[3.5e D&D Greyhawk] The Sunless Citadel [OOC]


@VV; Okay I finished updating your Myth-Weavers sheet.
Krindorf Duzmar :: (Read-Only) - Myth-Weavers
It is more correct than your text version (only 3 languages and Carrying Capacity based on Str 14). Go ahead and create your post in the Rogue Galley thread like everyone else. Include both versions of the sheet (code(sblock if you can) and the link).

Everyone; I just read in the PHB your initial clothes outfit is free and weighs nothing for calculating encumbrance. :)

WarShrike: On your Char Sheet, the Greatsword is a Medium version (2d6 dmg), the large version does 3d6 damage and has a -2 penalty to use and weighs double. Everything else checks out. You didn't purchase any ranged weapons though, not using them?:p

@Gruffle; Your XP should be 0 and next level is 1000. Hit Dice should be listed as 1d12. Deity is blank? Put your Weapons and Armor on your equipment list or they don't get totaled for your encumbrance. Fill in language (Common - speak only), and any remaining currency.

Errandir: I think small items (Armor and weapons for sure) weight 1/2 as much compared to Medium sized. Can you double check your equipment weights, please? For your spells, the bonus spell is for Illusionist specialty. You have 2 1st level normally (1 for level +1 for Int). So that's 3 you can memorize, need to indicate which are prepared in the #Cast/Mem column (i.e. 0/1 or 0/2).

After you ALL have finished with your final versions of your backgrounds let me know, then I will read them. Once Gruffle and Errandir are done, you may post on the IC thread and catch up. Then it's game on!:)

Also Errandir, I have some more (but not many) potential portraits for your gnome, but I have them only on my work PC so I will look through them tomorrow and provide some examples if you want. Email is best.

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First Post
Done. Somehow I calculated my starting cash wrong - looked again and realised it should be 160 GP, so I could afford better armour. Have recalculated costs and weights, and made the other changes.

Still waiting to see how the backgrounds integrate. Errandir has tied in to mine, but not heard from the other two. Think I'm good to go otherwise.


First Post
Also done. You were right, some of the weights were off, so I fixed those. I also made two different columns for known spells and prepared spells. I think it's easier to see that way.

Oh, and don't worry about the picture. It's honestly not important.


Oh, and don't worry about the picture. It's honestly not important.
I tried to make your token with the black and white line drawing and it turned out crappy. The original picture looked much better. I only used the head so the lute and sword aren't really in the token.

Here is is:

If you want a different head shot that's okay. I can still try to find something close to your other one.


First Post
OK, I've kinda worked as much into the background as I can - not going to win any prizes but there hasn't really been a lot of discussion on that side of it forthcoming so we'll have to take what we can get! I can't get Krindorf in I'm afraid but Errandir suggested him and Eivan may have a connection.

Might have to do a slight retcon (if you are really bothered) of the first couple of posts, otherwise I'm starting on the basis of ny background, which is that Brunhilde and Eivan are travelling together, and meeting Gregor in town.


I am wondering where Warshrike is. He has been silent over the weekend. Once he chimes in that his background is finalized we can continue in the IC thread.

As for group togetherness, they are all traveling to Oakhurst together as per the opening post on the IC thread. As for editing your backgrounds and your opening posts, that's okay for the next day until I post again IC. I plan to update soon after Errandir posts IC and Warshrike says he is ready.


First Post
I should still edit my background a bit to fit with Gruffle's, and I'd like to work something out with Voda Vosa for shared character background. I can make a short IC post to keep things going, though.

EDIT: Actually, since Gregor and Krindorf already posted that they're traveling together, maybe you two can match up the backstories for that?
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Go ahead and keep working the backgrounds. I sent a PM to Warshrike so maybe he will come on-line yet today. I will still wait for him to show back up before rolling forward in the IC. So go ahead Errandir, post IC if you want. Characters can respond to each other as well if you wish.

Voidrunner's Codex

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