Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Quixt's arrow does indeed strike the Chief in the torso, but unbeknownst to Quixt, it is not the armor that saves the Chief from grievous damage, for the arrow easily pierces the armor; it is the scaly, tough, hide of an elder Kobold which saves him, although the arrow does pierce even his scales by about half an inch, causing a dribble of blood to leak out from under the armor.

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold # 3 is dying. [-3]
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Hawke is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-4]
Kobold #5 is moderately wounded. (12 pts.)
Kobold #6 (The Kobold Queen) is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is moderately wounded. (19 pts.)

NEXT UP: Nimbar and Hawke! Stay tuned!

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar needs to make a DC 14 Concentration check.
He has a -4 penalty to the roll. (1d20+3, instead of his normal 1d20+7);
Check: (20) + 3 = 23!! Success.
Magic Missile Damage: 2,5 = 7 pts. total.

Nimbar takes a 1-square (5 ft.) adjustment straight back, as he begins concentrating on another spell; his grim determination is readily apparent on his countenance, as he overcomes the pain through sheer force of will, and casts Magic Missile at the Chieftain!

The Kobold Chieftain cries out in agony as the two bolts of energy slam into him! A look of concern crosses the Queen's face, as she realizes the truth of what is happening; the party does not feel threatened by her, or by the other elite guards. They fear the power of the staff, and they have targeted her husband for death. She and her guards are an afterthought.

GM: The Kobold Chieftain has taken a total of 26 points of damage. He looks fatigued and weary; he has definitely seen better days.

Hawke is raging; (5 out of 6 rounds.)
Hawke's attack rolls: (12,21,15) = Miss, Hit, Miss.
Damage: 4 pts.
The Kobold Chieftain has taken a total of 30 points of damage.

Despite his weariness, the Kobold Chieftain refuses to go down without a fight; he parries Hawke's first blow with the big hammer, and dodges the second blow with it, although in-between, the light warhammer smashes him in the side of his snout, causing him to spit teeth! It seems almost surreal, but somehow, the Kobold Chieftain remains standing, a true testament to his skill, ferocity, and perseverance. Nevertheless, it is readily apparent that he cannot endure much more punishment.

NOTE: I didn't have my computer available, so I had to mark up the old map with a touch pen; therefore, it's not as fancy as I'd like. The "N" represents Nimbar's new position.


ORDRED: It's your turn! The Kobold Chieftain is now grievously wounded! What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Ordred strikes at the Kobold with a measure of determination and fury, but it is not enough. The creature is too fast on his feet, and easily side-steps the blow.

Kobold #5 still wears a worried look on his face, however, because he realizes that his chieftain is in grave peril, and that he and his comrades will be unable to hold off the resolute invaders for very much longer. It's a poignant moment for the creature, as he contemplates the imminent end of his life.

SPHYNX: It's your turn! What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Since an enemy has encroached upon his position, Sphynx takes somewhat of physical action. He draws a dagger into his right hand but flicks his left at the kobold instead, only needing to touch him with it. As the hand moves forward, it glows a faint blue.
OOC: Concentration Check: (d20+8)-4 = 23
Touch Attack: (d20+1)-4 = 12
Chill Touch: d6 = 5

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kobold #4, who is the clumsy one of the "elite litter," proves to be just a tad too slow to dodge Sphynx's spell. The glowing hand touches the tiny draconian, causing him considerable pain and agony. He wails in a high-pitched yelp that sounds almost like a dog's yap. However, he proves resilient enough to resist the spell's strength-draining aspect. Nevertheless, he gets a look of sheer terror in his eyes at the thought of being touched again!

Kobold #4 Touch AC: 12. Sphynx's touch attack: (12) = Hits.
Damage: 5 pts. Fort Save, DC 16: (18) = Saved, no Stength loss.

Morale Check: Willpower, Base DC 10. Presence of the Chieftain: -2; Presence of the Queen: -2; Death of the Dire Wolf: +2, Death of half the elite guard force: +3; Frightening-looking spell: +2. Total DC: 13.
Morale Check: Willpower DC 13: (10) = Failed.

Kobold #4 loses his nerve, and flees east, going around the Kobold Chieftain, heading back into the throne room.

GM: Hawke, Sphynx, and Ordred will get attacks of opportunity against Kobold #4 if they wish to take them.

Hawke = 14 (Miss)
Sphynx = 15 (Miss)
Narayan = 7 (Miss)
Queen = 22 (Hit); Damage = 3 pts.

Sphynx, Hawke, and Ordred all take swipes at the fleeing Kobold, but his armor and tough hide save him all three times; none of the hastily swung blows land solidly enough to hurt the small, fast, scaly cretin.

