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Drak's 5e Character Sheet


I have just uploaded Drak's 5e Character Sheet to the downloads area.



I created this character sheet, because Forged Anvil's was just a bit much for my iPad to handle on it's own as the Excel program and the tablet itself couldn't handle it. So, I went about creating a character sheet that worked well with my tablet and I re-purposed an old Shadowrun character sheet that I used via Google Spreadsheets that worked amazingly. Now when I originally built this I was only going to build it to have all a person could need for their character sheet, but once I had completed the layout my brain began to think, "I can do better." So I did.

Drak's 5e Character Sheet - Google Sheets

This spreadsheet will work in both Google Spreadsheets and Excel. I'll provide the link to the Google Spreadsheets version and upload the excel version here. It should be noted that if you use the Google Spreasheet I can't lock down the cells once you make a copy for yourself, so be careful when selecting certain cells. The Excel spreadsheet provides that protection for you. This spreadsheet is a semi-automated spreadsheet, wherein you provide the changing vitals and everything else changes with it. So for example: You don't put in your character's skill score, you simply put in your stat score (which will calculate your modifier), your level (for proficiency bonus), check whether you are proficient, and lastly check if you have expertise and the spreadsheet does the rest.

When I built this thing, it was intended that once you inputted your characters statistics and details, you really wouldn't need to go back to the books. The pages I built and included here are:
Main Page: What this page does is function as your primary viewing page. It contains your stats, skills, equipment list, proficiencies, and other vital stats to play. Only white spaces are editable on this page. MULTICLASS does work on the main page as well as in the spells page. The class and level of the second class are selected in the same manor as your primary class. Sorry, only two class multiclass as of right now.
Features&Feats: This page is there to input the larger chunks of details about your class features and feats. Some class features, such as the ranger's class features, don't fit nicely into most character sheets because you are only meant to put in the title of the feature or feat. I wanted to provide a space where you can put the whole thing in there. Cause I don't like looking it up every time I wanted to check a detail.
Details: This page is there to put in your character image, the results of your Background choice and the details to your backstory. Some of the fluff stuff, like height and the like will be automatically taken from the Main page.
Magic: This page is devoted to spells. At the top you'll select your class and your level. From there it'll take that to determine the number of spell slots you'll have available to you, which will appear under the spell slots category. After that you'll be able to select the spell from a drop down menu that is specific to each level. Selecting a spell will populate the range, type, and the like of the spell you selected, with the exception of the ACTUAL details of what it does. That space is left blank for you to put in your own notes that you understand.
Magic Equipment: This page is dedicated to your magic items. You can input them there. I did automate this page only slightly. Due to the fact that all bonuses stack (even from the same source) I made it so that way AC bonuses are automatically applied to your AC. Other than that I provided space for items to be added to the list and a notes section for anything that doesn't fit.
Contacts: This page is there to provide you with a location to put data on the various NPCs and locations you encounter through your adventure.
Loot&EXP: This page is to track your monetary and experience gain in your adventure. I advise using this page either by adding the earnings by the date of the session or by notation of where you got the gold/exp. Either way I provided a lot of rows for this one. The coins and experience points you add to the rows will be automatically totaled at the top and represented on the Main page so you don't have to keep coming back to this one for your totals. It's a nice place to put a note of how you acquired it as well as non-coin based loot.
Lookups: This page is devoted to being your one stop resource for a lot of information. Through the use of the drop down menus you'll be able to find details on hundreds of items, mounts, potions, services, and spells. In future updates to this character sheet I'll add a feats lookup list. I contemplated adding a magic items list, but hoo boy, that'd be quite a lot of work after a lot of work.

You can find the file here in the downloads section. Please use this thread for comments.

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First Post
There doesn't seem to be any support for Resilience when you get proficiency in saving throws, can that be added?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.

Alright, the Total Weight seems to be stuck on #VALUE so that might need to be debugged. Furthermore the Armor archive seems to be broken, as it only has "Armor1" as the choosable values.
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Hey Reshy,

Thanks for the feedback. I went back in and adjusted the Armor archive. I missed an = sign in there during data validation. It should now work as intended. As for the weight coming back faulty. Could you confirm that in the weight column of the "Carried Equipment" section that it only has numbers (Ex: "5" or "5.5"). If you put in the "lb" for pounds or something to that effect it'll probably kick back that value.

I've uploaded the new copy of the sheet and made sure to add weight to each of the spaces to function as an example. I hope it helps. But please respond again if it continues to produce a #VALUE on you. I want to make sure it works for you.


First Post

What am I doing wrong exactly?


Hey Reshy,

Super sorry about the hiccups, but I'm glad you are saying something as you are catching them. The reason the #VALUE is happening is because I'm guessing you set your Weapons or Armor to be blank and/or to MELEE or RANGED. In my equations for the weight on those objects I had it set to be blank when those options are selected. This in turn produced an improper value for the equation for carried weight. Now they are set to produce a 0 (zero) so the weight equation works.

This should work properly now. Please let me know if it does.


First Post

Yeah that looks like what happened. I was wondering at first if it was a choking on adding 5 and 5.00 together, since I know that in programming you generally can't do that because they're considered different types of values.

PS, is there any way to make a printer-friendly version of this for when you have an in-game game? Currently the print options tries to spit out upwards of 26 pages.

Lastly, is there any way to add line breaks to the Feats section or anything? Because if there is that'd be preferable to several fixed-sized boxes, because you're either wasting space or can't see the information without going into the cell.
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I'll see what I can do about improving the Features and feats page. As for a printer-friendly version I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make one. The primary intent of the character sheet is to be used via a tablet or laptop versus a printed version. Regardless I'll look into it and see what I can come up with.


First Post
Might be worth mentioning in the Feats and Features section that you can add line breaks with Alt + Enter. Personally I think a handful of fields would be better than a long list of unutilized ones.

Example: wfyElQ4.png


That does look nice. I wanted to keep the lines separated as this would allow a user more customization on a very customization capable page. I also wanted to leave the option to separate things by color as well. For example on my own character sheet I am multiclass'd as a ranger and a rogue. So my background feature is highlighted in orange, ranger features in green, and rogue features in a light gray. That way when I bring up the page I right away see where to look. I can also divide those up as I see fit for the sake of visual organization that works best for me. Like so:

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