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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar moves up 30 ft., and casts Magic Missile at the still-standing Kobold.

Nimbar growls, "Oh, you need more of 'em, do yah? Here ya go, you little cretin!"

Damage: 2,2 (4 pts. total.)
Kobold #1 is severely injured! (14 pts.)... but still standing!

Like Sphynx before him, Nimbar releases 2 glowing shards of light, which strike the Kobold, causing him, again, an immense amount of pain. And again, despite the ferocity of the attack, the missiles are not enough to put the creature down! The whole party looks on in awe; this is the toughest Kobold anyone has ever seen!

Hawke takes a one-square (5 ft.) adjustment in the diagonal upper-right ("northeast") direction, and lets the Kobold have it!

Hawke is still raging. (This is round 2 of 6 total rage rounds.)
WF Attacks: Primary (normal), Off-Hand (normal), Primary (WF) = 3 attacks.
All attacks are at +8. Attack rolls: (12,17,23) = Miss, Miss, Hit
Damage: (1d8+7) = 8 pts.
Kobold #1 is Disabled!! (22 pts. total.)

A character with 0 hit points, or one who has negative hit points but has become stable and conscious, is disabled. A disabled character may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). He moves at half speed. Taking move actions doesn’t risk further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the game master deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a quickened spell) deals 1 point of damage after the completion of the act. Unless the action increased the disabled character’s hit points, he is now in negative hit points and dying.

The Kobold is an amazing fighter! He dodges Hawke's first swing completely, and parries the second with his spear! But Hawke's blinding speed, fed by his battle rage, enables him to finally get past the creature's defenses, and land a blow squarely on top of his head! There is a sickening crunch as the blow lands, cracking the Kobold's skull! HOWEVER, the Kobold does not fall!! He merely stands there, with a glazed look in his eyes, and he no longer seems sure of his footing, as evidenced by his wobbling and shaking. At this point, anyone could knock the Kobold over with a feather, so-to-speak.

Hawke is amazed! "Thor's teeth! This little worm has some stamina!"

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Disabled. (22 pts.)
Kobold # 2 is asleep.
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)

ORDRED! It's your turn again! What do you do?

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kobold Barricade 001c.jpg
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Grimacing at the strike from the spear Ordred is shocked by the amount of damage the oversized lizard seemed to endure before it is finally staggered.

Hearing the kobold's epithets and cries for help, Quixt barks in dwarvish to Ordred, "Fall back, comrade! More of them are coming from in front of you!"

-Speaking Dwarven- "Aye I heard the same!" He acknowledges having no trouble understanding Draconic.

~Retreat may be the wisest course of action here. This foul breed are a lot tougher than the usual. However I'd really like to see a bit more of what they are capable of, if only to form a better plan after we retreat.~

-Speaking Dwarven-"For the moment we should fight on!"

~It'll take more than one lucky strike with the spear to get me on my heels!~
He decided with a determined clench of his jaw as he raised his morningstar once again.

(Attack on Kobold #2 w/ Morningstar: = 11)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Helpless AC: 11
Attack Roll: (11) (which already hits) + 4 (prone) = (15) = Hits.
But since you didn't need to move, you can take a full round action and perform a Coup De Grace. (Automatic hit, automatic crit.)
Damage: 2d8+6 (Morningstar Crit)+1d6 (Sneak Attack) = 13 pts. damage.
Saving Throw: Fortitude, 10+ Damage Dealt = Fort DC 23.
Saving Throw: (19) = Failed.
Kobold #2 is dead.

Ordred brings the morningstar down on the sleeping Kobold's head; in a manner similar to, but much more effective than, Hawke's last attack; it is not a crunch; this hit sounds more like a "splotch." The morningstar breaks the Kobold's head open like a ripe melon, spraying blood across the floor like a burst tomato.

A wry, grim, grin borne of satisfaction spreads across Ordred's face.

SPHYNX: It's your turn! What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Having full faith in the abilities of his comrades surrounding the remaining kobold, Sphynx delays any necessary attack action and instead moves as far as he can toward the sound of the banging on a door.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sphynx manages to get next to Hawke by taking a double move; he now has a front-row seat to all of the action.

Suddenly, the doors that Kobold #3 were banging on burst open, and Sphynx can now surmise what has transpired; these bigger Kobolds are the Chieftain's elite guard. The doors that were being banged upon were the doors to the Kobold Chieftain's throne room itself!

Kobold #1, knowing that his days are numbered, takes a 5 ft. (1 square) adjustment backwards, dropping his spear, and falling to his knees in surrender!

Kobold #3 says, in Draconic: "Greeka! Kill the giant! Sic 'em, girl! Sic 'em!" as he points, indicating Hawke!

GM: It has come to my attention that EVERYONE in the party speaks Draconic. Therefore there is no further need for spoiler boxes.

A Dire Wolf of enormous size bounds into the room, stopping in front of Hawke, having used her entire turn (a double move) to get there!