Kobold #5, and the Chieftain, choose not to attack the coward in their midst, but the Queen will not hear of it.

Queen, in Draconic: "Nerull demands obedience! Come back and fight, coward!"

The Queen stabs at the fleeing Kobold with her spear, managing to catch him in the left shoulder; but his scaly skin makes the wound barely more than a scrape. The Queen's demands fall on deaf ears as the Kobold flees into the throne room, looking for a place to cower!

Kobold #5 renews his hostility against Ordred, stabbing once again with his spear; Ordred moves his shield to block, but he is a second too late, and the Kobold manages to sneak in a stab to Ordred's right collar bone; the wound is no wound at all, failing to draw blood. The armor saves the Dwarf from actual penetration of the skin, although the blow lands hard enough to leave a painful bruise!

The Queen continues to help her husband, by trying to fell the "giant" before her; she gets a good shot in on Hawke, poking him in his right thigh, drawing blood. Hawke winces in pain, and spits.

Hawke, in Draconic: "Your days are numbered, foul beast!"

Just as Hawke is saying this, The Kobold Chieftain uses his staff to heal many of his wounds! He stands up a little straighter now, with a mischievous gleam in his eye!

Chieftain, in Draconic: "This fight's not over yet!"

Kobold #5 Attack: (19) = Hit
Damage = 2 pts.
Ordred has taken a total of 11 pts. of damage.

Queen Attack: (22) = Hit
Damage = 4 pts.
Hawke has taken a total of 13 pts. of damage.

The Kobold Chieftain holds the staff to his chest and activates it. (Free Action)
Blood trickles out of his ears!
Activation costs 5 hit pts., which should have rendered the Chief unconscious [-3];
However, the power being activated is Cure Serious Wounds.
The Chieftain is healed for 14 points. (Standard Action)

Kobold #3 continues to bleed out.
The Dire Wolf continues to bleed out.

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold # 3 is dying. [-4]
Ordred is significantly wounded. (11 pts.)
Hawke is significantly wounded. (13 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (7 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-5]
Kobold #4 is significantly injured, (8 pts.)
Kobold #4 is Panicked.
Kobold #5 is moderately wounded. (12 pts.)
Kobold #6 (The Kobold Queen) is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is SEVERELY WOUNDED. (21 pts.)

QUIXT: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Aust Thale

Releasing his left hand from his bow (shooting left-handed), Quixt fights through the pain to pull a scroll from the bandolier across his chest. He says the command word, and blue bolts explode from the scroll, burning it to a copper-piece-sized cinder and targeting the kobold chieftain, slamming into his torso in the same spot as the arrow hit. The effect is as desired, the first clearing a path and the second knocking the wind from the lizard-creature's lungs. His staff's effectiveness was indisputable, but woefully short-lived. A flicker of doubt crosses the kobold's face, something everyone within eyeshot can detect, despite the shadows and streaks of illumination in the corridor.
Concentration Roll = 12+4=16 (passes); Magic Missile Scroll (3rd CL) 2d4+2 = 6 damage

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar moves 1 square directly North.
Nimbar Concentration check: (5) = Fail.
Nimbar loses his spell.

Seeing that Kobold #4's departure has left an opening, Nimbar tries to take advantage of it. He moves up into position, preparing to hit the Kobold Chieftain with his very last spell: Scorching Ray; but the symbol of pain continues to be a thorn in Nimbar's side, causing him to lose the spell, as pain surges through his body!

Hawke tries to make up for Nimbar's shortcoming, but he, too, learns a lesson in humility. All of his rage, and all of his strength, cannot give him the skill to get past the elder Kobold's defenses! Seemingly now full of energy, despite his still-fatigued and beleaguered condition, the Kobold Chieftain easily parries all three of Hawke's attacks, showing the young warrior that despite his raw power, he is not infallible!

Hawke is raging. (6 out of 6 rounds; he has now run out of steam!)
Hawke will be fatigued next round.
Hawke's Attacks: (9,13,14) = Miss, Miss, Miss

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold # 3 is dying. [-4]
Ordred is significantly wounded. (11 pts.)
Hawke is significantly wounded. (13 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (7 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-5]
Kobold #4 is significantly injured, (8 pts.)
Kobold #4 is Panicked.
Kobold #5 is moderately wounded. (12 pts.)
Kobold #6 (The Kobold Queen) is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is GRIEVOUSLY WOUNDED. (27 pts.)


ORDRED: It's your turn? Can you turn the tide of this battle?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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