D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world


OP: no coffeelocking!

Also OP: posts build with coffeelocking.

Also, also OP: it's okay, it's only a little bit of coffeelocking.
I strongly disagree.
Coffeelocking is avoiding long rest with spells/abilities to avoid exaustion to get infinite spells.
The Bastion is using a fair use of your Capstone feature.

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No flips for you!
I strongly disagree.
Coffeelocking is avoiding long rest with spells/abilities to avoid exaustion to get infinite spells.
The Bastion is using a fair use of your Capstone feature.
No, coffeelocking is abusing a loophole to build sp and soellslots. It's not defined by infinite use, that's just an endpoint. It's not like you can say, "but I stopped at 100 so it's not coffeelocking."

Not to mention that resting, both if you can and how often, is up to the GM. Continuous short resting isn't something you'd actually see in any game. It's not a player's right, so any build predicated on abusive resting is, inherently, "DM pwease!"

I strongly disagree.
Coffeelocking is avoiding long rest with spells/abilities to avoid exaustion to get infinite spells.
The Bastion is using a fair use of your Capstone feature.
Stongly disagree. Coffeelocking is any cheesing of numerous short rest to get more resources that you are supposed to get out of a long rest.
"Fair use" of the Sorcerer capstone is getting back some sorcery points during a short rest between encounters in an adventuring day like a real D&D character.


No flips for you!

Okay, it's assassination day! Where do you start the day (I assume wherever you hase is?) and how are you getting to the assassination location? You have to do this in less than a single day or your buffs are gone/you're resting in the open. How are you getting from you base, what is your base, and where is it?


Stongly disagree. Coffeelocking is any cheesing of numerous short rest to get more resources that you are supposed to get out of a long rest.
"Fair use" of the Sorcerer capstone is getting back some sorcery points during a short rest between encounters in an adventuring day like a real D&D character.
Strongly disagree, the sorcerer chooses his best use, not you.
If He wants to prepare an ambush, It's ok.



Okay, it's assassination day! Where do you start the day (I assume wherever you hase is?) and how are you getting to the assassination location? You have to do this in less than a single day or your buffs are gone/you're resting in the open. How are you getting from you base, what is your base, and where is it?
Just go and kill the wizards, it's that simple.

The predator is hunting.
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No flips for you!
Just go and kill the wizards, it's that simple.
Okay, I get to pick? It takes you 1 month to travel from your base to the assassination location. You're down to a handful of sircery points and a handful of low level spell slots.

Or, can you actually engage the question of how you have a super-secret super-warded base but have to travel to assassination locations? You've mentioned a demi-plane, but that's a problem with planeshift. Teleport has issues as well. How are ypu getting from base to ambush location?

Voidrunner's Codex

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