GM: Dire Wolf move rate: 50'; distance to Hawke = 55 ft. Wolf could not charge because her movement was NOT in a straight line.

More Kobolds move into view, taking up defensive positions. Kobolds #3,#4, and #6 draw their bows and fire at "the giant" (Hawke)!

Kobold #5 draws his bow and takes a pot shot at Sphynx!

Kobold #5 (in Draconic): "I'll take out the runty albino! His skin will make an excellent leather apron!"

Kobold Attacks vs. Hawke: (12,7,13) = Miss, Miss, Miss.
Kobold Attacks vs. Sphynx: (14) = Miss.

Arrows whiz by both Hawke and Sphynx, but none of them strike true! Apparently, these elite Kobolds have focused their training more upon endurance than on accuracy... Or perhaps it was merely a streak of bad luck...? In any event, what could have been a withering hail of death, results in nothing more than 4 shattered arrows.

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Disabled. (22 pts.) - Surrendered.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Kobold Barricade 001d.jpg

QUIXT: It's your turn! What do you do?

Aust Thale

Seeing the developing melee in the shadows in front of him, he surmises quickly that his best course of action is to allow the others to press the attack. Closing twenty five feet immediately behind Ordred, he reaches into a side pocket of his haversack, drawing out a tanglefoot bag. Ten (10) feet in front of the Dire Wolf, he throws the tanglefoot bag at the wolf.

Rolz Roll = 11; please add modifiers as appropriate. If it misses, at the angle it is, it will hit behind the Dire Wolf in the corridor.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
AC 11 is the wolf's touch AC, so your base roll hits.

Wolf makes Reflex Save DC 15 to avoid being stuck: (1): CRITICAL FAILURE.
Wolf is ENTANGLED. Duration is maxed due to critical failure.
Duration: 8 rounds.
Wolf has -2 to all attack rolls.
Wolf's Dex is decreased by 4 pts. (Down to 11); Wolf's new AC is 2 pts. lower.
Wolf Entangled AC Breakdown: Normal = 14 AC, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 12.
Entangled AC Numbers: AC 12, Touch AC 9, Flat-Footed 10.
The wolf cannot move from his square; despite this, he is NOT helpless.
Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Disabled. (22 pts.) - Surrendered.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining)

Quixt, your Tanglefoot Bag strikes true, hitting the Dire Wolf at exactly the "sweet spot," causing it to become hopelessly entangled in the goo. The Wolf is unable to break free, having been unfortunate enough to be in the exact middle of the bag's effect, where its entanglement properties are at their strongest.

Nimbar and Hawke (along with an updated Battle Map) are coming next! Stay tuned!
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar moves forward 25 feet, casting Mage Armor as he does so; he is running low on spells, and knows that personal melee combat is a strong possibility in the coming moments of this fight.

GM: Nimbar's Temporary AC: 18

Hawke takes a one-square (5 ft.) adjustment, his reasons being twofold; doing so will allow Ordred to flank the wolf, in the event he is unable to completely take it out. Secondly, it places him in front of Sphynx, allowing him to protect his friend.

GM: Hawke is raging (3 out of 6 rounds.)

WF Attacks: Primary (normal), Off-Hand (normal), Primary (WF) = 3 attacks.
All attacks are at +8. Attack rolls: (26,15,28) = Hit, Hit, Possible Crit; Confirmed.
Damage: 10,6,31 = 47 pts. total.
Dire Wolf is unconscious / bleeding out.

Hawke grits his teeth and lays into the wolf with a fierceness that few have ever seen, and still fewer would be capable of matching. Hawke yells, "Die, foul child of the despised Fenris!"

Being unable to properly move, the wolf cannot avoid the big Half-Elf's blows; the first blow, with the big hammer, catches the wolf in the ribs; the follow-up blow, with the smaller hammer, clocks the wolf in the snout, causing its eyes to water. The wolf doesn't even see the final blow, with the big hammer once more, as it smashes down on top of the wolf's head. As with the Kobold before, there is familiar, gruesome crunch as the wolf's skull cracks under the force of the hammer strike. The animal drops to the floor like a rag doll, totally limp, and now completely mired in the Tanglefoot goo. Trickles of blood flow from the wolf's ears. The animal is not long for this world.

All of the Kobolds who see this happen begin to wail in sorrow! They were obviously very fond of their Greeka, but alas, she has sicced her last foe on the field of battle.

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Disabled. (22 pts.) - Surrendered.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining);
Dire Wolf is dying. [-2]

ORDRED: It's your turn! What do you do?


Ordred reaches into a belt pouch (Move Action) and retrieves a flask of Alchemists Fire. He throws the flask at Kobold's 3 & 4 standing before the doorway. (Ranged Attack Action)

(Ranged Attack Alchemists Fire:
=16) (Damage: =3)

Voidrunner's Codex

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