5E: Converting Monsters from White Dwarf Magazine for Fifth Edition


This is a revival of the long forgotten Converting Monsters from White Dwarf Magazine thread that used to grace this forum.

Finished conversions will be added to the Completed Fifth Edition Creatures Index.

The Index of 5E White Dwarf Magazine Conversions is intended for Fifth Edition D&D conversions, other editions of D&D will have their own threads as required.

Index of 5th Edition White Dwarf Magazine Conversions
D&DBeyond [CC]​
Amiraspi Cyclops
Amiraspi Cyclops Chief
Amiraspi Cyclops, Young
Amiraspian Griffon Rider
Amiraspian Griffon Rider Gallant
Amiraspian Griffon Rider Mystic
Amiraspian Griffon Rider Novice
Argorian Wormkin
Dragon Warriors
 Chromatic Dragon Warriors
  Black Dragon Warrior
  Blue Dragon Warrior
  Green Dragon Warrior
  Red Dragon Warrior
  White Dragon Warrior
 Metallic Dragon Warriors
  Brass Dragon Warrior
  Bronze Dragon Warrior
  Copper Dragon Warrior
  Gold Dragon Warrior
  Silver Dragon Warrior
Green Gremlin
Gu'en-Deeko Fighting Ape
Gu'en-Deeko Mage
Gurgohemoth (Gurgotch Juggernaut)
 Variant: Weresnake Serpentcaller​
Nandie-Ape (Koddoelo)
Nandie-Ape (Koddoelo), Boss
Nandie-Bear (Kerit)
Pine Kindred [picture]
Pine Kindred, Jarl [picture]
Pine Kindred, Thane [picture]
Pine Kindred, Fircarl
Pine Kindred, Resin-Thrall [picture]
Pine Kindred—Resin-Hound [picture]
Pine Kindred—Root-Ogre
Pine Kindred—Thorn-Ogre
Pine Kindred—Tree-Jotun
Pine Kindred—Tree-Vargr
Entry, Modified
Entry, Subtype
 Variant: Entry​
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Casimir Liber

Okay - the Argorian Wormkin appeared in "Desert Light" - a desert-themed collection of monsters as a mini-module idea in White Dwarf 29. I liked them as a hydra-replicating idea and small treasure-horde guarding critter...all comments welcome as happy to tweak with input


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Okay - the Argorian Wormkin appeared in "Desert Light" - a desert-themed collection of monsters as a mini-module idea in White Dwarf 29. I liked them as a hydra-replicating idea and small treasure-horde guarding critter...all comments welcome as happy to tweak with input

For clarity, I'll put my comments in blue and use red text for suggested modifications I’m less committed to.

Shouldn't it have the creature's name at the start in a larger bold font rather than "Description"?

Said description could do with a little polish, plus it wouldn't hurt to add a Flavour Paragraph or two.

It doesn't really need the "which they attack with" in the description, since that's implicit in them having a bite attack. Also, I believe the 5E D&D convention is to use US measurements, so it'd be "foot long" rather than "30 cm long".

The "cannot be killed" and/or "splits into two halves" traits can be mentioned in a Flavour Paragraph abilities but really need to be Special Abilities in the creature's statblock. I'll discuss those below.

I'd suggest something like the following for the Description:

Argorian Wormkin
These foot-long creature where first produced by an evil cleric-assassin from Argor. They are worm-like creatures resembling a reddish pink lamprey with a sucker-like rasping mouth.
Treasure Guardians. These worm-constructs were originally created to protect their master's treasure and are instinctively attracted to shiny valuables, which they rest beside while waiting for intruders to attack.
 Immortal Worms. Argorian wormkin are not truly alive and do not need to eat, drink, or drink. They can fully recover from any damage that doesn't kill them and can even survive being torn apart, which usually only separates them into two fragments each capable of attacking.

Stat Block
The Armor Class should have "(natural armor)" rather than "Natural" but the number's fine.

I'd consider possible tweaking the Con up to a +1 bonus since the original had 1d8+1 Hit Dice. Maybe reduce the number of HD to 3d4 to compensate? That'd improve the Poison DC too.

The original monster has Speed 12" which is human average, so why does the conversion move at 40 ft. rather than the 5E average of 30 ft. like a Poisonous Snake? The original monster didn't have a climb speed, but I have no particular objection to it. Personally I'd reduce it to 20 ft. and add a swim speed, but that's mainly because I'm used to 3E snakes and their "Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft."!

The bite has 5 listed as the average damage but that doesn't match the 2 average of the listed 1d4 damage. Should this be Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) or Hit: 2 (1d4)?

