• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Sylvar B.

Sylvar gets up. Excuse me for a moment. Sylvar excuses himself from the table and finds the nearest Acolyte and asks him where the cell with the Man in Green is. Upon locating his cell Sylvar asks the guard to let him in to examine the green man further.

OOC: assuming the guard lets Sylvar in, Sylvar removes all of the Green Man's magical implements and returns to the table with them wrapped in the Green Man's cloak...just because no one specifically mentioned doing so

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Getting Down To Business

Vale said:
Vale speaks to the priest, following up to Dewydd's comments, “We have a ring that has been enchanted. It isn’t imbued with magic; instead, an illusion has been cast on it. We want the magic dispelled, preferably with knowledge of what it is beforehand, but dispelled nonetheless.”

Father Xavier (To Vale, in Common): "We have a member of our order, Father Clarence, who was a Wizard before devoting his life to the church. I will have him examine the ring."

Sylvar said:
Sylvar gets up. "Excuse me for a moment." [...] Sylvar removes all of the Green Man's magical implements and returns to the table with them wrapped in the Green Man's cloak...just because no one specifically mentioned doing so.

The guard at the cell door lets you in, and nods as you remove the items. "Good idea," he says. "Best to err on the side of caution."

When Sylvar returns with the bundle of items, Father Xavier says, "I figured that's where you were going. Very well. We shall have Father Clarence examine these items as well."

Father Xavier speaks to all of you, saying: "This temple is enchanted; any follower of Cuthbert who is sufficiently trained in the mystical arts can see things they normally wouldn't, because the very walls of this place are augmented with enchantments. I can see, for instance, that your friend here is not occupying his true form; he has been polymorphed somehow, into the form you now see. I can also tell you that this man is not evil; I can read his aura perfectly, and he has no taint of evil anywhere upon him."

Father Xavier looks at Kasnik: "You, my friend, practically radiate warmth and goodness. There are residual traces of your old way of thinking, but they are buried deep, and are as faint now as an ant's whisper. You are a champion of goodness, if I ever saw one."

Father Xavier continues: "As for questioning this man, feel free, for any lies told in this place hang in the air like a fog; this is a place of truth, and lies are easy to spot."

Father Xavier excuses himself a moment, stepping out into the hallway, to summon an acolyte, who will in turn fetch Father Clarence. He returns and says: "Where shall we begin?"

[Everyone: What do you do?]


First Post
To Respen, "No my friend, I can not breathe under water, but I am a gifted swimmer. I'm just as fast as in the sea as I am on land."

To Father Xavier, "That means a lot from you. Thank you."

Kasnik is unsure what is happening currently and is waiting for instructions.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Edward's Two Cents

Edward looks at Father Xavier and says, "Your word is good enough for me, Father. If you say this man is not evil, and that he's been shifted to another form, then I believe it. However, if no one here minds, I will wait until we get him un-spelled, and back to his true form, before I decide whether or not he's really Sir Denby."

"Denby" laughs: "Always one to err on the side of caution. That's my Edward."

Edward and Harold exchange looks, but say nothing more.

After a minute or two of uncomfortable silence, Father Clarence walks through the door, and introduces himself. He is wearing a strange-looking, steel diadem, which is fitted with a set of strange-looking lenses, one being flat, and the other protruding about 2.5 inches from his face. His skin is pale, and he is thin of build; his black cassock matches his jet black hair. He is young-looking, probably in his mid-late twenties. He asks Vale to hand him the ring, so that he may examine it.

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[Vale: What do you do?]


Aust Thale

Vale Gives The Ring...and some additional advice...

~ Well now...this will be most interesting. ~

"Father Clarence, I am Vale Stonegallows. Good to make your acquaintance. Here is the ring in question."

Vale removes the ring from his breast pocket and hands it to Father Clarence.

"You might be careful putting that thing on your finger. If it's indeed some sort of changeling spell, and not an illusion, I wonder if it could be a curse."


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Father Clarence's Gruesome Discovery

Vale said:
Vale removes the ring from his breast pocket and hands it to Father Clarence.

"You might be careful putting that thing on your finger.

