5E: Converting Monsters from White Dwarf Magazine for Fifth Edition


Ok done root-ogre - only question is, should it burrow a little quicker?

My concept of the creature was it mainly uses burrowing to hide underground and wait to ambush creatures that get close to it, but emerges onto the surface to pursue enemies.

The version you posted is missing "tremorsense 60 ft. (only when burrowing)" and the Slam attack should be a Fist attack.

+ thorn ogre now too

Big thornie should have AC 14 (natural armor, shield) and DEX 10 (+0) and the Languages should be "understands Druidic, Sylvan but cannot speak" like its Rootie cousin.

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Anyhow, getting back to the Gremlin. If it were left to me I'd rather it just have WIS 12 and not the Wisdom saving throw proficiency or rock-throwing ability.

I'd rather keep it a very simple "one trick" monster like the original.

Giving it darkvision 90 ft. is starting to tempt me, if only because there's only one entry in the Monster Manual with that range. The poor Behir must be feeling left out!

Still, darkvision 60 ft. works fine for me too.

Casimir Liber

Anyhow, getting back to the Gremlin. If it were left to me I'd rather it just have WIS 12 and not the Wisdom saving throw proficiency or rock-throwing ability.

I'd rather keep it a very simple "one trick" monster like the original.

Giving it darkvision 90 ft. is starting to tempt me, if only because there's only one entry in the Monster Manual with that range. The poor Behir must be feeling left out!

Still, darkvision 60 ft. works fine for me too.
ok - doing 90 ft darkvision. yes to extra skills. obvs not abyssal re langauges, common ...maybe goblin??? re throwing things - is improvised object-throwing skill? Idea is that they hurl anything as a missle at enemies

will post screenshot once we sort rocks/claws

fixed root orge and thorn ogre - they ready for publishing then?
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ok - doing 90 ft darkvision. yes to extra skills. obvs not abyssal re langauges, common ...maybe goblin???

Updated the Green Gremlin with 90 foot darkvision and the Skills.

re throwing things - is improvised object-throwing skill? Idea is that they hurl anything as a missle at enemies

Yes, I was thinking they'd use the bric-a-brac they collected as improvised weapons, but I fancy allowing them to just smash enemies in the face with their junk as well as throw it.

I can visualize the Gremlin slicing enemies with broken bottles, bashing them with candlesticks et cetera.

Oh, andI'm thinking it's technically not proficient in the bric-a-brac as it's an improvised weapon so it shouldn't get its Proficiency Bonus.

Speaking of which, its regular Attacks should have +5 to hit not +4, since they're presumably based on the +3 bonus of its DEX.


Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #1. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) bludgeoning damage.​
Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #2. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) bludgeoning damage or slashing damage.​
Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #3. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) damage of randomly determined type: roll d6; 1-3 is bludgeoning damage, 4-6 is slashing damage.​

will post screenshot once we sort rocks/claws

For the other attacks, I was thinking the Claws (of which it only has ONE attack) would do slightly more damage than its Bite, since I reckon the 5E should follow the precedent of a bear and the like and only make ONE Claws attack with its Multiattack.

Oh, and the original text says the venom works like the fear spell, so I'm thinking we should crib some of the mechanics from that spell. For a start, it's a Wisdom save rather than Constitution.

Maybe one of the following:

Bite #1. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw (target's choice) or become frightened for 1 minute, during which they must take the Dash action to move away from the green gremlin on each of their turns, unless there is nowhere to move. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the fear effect on itself on a success.​
Bite #2. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw (target's choice) or become frightened for 1 minute, during which they must take the Dash action to move away from the green gremlin on each of their turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the target ends its turn in a location it doesn't have line of sight to the gremlin, it can make a Wisdom saving throw, ending the fear effect on itself on a success.​

If the frightened condition is caused by a magical venom rather than a supernatural curse, I'd allow immunity/resistance to poison to have an effect.

A green gremlin's bite does not cause fear in other gremlins or creatures with immunity to being poisoned, and creatures with resistance to poison gain advantage on their saving throws.​

However it apparently works just like the fear spell, which suggests poison resistance shouldn't have any effect, so I'd likely just say:

A green gremlin's bite does not cause fear in other gremlins.​

Oh, I was thinking the Claws would do a bit more damage than its Bite, since it only gets one Claws attack with its Multiattack (following the 5E precedent of a bear) and the original could potentially do 2d3 damage with both its claws compared to 1d6 with its bite.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.​

fixed root orge and thorn ogre - they ready for publishing then?

I'm happy with the Enworld versions if you are.


Okay, so we basically need to agree on the languages and what the WIS score should be and we're done.

For the Languages, your current draft had them speak Abyssal (presumably because you imagined them as chaotic evil fiends) but I have no objection to switching that out. Goblin sounds good to me, but I'm not keen on Common as it's, well, common.

While I'm undecided on if I'd prefer them to speak some standard language(s) or only jabber unintelligibly while being about to understand some other creatures, I'd prefer them to be somewhat hard to communicate with.

How about Sylvan since they're Fey?

So, either:

Languages #C Goblin, Sylvan but cannot speak​
Languages #D Understands Goblin and Sylvan but cannot speak​


Yes, I was thinking they'd use the bric-a-brac they collected as improvised weapons, but I fancy allowing them to just smash enemies in the face with their junk as well as throw it.

I can visualize the Gremlin slicing enemies with broken bottles, bashing them with candlesticks et cetera.

Oh, andI'm thinking it's technically not proficient in the bric-a-brac as it's an improvised weapon so it shouldn't get its Proficiency Bonus.

Speaking of which, its regular Attacks should have +5 to hit not +4, since they're presumably based on the +3 bonus of its DEX.


Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #1. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) bludgeoning damage.​
Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #2. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) bludgeoning damage or slashing damage.​
Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #3. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) damage of randomly determined type: roll d6; 1-3 is bludgeoning damage, 4-6 is slashing damage.​

I did wonder about including piercing damage as an option for the bric-a-brac, maybe:

Weaponized Bric-a-Brac #4. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: # (1d4 + #) damage of randomly determined type: roll d4; a result of 1-2 is bludgeoning, 3 is slashing, 4 is piercing.​

It seems more likely a random piece of junk will be a blunt weapon rather than something that stabs or cuts.

That leaves damage. The Bite and Claws average 10.5 DPR and I think the bric-a-brac shouldn't do as much damage.

An Orc seems an apt comparison, those do 2/3rd damage with their secondary weapon (Javelin 6 piercing vs Greataxe 9 slashing, although it's actually 6.5 vs 9.5).

That'd be a DPR of 7 for the bric-a-brac, which matches 3 (1d4 + 1) damage per bric-a-brac attack. I'd consider 4 (1d4 + 2) but it'd take a strong argument to go higher to 5 (1d4 + 3) as that puts the DPR at 11, a similar level to its bite & claws which methinks would be the gremlin's preferred option.


makes sense - gone with 1d4+1 damage and damge type #4 as above

Updating the Green Gremlin.

What about the languages?

For the Languages, your current draft had them speak Abyssal (presumably because you imagined them as chaotic evil fiends) but I have no objection to switching that out. Goblin sounds good to me, but I'm not keen on Common as it's, well, common.

While I'm undecided on if I'd prefer them to speak some standard language(s) or only jabber unintelligibly while being about to understand some other creatures, I'd prefer them to be somewhat hard to communicate with.

How about Sylvan since they're Fey?

So, either:

Languages #C Goblin, Sylvan but cannot speak​
Languages #D Understands Goblin and Sylvan but cannot speak​

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