• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    How far can you fall in a round?

    Okay, now for a new can of worms, any opinions or rules for how fast someone using feather fall falls?
  2. R

    Druid Weapons

    I've never restricted an elven druid from taking advantage of their long or shortbow prof., nor do I see a reason to.
  3. R

    How far can you fall in a round?

    Yes I could do the math for this but it has come up in play several times and I was wondering if there is an official number. How many feet do you fall in a round? Where is this time calculated in as far as your turn?
  4. R

    Using a trip to destroy D&D forever

    Alright, we have character A and character B, character A decides that even though he does not have improved trip or IUS he is going to attempt to trip character B. So he makes his attempt opening an atack of opportunity, so character B (whom has IUS) decides to make a trip attempt as his...
  5. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] No good reason to get rid of Ambidexterity...

    In reference to the extra melee attack being only one feat and the extra ranged attack costing two, I think it works out fine considering the benefit of PBS.
  6. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Helmets???

    I was under the impression that they would be having rules for helmets in 3.5, I have been through the new core books and I can find no mention of them. Was I incorrect or has there been a ruling on them? I know this is the wrong forum but any house rules someone could suggest?
  7. R

    Assasin of ______ (No Spells)

    As far as front loaded, the draw back to taking one level in this class is that the save DC for the death attack is based on the assassin level, so IMO it's not so bad, although the critical hits working forsneak attack damage may need to be reworked just on account of that being a D&D no-no.
  8. R

    Half-Ogre ECL+1???

    I was going through the savage species book and found in the new races a half-ogre, a race with slightly unbalanced stats, natural armor and reach, but only an ECL of +1. Early in the book it states that each of those traits are worth +1 ECL, is there an errata i missed? Do I have a misprinted...
  9. R

    Any word yet on 3.5 Paladins?

    I really think they should get a sneak attack, maybe +1d12 in place of each of those remove diseases, it makes sense, and everyone knows they're already an underpowered class.
  10. R

    Fate Points

    D20 mod has a system where you get like power points or something, I don't exactly remember, but you gained them with levels and they allowed you to add a d6/point spent to any roll. So you could use them to finish a battle with one final devastating blow or to avoid the finger of death.
  11. R

    Ironwood sword, Market price ?

    Well you could do 450 for Permanency (caster level 9*50) and Ironwood for 660(caster level 11*60) and then add some for the XP cost of permanency, and then pray to your gods that no one figures to cast dispel magic.
  12. R

    Wild Shape to escape Grapple?

    I stand corrected.
  13. R

    Wild Shape to escape Grapple?

    Well I figured that there would be a somatic component, which according to the epic lavel book is 50+spell level.
  14. R

    Held and reflex saves

    In our games the way we rationalize getting a reflex save while flat-footed is that when a fireball goes off it would probably burn for some amount of time, especially to do up to 10d6 of damage, therefore you can always shield yourself during the instant of it going off, for half damage...
  15. R

    Wild Shape to escape Grapple?

    I'm not sure if this applies but casting while grappled has a concentrations dc of like 10+spell level+50. I wouldn't allow that ability to be used while being grappled unless that check was made, part of the advantage to grappling is that it really screws a spellcaster. Also, don't smaller...
  16. R

    What is the DC for sleeping characters to hear?

    For sleep characters I have always used listen checks at -10 but i think the taking 0 is apropriate as well.
  17. R

    jedi in a forgotten realms setting

    I'm not familiar with what the star wars books have to say, but if I were doing this I would treat the light saber as granting the deflect arrows feat and have the jedi make a reflex save DC 20 to deflect the arrow, if the arrow is magical the DC goes up the same amount as the enchantment, if...
  18. R

    Armor makes you harder to hit?

    Just my two cents. I don't like this at all for several reasons. You have a very good point and rational for what you want to do and why but in my opinion this would really involve an entire overhaul of the d20 system. If you were to maybe make adjustments for base attack and maybe a defense...
  19. R

    Bluffing Spellcraft

    Although this isn't very helpful because I can't remember the book it is in, there is a feat that allows you to do so, it might be disguise spell from Song and Silence but I doubt it. It's probably 3rd party material.
  20. R

    Can you threaten witha melee weapon? Sneak Attack?

    When you miss I roll a d8 and do the same thing when you miss with a grenade-like weapon. Also I don't apply sneak attack damage to the friend, in case you were wondering, the logic there is you don't do damage when you screw up, the extra damage is based on accuracy.