[3.5e D&D Greyhawk] The Sunless Citadel [OOC]

Voda Vosa

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I should still edit my background a bit to fit with Gruffle's, and I'd like to work something out with Voda Vosa for shared character background. I can make a short IC post to keep things going, though.

EDIT: Actually, since Gregor and Krindorf already posted that they're traveling together, maybe you two can match up the backstories for that?

I'm all for shared backgrounds. What ideas do you have?

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First Post
Well, a childhood connection between Eivan and Krindorf could work, because dwarves and gnomes live in similar villages, I think. But as I said in the last post, it might fit better with the current storyline to say Krindorf has joined Gregor somewhere, so that they can meet up with Eivan and Brunhilde in Oakhurst.

Which one of those do you like?

Voda Vosa

First Post
As you said, and as I've read in the IC thread, I think Krindorf and Eivan might know each other from childhood, and lost contact over the years, knowing nothing of each other's life. Now destiny draws them together once again, but neither are the young and naive lads each of them remember. What about that?


First Post
Hmm... I was thinking we were supposed to come up with an explanation for how they met up recently, but if everyone else is okay with chalking it up to random chance, then that works for me.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Well, Brunhilde wants to meet with Gregor to find her sister, casually they each takes one of our characters, and they eventually find each other. I think it's just good to make an adventuring party, you know, the "slay ugly monsters and take whatever they carry" kind of party.


First Post
I hadnt figured on a shared background with the others, as theirs seems to indicate they come from wee people comunities, and Gregor just wouldnt hang out there. I just figured he`d travel to Oakhurst with them because he saw the opportuinity in the town`s crisis, and there`s safety in numbers, and it`s a long road.


Okay. As you guys finish up things on backgrounds, the IC thread is now completely open. I will read through everything in a few hours and post then (if appropriate).

Happy adventuring! :)


Grufflehead; before you go past Gregor and Krindorf something will happen before you enter Oakhurst. You can edit her back now or later. I am on the train en route the office and I will update in a few hours.


Errandir; Your gnome travels around the dangerous countryside with an unloaded crossbow? Personally I would have it in hand all of the time, never know when a monster be popping out of the bushes. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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