Father Clarence nods, and says: "Oh yes, I'm always extremely careful. Let's see here..." He holds the ring between the tips of his thumb and index finger, and puts it up to the extended lens, which promptly begins to glow...

"Hmmm... Several effects here..." as he turns this ring this way and that in front of the glowing lens.

"Illusion... an attempt to hide an effect... yes, to hide the Shapechange. But of course, it only works while worn, and he wasn't wearing the ring when he arrived here. That is most fortunate."

He examines it some more.

"Emotion control.... interesting... a simple Identify would not have discovered this effect. This ring sows discontent in the wearer's friends... jealousy... anger... aggression..."

Father Clarence turns the lens slightly, causing it to extend further outwards, getting closer to the ring.

"More emotional modification... bloodlust... hmmm... if the wearer is attacked, he will enter a rage... he will not know friend from foe... only that he needs to KILL..."

Father Clarence smiles, as if he's discovered something truly hidden.

"Ah, very clever... if the command word is spoken within a mile radius of the ring... which assures complete secrecy... the ring wearer will revert to his true form... probably just in time to be framed for murder, brought on by the bloodlust... what is the command word? What is it...? Wait, I sense something... it's... it's Scar---AAARRRGGGGGHHH!!!!"

Suddenly, Father Clarence drops the ring, and begins to scream in pain! His hand turns completely black in an instant, as a wave of dark energy overwhelms him and racks his body! He shudders, and collapses in a heap!

Father Xavier rushes to his side! He lays his hand upon him, and speaks rapidly, words of supplication to St. Cuthbert. A glow passes through his hands, and washes over Father Clarence. He shudders once more, and is still. Father Xavier examines him closely, and then says, "He's breathing, I think I got to him in time. Thank Cuthbert! We won't know for sure until he comes to... that Heal spell should have allowed him to snap awake, instantly. This is foul magic, magic of the darkest kind. I smell the presence of the Demonic!"

Father Xavier says, "Hmmm...wait, I have an idea," and he casts another spell on Father Clarence; Father Clarence's eyes snap open, and blink several times. "Whe--Where Am I? This isn't my lab..." He looks at Father Xavier, and says, "Who are you? Do I know you?"

A single tear rolls down Father Xavier's cheek. "It's as I feared. He was cursed. Whomever made this ring is able to scry upon those in its immediate vicinity. When he almost said the command word, whomever it was used the ring as a conduit, through which to cast a curse upon him, making him forget. It looks as if the magic worked only too well. We must DESTROY that ring, immediately!"

[Everyone: What do you do?]


First Post
Kasnik backs away from the area of the vile ring and asks, "Can we just break it with a hammer or take it to a wizard to disenchant it?"

Aust Thale

~ Respen Is Alarmed And Reacts ~

~ What wretched foul magic is this?! ~

Respen has watched the events with Father Clarence play out, and he comes to a sudden realization. In nearly a single, excited breath, he turns to the group. " Don't say anything else out loud! "

Respen realizes how little they have spoken of the assassin on the road. He sighs in relief of that. "Father, can you silence all sound around the ring and blacken it such that nothing could be seen? Does the temple have those kinds of wards on it?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Reacting quickly, Father Xavier opens his belt pouch, and speaks: "Black box." As soon as he says this, a small, black box, about the size of a ring box, suddenly pokes out of the top of the bag, as if it had risen to the top on command. Father Xavier throws his neck scarf over the ring, and picks it up, and then places the ring inside the box without touching it. He snaps the box shut, and then throws the scarf into the gently glowing fireplace.

"Good thinking, friend Elf," he says. "That box is made of lead, and painted black. It is also enchanted to nullify all magical effects of anything placed within it. I keep it around for just such occasions."

Father Clarence perks up at the mention of the box. "Ah, yes. A black box. I invented those, you know. You never know when you might need to hide an magical item from prying eyes. Did you buy that from Fergus Allemande? I sold him three of them last year."

Father Xavier sighs. "No, Clarence. You made this one especially for me, last year, for my birthday."

[Everyone: What do you do?]

Sylvar B.

Sylvar watches, speechless at the latest events. He observed Sir Denby for any change, but says nothing. Only wishing to learn as much as possible.

Denby seemed just as shocked as everyone else.

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