Even if I had the money, which I emphatically do not, I would never pay to play. I am glad there are those out there able to do so, because that's a job doing what you love (presumably, anyway). I do not consider it a practice compatible with what I enjoy from TTRPGs. It would be like paying someone to go on a date with me; I understand why such things exist and genuinely support those who are able to make such a job work for them, but I would never do that myself. For me, the point of going on a date is to spend time with someone you value for themselves, and who values you for yourself, not someone who is there because they value the cash that will be theirs as a result. Likewise, I want to play a game because it is a great joy (even through in-game great tribulation!) for me and for those I share the table with, not because providing that experience is the hurdle over which they must jump in order to get paid.