D&D 5E 20th level Sorcerer vs the world

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Even with all that DM fiat and of course it would never work.
Still failed

Ahahaha, Sorcerer's Simulacrum greater restoration and it's over.
Greater restoration has a range of touch. How does the simulacrum, who you decided cast dimension door away on the last round, touches the sorcerer?


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
DM fiat spell:
"I wish that all wizards are forever trapped, isolated, forgotten by everyone in an impossible place to find and that they cannot use any magic or class feature. Trapped, isolated and without access to spells or any source of magic, forgotten forever."

I win.
Actually, that wish, as worded, imparts upon you a delusion that exactly that has happened. You are forever unable to perceive any wizards, and they are forever unable to affect you with magic.

That's what happens when you overreach with a wish.

You. Lost.


Actually, that wish, as worded, imparts upon you a delusion that exactly that has happened. You are forever unable to perceive any wizards, and they are forever unable to affect you with magic.

That's what happens when you overreach with a wish.

You. Lost.

Its how Wish DM fiat works.
It doesn't work as you want to.

You lose.

I'd rather move the sorcerer in another material plane where magic doesn't exist (like our world). Replicating an existing spell with few restriction is within the bounds of wish and it's not different than gating somewhere.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Its how Wish DM fiat works.
It doesn't work as you want to.

You lose.

I used a Wish well within reason--replicated a 9th-level spell, or performed something like the function called out in the 3.5 version that let you move some number of people to a place you named. And, I worded the Wish to do exactly that, without any wiggle-room.

You, on the other hand, got greedy and attempted to Thanos-snap Wizards out of existence. It's less work for the Wish spell to lead you to believe that's what happened, than to make that happen.

You. Lost.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I'd rather move the sorcerer in another material plane where magic doesn't exist (like our world). Replicating an existing spell with few restriction is within the bounds of wish and it's not different than gating somewhere.
That would be a reasonable interpretation, as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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