[sblock=OOC]When my turn comes up: shift to G6, Sacred Flame ( 16 vs. Reflex, 5 damage) at Red Cap 2, with a temporary hit point to Lorik if it hits. Lastly, healing word on Ikni, raising her to 0 hp and then restoring 5 plus her healing surge value hit points.[/sblock][sblock=Atanatotatos]I'm acting on 4 now, right?[/sblock][sblock=mini-stats]Derien Falk - Elf Cleric 1
Initiative +3 Passive perception 22 Passive Insight 19
AC 16 For 12 Ref 13 Will 16
HP 7/26 Bloodied 13 Surge value 7 Surges/day 9
Speed 7 squares Languages Common, Elven
AP 1 Second Wind not used
Longbow +5 (1d10+3)
Powers: Lance of Faith
Sacred Flame
Cause Fear
healing word 1 of 2
Elven Accuracy
Channel Divinity
Hunter's Quarry
Cascade of Light[/sblock]


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Galinndan hurls his spear at the red cap flanking Lorik, before drawing his long sword and teleporting to the fallen Gensai's side.

[sblock=actions]Standard Action: Ranged Basic vs red cap 2 hit AC11 for 8 damage
Minor Action: Draw Long Sword
Move Action: Fey Step to M7[/sblock]

[sblock=Galinndan Stat Block]Galinndan- Male Eladrin Warlord 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
AC:18, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:24/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/8
Initiative +2, and grants nearby allies +2 to initiative
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Opening Shove, Commander's Strike, Myrmidon Formation, Inspiring Wordx2, Fey Step, Lead the Attack


First Post
Derien's powers make short work of the red capped fey, while Galinndan throws a spear that misses the nearby gnome, and teleports, sword drawn, next to Ikni, who in the meanwhile has regained conscience and found herself prone in the middle of battle.
Haruka steps back and at her gesture, flames envelop the gnome in front of her. The gnome immediately goes at her again, swinging his pick. The weapon draws blood, but the flames that had scorched the gnome seem to come to new life, and punish him for the attack.
Meanwhile, another crossbow dart comes from the trees and hits Galinndan.
The gnome is seen for an instant, then disappears again among the trees.[sblock=perception 25]gnome 1 is in N17[/sblock]
The last gnome grimaces seeing so many enemies around, but steps in boldily and deals Lorik a heavy blow.

[sblock=initiative and status, Round 2-3]
18-Gnome 1 (hidden)
18-Gnome 2 -14, cursed
18-Gnome 3 -16, marked by Lorik
18-Lorik HP:6/29 S:11/11, bloodied
16-Ikni HP:12/31 S:10/11, bloodied, prone
5-Heinrich HP:5/24 S:7/7, bloodied (stealth 15)
4-Red cap 1 dead
4-Red cap 2
DE-Dark fey -19, marked by Lorik
4-Red cap 3
4-Red cap 4 cursed
DE-Derien HP:7/26 S:9/9, bloodied
4-Galinndan HP:13/24 S:8/8
DE-Haruka HP:20/30 S:10/10

Derien hits and kills red cap 2; lorik gets 1 temp hp; Ikni wakes up. Since the red cap is dead, I made Galinndan attack Gnome 3; an 11 wouldn't hit anything so I suppose it's the same. Haruka hits Gnome 3 with Hellish rebuke for 9 dmg and curses red cap 4.
__Round 3__
Gnome 1 hits Galinndan for 7 dmg. Gnome 2 hits Haruka for 10 dmg, and suffers 5 dmg from Hellish rebuke. Gnome 3 flanks Lorik and deals 11 dmg.[/sblock]

[size=-2]ooc:these frickin' feys never miss.[/size]



First Post

Taking a deep breath, Heinrich studies his foe. The smooth movement, the twitch-swift reflexes. Stepping back, he brings up his crossbow once more, and makes a sudden movement.

As the Redcap jumps slightly from the aggressive movement, the bolt is already in the air. As quick as thought, it crosses the distance between them.


I don't think I've ever heard a more beautiful sound....

Since it has little to no impact on the battle at large, I figure I'll continue to play out my small drama up in the corner.

Move Action : Shift to C2

Standard Action : sly flourish (1d20+7=20), damage (1d12+4+2=11)

I assume 20 vs AC hits, so I wrote my fluff with that assumption :)

Minor Action : Reload Cbow.

Don Incognito

First Post
Lorik slashes with his sword once more, but the gnome is able to dodge. Scowling, the half-elf bears a maneuvers himself so that he is no longer pincered by the gnome and the dark fey.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action: Footwork Lure on Gnome 3. 14 to hit (that's probably a miss), 9 damage.
Move Action: Shift to L4
Minor: None

Ikni, an earth pulse would be LOVELY right about now.[/sblock]

[sblock=Statblock]Lorik- Male Half-elf Fighter 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 14
AC:18, Fort:15, Reflex:13, Will:12 -- Speed:5
HP:6/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Footwork Lure, Reaping Strike, Passing Attack, Righteous Brand, Tempest Dance
Group Diplomacy: Allies within 10 squares gain a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Group Assault: Allies gain a +1 damage bonus to enemies marked by Lorik.


Ikni picks herself up off the ground, determined to prove herself. She sketches her arcane wardings against the dark fey again, then slices the gnome between herself and Lorik.

[sblock=actions] Move: stand up
Minor: aegis of shielding on Dark Fey
Standard: Booming blade on gnome 3, hits AC 24 for 7 damage, plus 4 more if he moves away from me.

[sblock=tactics]Mmm, sorry, I don't see using earthshock now. Ikni needs to spend her move action to stand up, so she can't shift to bring the dark fey in range. Knocking gnome 3 prone doesn't really buy anything. Ikni can mark DF, though, which should be enough to keep Lorik standing until our leaders' turns come up.

I really want to get gnome 3 dead, though. Here's my reasoning. We've survived the first few rounds, when the bad guys had the advantage of us not knowing which enemies were there, and then flailing around trying to deal with the minions without a controller. Now our strikers are more or less free, and our defenders are soaking up the damage like they're supposed to, and, numbers to the contrary, things are going pretty well tactically. The only sore spots are that DF and G3 have this little flanking thing going on, and that G1 and G2 are unmarked and making nuisances of themselves. If we focus fire and bring G3 down, that frees a defender to deal with G1 and G2, and takes away DF's flanking partner. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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