I'd be inclined to go inbetween and make it Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) like a Giant Centipede or possible Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1). Also if the mouth is lamprey-like it's not stabbing like a giant spider's fangs but is rasping/slicing at the flesh, so wouldn't it do slashing damage rather than piercing?

Furthermore, while the poison causing them to be unable to do anything except crawl or dodge for 1d4 rounds does match the original monster it (a) seems too nasty for the 5E design philosophy and (b) why not use an existing 5E Condition like incapacitated (for example, Boomslang Venom). I would think the poisoned condition (disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks) should be enough, but there's nothing wrong with adding the retching/slowness to it. Maybe have multiple doses cause the incapacitating nausea?

As for the Special Abilities, their "Split" ability needs a bit of expansion and clarification. At the moment it appears to say that if you hit one for 10+ damage it's killed, but 1-9 damage just causes it to split into two wormkin each with full hit points (i.e. 10 hp apiece). So, in theory, their creator could have ordered them to continuously attack each other and exponential increase their numbers until there's millions of the blighters. The wormkin only do 1d4 piercing damage so they can't kill each other with their bite.

That sounds a bit unbalanced, so I'd prefer the split to be temporary and have the wormkin still suffer damage from the blow that divided them. I'd suggest modifying the Split ability of an ooze, i.e.:

5E SRD said:
Split. When a jelly that is Medium or larger is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two new jellies if it has at least 10 hit points. Each new jelly has hit points equal to half the original jelly’s, rounded down. New jellies are one size smaller than the original jelly.

So something like:

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
CON 12 (+1)

Cannot Be Killed. If an Argorian wormkin is damaged but not destroyed, it will fully recover from its injuries in an hour, regardless of the form of damage it took.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage plus poison, the target must make a DC 11 Con save or be poisoned for 1d8 rounds, during which time violent retching reduces their speed to half (round up to the nearest 10 ft., minimum speed 5 ft.). If a target is poisoned multiple times by wormkin venom, they become incapacitated with nausea while within the duration of two or more doses of poison..

When a wormkin is subjected to hit points of damage, it splits into two wormkin if it has at least 2 hit points. Each wormkin has hit points equal to half the original wormkin's, rounded down. The wormkins rejoin into a single wormkin with full hit points an hour later (see Cannot Be Killed).

It's hard to tell, but I'd eyeball that as maybe Challenge 1/4. It's hard to tell since its Division ability makes calculation difficult but it looks less formidable that the CR 1/2 Gray Ooze but is certainly nastier than the CR 1/8 Giant Rat or Giant Weasel since you may have to kill two or three divided wormkin before it dies.
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Casimir Liber

Fantastic feedback - have not done monster writing for ages. Have adopted nearly all recommendations (made speed 20ft all round as they are small critters). Also adopted the slightly lower damage as I anticipate using them on low level parties who are a bit delicate. The layout is because I am putting them in DnDbeyond for encounter building....


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Casimir Liber

While we're at it...I did brother of the pine....I had a think about the version posted a few years ago which came out before cantrips were a thing....and came up with this....toning it down a bit asa group monster


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Fantastic feedback - have not done monster writing for ages. Have adopted nearly all recommendations (made speed 20ft all round as they are small critters). Also adopted the slightly lower damage as I anticipate using them on low level parties who are a bit delicate. The layout is because I am putting them in DnDbeyond for encounter building....

So you don't think they should be Challenge Rating 1/4?

It's hard to tell, but I'd eyeball that as maybe Challenge 1/4. It's hard to tell since its Division ability makes calculation difficult but it looks less formidable that the CR 1/2 Gray Ooze but is certainly nastier than the CR 1/8 Giant Rat or Giant Weasel since you may have to kill two or three divided wormkin before it dies.


Okay - version 3....

Still don't care for that "Description" title. The print Monster Manual layout has the monster's name above the descriptive text and I prefer that layout. Does DnDBeyond allow you to change "Description" to "Argorian Wormkin"?

I notice that the 5eSRD.com website's Monster Database preferred an "About" tag for its fluff info, but I like that less than "Description".

Apart from that quibble it looks done to me.

So shall we add version 3 of this critter to the White Dwarf Conversion Index or am I indexing a version 4 with that minor tweak?

In either case, I think we're ready to move on to the Pine Bros.


While we're at it...I did brother of the pine....I had a think about the version posted a few years ago which came out before cantrips were a thing....and came up with this....toning it down a bit asa group monster

Would you mind posting a link to the earlier version just for comparison purposes (since I'm too lazy to look for the post).

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