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Search results

  1. Femerus the Gnecro

    3d modeling software

    Hey there. I'm a Mac user and I'm trying to figure out which Macintosh 3d modeling software is the best for my needs. I taught myself to use 3dsmax on a PC and got pretty good at it, but I haven't really been exposed to 3d modeling tooks on the Mac. I've been wanting to get back into...
  2. Femerus the Gnecro

    This is strange... is the link going to the wrong place?

    When I try to go to the messageboard index at this link it takes me to a page where some java applet tries to load, fails, and just sits there. I also get the following message: Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /http/forums/index.php on line 14...
  3. Femerus the Gnecro

    This rules! Free games!

    http://www.firingsquad.com/news/newsarticle.asp?searchid=5745 Deus Ex: GOTY and Thief II? I'd buy the magazine just for those alone. -F
  4. Femerus the Gnecro

    Whew. 3 down, 2 to go.

    I just (well, 4 hours ago) finished my first Law School final exam. Damn. I think I did pretty well, all things considered. Federal Civil Procedure is, at its best, GODAWFUL. Luckily, my last final is on the 16th, so I can see ROTK opening night with no stress! Woot! Just felt like...
  5. Femerus the Gnecro

    Buh? News page Login issues

    I'm having weird issues with the login on the news page. On the messageboards I can log in and stay logged in forever, and I never get logged out accidently. However, when I visit the main page, I'm *not* logged in, and I can't change my preferences (i.e. I can't turn off the drop down...
  6. Femerus the Gnecro

    Anime for the Significant Other?

    So... I'm engaged. She's not a gamer, nor is there any chance of converting her. However, we've recently watched some Anime together, and I think she might be somewhat amenable to becoming more involved in this particular interest of mine. So... any suggestions? We've recently watched...
  7. Femerus the Gnecro

    Midnight SRD?

    I've heard rumors of a Midnight SRD. Is this the preview PDF that FFG has on their website, or a true reference document for the setting? If it's the latter, could I get a link? Thanks, F
  8. Femerus the Gnecro

    [NWN] Good Modules? Persistant Worlds?

    I just finished beating the everloving crap out of NWN single player (yay 3.0 cleric!), and I'm wondering if anyone here at ENworld knows of a *good* NWN persistant world server. I'm also on the lookout for good single-player modules. I know that one thing this board does NOT lack is...
  9. Femerus the Gnecro

    Stargate Season Finale [spoilers, speculation]

    Wow... was that a 'final fantasy'-esque ending or what? Sort of an "um... I... uh... but, did he... er...awuh?" When's the premiere of Season 7? -F
  10. Femerus the Gnecro

    We're at war. n/t

  11. Femerus the Gnecro

    PCgen to start charging for Data?!

    http://www.codemonkeypublishing.com/ This can't possibly be a *good* thing. Makes me glad I haven't updated yet from version 3. -F
  12. Femerus the Gnecro

    Stargate Campaign: Spycraft or D20 Modern?

    I'm going to be running a d20 Stargate campaign (more along the lines of the TV show as opposed to the movie). I'm trying to figure out whether I should use the Spycraft ruleset or the D20 Modern ruleset. Pros and Cons would be greatly appreciated. -F
  13. Femerus the Gnecro

    Winter monsters

    Alrighty. I'm currently playing in an online game, using openrpg. It's been my job to make minis for the pc's and for the monsters... but I'm having issues. I'm quite adept at converting existing images into a good format for openrpg, but we've recently (in game) entered a winter climate...
  14. Femerus the Gnecro

    clerics and buff spells

    Okay... do clerics get cat's grace or not? It's not on the spell list and I can't find anything in the faq addressing it, but it doesn't make any sense to have bull's strength but not cat's grace. -F
  15. Femerus the Gnecro

    [OT] Tonight's the Night! (edit: I'm Engaged! WHOOT!)

    Okay... I'm not the most vocal personality on the boards. However, I spend enough time here that I consider the ENworld community to be one of the most dynamic and excellent online communities in existence. So... I thought I'd share this. I'm asking my girlfriend to marry me tonight! With...
  16. Femerus the Gnecro

    Creating LST files for PCgen 3.0

    How would I go about adding the Asperi monster from the MM2 as a mount into PCgen 3.0? Disclaimer: This is for my own personal use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -F
  17. Femerus the Gnecro

    About Defending weapons

    Not sure if this has been brought up before... When a defending weapon, say, a +3 is fully activated, is the weapon still treated as a +3 in regards to damage reduction? -F
  18. Femerus the Gnecro

    Simpsons Premiere

    Heh. They jumped the shark! :D -F
  19. Femerus the Gnecro

    Do Ravens talk?

    Raven familiars. The PHB says that they can 'speak one language.' Does this mean that they can understand it, or actually speak it like a human/dwarf, etc? -F
  20. Femerus the Gnecro

    Monter Manual II CR issues (was MM 2 errata in progress?)

    Is there an up to date source for MM 2 errata? Primarily I'm looking for information on the Asperi, who is listed as a Large Magical beast, but in its entry, under advancement, it says: "5-6 HD, Medium size." Huh? Am I totally ignorant, or does that make it get smaller as it gains HD? It...