D&D 5E 5e isn't a Golden Age of D&D Lorewise, it's Silver at best.

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You're quote doesn't support your statement.

Having a canon for 5E doesn't mean that players aren't encouraged to ignore canon from previous games. It just means there's a new canon you can play with, or you are free to opt-in to the old canon, or mix and match.
Where in the 2021 policy does it explicitly encourage you to mix and match elements from different versions of D&D canon, or use a version of canon from older editions? The policy is all about building imaginary barriers between "expressions" of D&D. They do also encourage you to make up your own canon, but only after breaking up the official material into separate blocs (by media and by edition), and then they further stress that the current edition is its own thing.


Where in the 2021 policy does it explicitly encourage you to mix and match elements from different versions of D&D canon, or use a version of canon from older editions? The policy is all about building imaginary barriers between "expressions" of D&D. They do also encourage you to make up your own canon, but only after breaking up the official material into separate blocs (by media and by edition), and they further stress that the current edition is its own thing.
Isn’t D&D’s whole thing about the freedom to dream up worlds however you’d like and gather a group of friends to explore said world? Matt Mercer did just that. Hell, his stories became cannon.

Where in the 2021 policy does it explicitly encourage you to mix and match elements from different versions of D&D canon, or use a version of canon from older editions? The policy is all about building imaginary barriers between "expressions" of D&D. They do also encourage you to make up your own canon, but only after breaking up the official material into separate blocs (by media and by edition), and then they further stress that the current edition is its own thing.
I don't think it is required for them to explicitly state that you can and should mix and match different ideas, and having to state such a thing explicitly in order to give the playerbase permission is an insane request that has no basis in any rationale or logic.


Well, I suppose they used to be. ;)
They’re still xenophobic, the portion of the monster manual wasn’t redacted, to my knowledge. They removed that chunk to get rid of “wary of any creature that isn’t one of its minions, and is aggressive in dealing with perceived threats. It might react favorably toward creatures that humble themselves before it and present themselves as inferiors”. I’m of the opinion the line staring “It might react favorably toward creatures that humble themselves before it and present themselves as inferiors.” I think that struck
a chord with readers. But oh yes, they’re still paranoid, xenophobic, icky poo nasty floating blobs of evil.


Fair enough. I just really don't like the idea of beholders spawning from their own dreams. I seems like a detail invented to allow them to make variants with an excuse.
They can manifest from dreams or actually reproduce asexually with a beholder developing a placenta of sorts in their throat and eventually coughing it up when it becomes large enough. Nasty, right?

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