OK .....Gu'en-Deeko - happy to ditch Dark Vision. I like the idea of it having stealth but not overly fussed. ...
I'm not fussed about Darkvision, if you really want it I'll include it but lean towards leaving it out as there's no mention of the AD&D equivalent (infravision) in the original entry and darkvision is a fairly rare ability in 5E. Even many monsters that have it in 3E lack it in the latest edition.
The original monster doesn't have improved surprise odds, so I wouldn't give it Stealth.
From what I recall we where in the middle of debating the Brain-Eating trait when we broke off the conversion. I'll have to trawl through the old pages to find our last post on the conversion…
…OK, the last Gu'en-Deeko related post I could find is this one:
Well I wasn't planning on having it save multiple times for the same brain!
The main question is what constitutes a "risky brain" that risks personality-overwriting insanity. It doesn't happen if it eats the brains of run-of-the-mill victims but only particularly strong willed creatures.
It'd be easier if it keeps the highest spellcasting stat of a brain it's eaten as long as it retains any Spellcasting ability rather than keep track of each spellcasting brain's stat and when it ate them, then reverts to its base CHA as soon as it loses its spellcasting.
I'm thinking it'd be easier to put together what we mused about for the Brain-Eating trait in one post and work from there. Will take a little while to put it all together…