3PP Release (3rd Party Book Release) Paranormal Power: A Psionics Option for 5e and A5e, written by Steampunkette!

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Full color cover art commission unlocked!
Speaking of which, @Steampunkette you might want to, if you can, revise your stretch goals. Given the financials you posted your not paying yourself enough per word. Don't eat the all up with art stretch goals. You are already stuck with the cover art (which is great by the way), but I would push the rest of the art out by another $2,000 dollars or so. Get paid for your work first and then look to upgrade the art (and I really want commissioned art).


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!

You can make a copy to your own google account and then fiddle with it to your heart's content. I just used the current value of the KS and qty of books.

Also, your kickstarter says: "Physical copies are hardcover with full color interiors, but there is a shipping cost." I took that to mean that ME as a backer pays the shipping cost. I think you should pass those costs on to the backers, personally. The way supply chains are going postage rates are bonkers. A book to New Zealand or Brazil or South Africa could be more than the cost of the book (US$50)

For example, South Africa package for a 2lb package is $34.45
I actually got the same advice from Morrus, Mike Myler, and Ryan Nock. Particularly with losing money on Zeitgeist copies that went to Australia. Maybe I should issue vouchers for a printing to those accounts at DTRPG and leave shipping costs to the individual? Not 100% certain how to handle it.
Speaking of which, @Steampunkette you might want to, if you can, revise your stretch goals. Given the financials you posted your not paying yourself enough per word. Don't eat the all up with art stretch goals. You are already stuck with the cover art (which is great by the way), but I would push the rest of the art out by another $2,000 dollars or so. Get paid for your work first and then look to upgrade the art (and I really want commissioned art).
S'what I had said from the outset, yeah. Didn't know where to place them, what with not expecting to -hit- $4,500 in the Kickstarter.


Golden Procrastinator
I actually got the same advice from Morrus, Mike Myler, and Ryan Nock. Particularly with losing money on Zeitgeist copies that went to Australia. Maybe I should issue vouchers for a printing to those accounts at DTRPG and leave shipping costs to the individual? Not 100% certain how to handle it.

S'what I had said from the outset, yeah. Didn't know where to place them, what with not expecting to -hit- $4,500 in the Kickstarter.
Yes, many KS do that. Just issue a voucher for the POD and each customer takes care of their own shipping.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
The only issue at this point is I can't go back through each of them and remove the shipping costs without asking everyone who pledged for the physical copy to re-pledge to a new tier and delete the old one.

I suppose I could put a credit on their DTRPG account, though, for the difference... maybe?


S'what I had said from the outset, yeah. Didn't know where to place them, what with not expecting to -hit- $4,500 in the Kickstarter.
I don't remember what you had at the outset; but I am not advocating removing the stretch goals. Just increase the starting point. First make a good wage; then tack stretch goals on top of that is my recommendation.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
I don't remember what you had at the outset; but I am not advocating removing the stretch goals. Just increase the starting point. First make a good wage; then tack stretch goals on top of that is my recommendation.
Oh, yeah, no... I didn't get rid of them or anything. No intention to do so. That's not an option for me, as they've already been announced. I -did- space them slightly differently... but they're still there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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