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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC


First Post
"Escaped their prison? Kill some on the way out?" Ce'rek cackled shook his head. "They probably pissed". He grinned. "Which way you comin from?"

He looked at the one called Brinn and his mushroom friend. "That little guy, his home is a way away. Across the lake, I believe. Take many days to get there on land."

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Solace rattled the brass tube. By the sound of it, there was parchment inside. She cautiously flipped open the clasp keeping the lid sealed, and found a rolled up parchment inside the tube. Discerning nothing magical about either the tube or the parchment, Solace unfurled the paper. What lay in her hands was a map.

Credit: Wizards of the Coast Artist: Jared Blando

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Solace looks at the map, and shows it to the others before rolling it up and placing it back in her pack. "Hm," she offers. "Sepulchral."


First Post
"You all hang here. I go and make sure theres not fish army waiting for you. If there is, we just blame the orc!"

Ce'rek and Solace ranged ahead. The passageway stayed narrow for the better part of an hour's trek, but evened out. Nearly immediately after leaving the cavern with the ledge, the floor pitched markedly down. Clearly, the path sought a lower elevation. Its floor was worked and smooth, as were the walls and ceiling. Long years of toil and deft hands had made the passageway easier to traverse than the roughshod natural rock Solace and Ce'rek were accustomed to. Toward the end of their hour's jaunt, they smelled the Darklake long minutes before they could see it; the air grew moist and acquired the scent of moldering wet things left too long. In the hour they walked, neither Ce'rek nor Solace discerned any side passages. Instead, the passageway narrowed its focus; it straightened and canted down. Darting its length in the dark, the pair could feel purpose underscoring the tunnel's severity; it angled toward something, and would not be deterred.

Both of them saw it at the same time. Up ahead some 60' the passageway gave way to an open area where a tangle of reeds mired in wetlands that stretched into darkness. Small pockets of something phosphorescent glowed dimly in the reeds, little dots of colored light here and there. When they moved forward to the mouth of the passageway, the pair detected a marsh filled with clusters of reeds that looked as if they'd come to Solace's waist and Ce'rek's shoulders. Nothing moved. There was no light. No breeze. The air was still. Quiet.

OOC: Let me know where you want to head on the map below, [MENTION=6829052]Wrex[/MENTION] and [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]. If you're attempting particular actions or skill checks, describe what your character does and provide a die roll.


While Ce'rek and Solace scouted ahead to reconnoiter the passageway and possible entry to Sloobludop, Raza, Kamael, Brinn, Kago, and their fellow Velkynvelve escapees quickly re-located the dead kuo-toas to the deeper recess of the ledge where the bodies would be less easily spotted. Stool wasn't much help, but Shuushar, Turvey, and Jimjar pitched in. Once the dead were moved, the group settled down on the ledge but away from the bodies and took a short rest. Between the foraged food and rations taken from the kuo-toa, there was--for the first time in four weeks, at least for Raza--enough food to go around so that everyone could fill their belly.

With time to spare whilst waiting for Ce'rek and Solace to return, Raza picked up the glass orb and settled in to make a more thorough examination. When her heart rate slowed, and while she held the orb in both palms, she felt its magic reach out and touch her magic at its core. The effect was at first unsettling, as if someone was watching her intently from afar, then pleasing. Raza felt the press of the orb's magic; it wished to bond with her, but was giving her the option to decline.

OOC: Kago, Kamael, Brinn, and Raza get the benefit of a short rest, PHB 186, [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION], [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION], [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION], [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION]. Examination over the course of the short rest reveals that the smooth glass orb is a Driftglobe.

Driftglobe: This light-producing orb weighs two pounds. A driftglobe does not require attunement, but it does require that its bearer bond with it. Indeed, a driftglobe is highly likely to imprint on the first individual to touch it, particularly when it is new or has lain dormant for a long period of time. The bond is both good and, perhaps, troublesome; the driftglobe is imbued with heavy divination magic. The command words used to activate the driftglobe are the custom-made product of bonding with the globe, and are suggested to the globe by the bond-mate. If its bond-mate has line of sight and is within 60' of the driftglobe, the bond-mate can speak a command word to cause the driftglobe to emanate light per either the light or daylight spell. While light is at will, the driftglobe is capable of producing daylight once per long rest. Additionally, as an action, a second command word may be spoken that causes the driftglobe to rise in the air and hover no more than 5' off the ground. The driftglobe hovers in this way until its bond-mate or another creature grabs it. If the bond-mate moves more than 60' feet from the hovering driftglobe, it follows the bond-mate until it is within 60' of her, and will take the shortest route to do so. If prevented from moving, the driftglobe sinks gently to the ground and becomes in active and its light winks out. If the driftglobe cracks or shatters, its magic is lost.



OOC: I didn't realise we were going to take a rest, thought we would follow the scouts at a distance, but it's all good :)
First hd:

[sblock=status]Kamael hp 20/22
AC 15
Inspiration yes, Tides of Chaos yes, Concentrating no
Slots 2/4 0/3
SP: 1/4
HD: 3/4[/sblock]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
It's a gruelling walk and as the slope drops, Solace realizes that she'll be making the journey at least twice more -- back and here again.* As the cavern opens up on the side of the murmuring Solace asks Ce'rek for one of his torches.** She casts a Light on it, and throws it, both to see better and to discern whether there is a reaction.***

depending on the reaction, Solace will either be prepared to retreat or to hide in shadows, or of course attack.****

* Back and Here Again, the less popular draft title for another famous work.
** If Ce'rek gives him one; good. If not, she'll use a gold piece.
*** Aiming, let's say, for N4. [roll0] (simple Dex roll; +2 if proficiency because it's close to a simple weapon).
**** It is not lost on me that the Driftglobe is exactly what Solace needs at this point in time.


Raza Thulcandra

Raza studied the glass orb. She was wary of its invitation but pragmatic and so bonded with the magical device. Even after discovering its powers she trailed fingers over its glass surface. The action was meditative and soon she traced symbols holy to the Mother Night on the orb as it hovered in front of her. She silently mouthed prayers until she felt refreshed.

[sblock=OOC]Spend 1 HD: HD for healing: 1D8+2 = [7]+2 = 9
Use Natural Recover for a 2nd level spell.
[/sblock][sblock=Raza, in brief]
[size=+1]Raza Thulcandra[/size], halfling Druid 4
Initiative: +3; Inspiration: No
AC: 14, Current: 14; HP: 30/31; Speed: 25 ft

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Conditions: Darkvision
Saves: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +5
Skills: Insight +5, Perception +5, Religion +2, Stealth +5
Senses: passive Perception 15

In Hand:
Spells Prepared: (7) (Grimoire)
  • 2nd level: 1/2; Darkvision, Flame Blade*, Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb (circle), Spike Growth (circle)
  • 1st level: 0/4; Absorb Elements*, Cure Wounds*, Faerie Fire, Goodberry
  • Cantrips: Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Produce Flame, Guidance
* can be cast at higher level
Spell Attack: +5; Spell save DC 13

Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy, Natural Recovery 0/2
Wild Shape 0/2 (2 hour duration)
Hit Dice 3/4 (1/2 total HD restored at long rest)

Kuo-toa pack, 1/2 ration, 1/2 full waterskin, focus (obsidion)
Driftglobe: light (at will); 1/1 daylight

Voidrunner's Codex

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