D&D 5E 5e Players: How often have you been allowed to use 3PP?

How often have you been allowed to use 3PP as a 5e player?

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Not happening. I can tell you that with absolute certainty. The only reason they play at all is because I offered to run. None of them would do so unless I was running for them. Full stop.
I can understand that must be frustrating. I count myself fortunate that there is no one in my group eager and able to run their own games, which allows me to keep running exactly what I want, and to never have to take a turn as a player, which is just the way I like it.

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Not happening. I can tell you that with absolute certainty. The only reason they play at all is because I offered to run. None of them would do so unless I was running for them. Full stop. (And that statement may even be true in the most extensive sense for some of them. I'm not sure they would be interested in playing if I, specifically, weren't the GM. Some would, some have played other games. But some have said things quite close to "I wouldn't want anyone else to run games for me," albeit not those exact words.)

Maybe 1 will step up.

I already did. I run a game (currently on hiatus as I prepare to bring in some new players.) I have introduced at least three new folks to the hobby, and here soon will have brought at least two more back into the hobby after they bounced out for personal reasons.

I want to play in addition to running. Is that really so much to ask?
Oh, sooo been there. Hell, when I decided to take a bit of a break, run Phandelver, just so I could run a game without doing a lot of prep, unlike my homebrew game, two of my long term players dropped the game. Me asking for months to get someone to pick up a game for a while becuase I simply don't have the time to devote to running didn't matter. Getting a player to actually step up and run a game is like pulling hen's teeth.

Maybe 1 will step up.
Again, I can promise you, this isn't happening. The only person among the people I've run games for who might possibly have considered doing so has had to stop doing TTRPGs entirely due to real-life issues occupying too much time.

And even if that player did choose to become GM, it's very, very unlikely they would run a system I would be interested in playing. We have very different mechanical tastes; it's our thematic tastes that are overall very similar, which is why I offered a space at the game I run.

Everyone else is either (a) simply not interested, (b) not "into" TTRPGs enough to want to run one in the first place, or (c) much, much too shy/anxious to take the GM's chair. The problem of having a social group comprised of 90% introverts. We all get along and understand one another's feelings and needs....and we all struggle with anything that smells of social authority or taking charge.

Again, I can promise you, this isn't happening. The only person among the people I've run games for who might possibly have considered doing so has had to stop doing TTRPGs entirely due to real-life issues occupying too much time.

And even if that player did choose to become GM, it's very, very unlikely they would run a system I would be interested in playing. We have very different mechanical tastes; it's our thematic tastes that are overall very similar, which is why I offered a space at the game I run.

Everyone else is either (a) simply not interested, (b) not "into" TTRPGs enough to want to run one in the first place, or (c) much, much too shy/anxious to take the GM's chair. The problem of having a social group comprised of 90% introverts. We all get along and understand one another's feelings and needs....and we all struggle with anything that smells of social authority or taking charge.

Pay someone?

Pay someone?
Even if I had the money, which I emphatically do not, I would never pay to play. I am glad there are those out there able to do so, because that's a job doing what you love (presumably, anyway). I do not consider it a practice compatible with what I enjoy from TTRPGs. It would be like paying someone to go on a date with me; I understand why such things exist and genuinely support those who are able to make such a job work for them, but I would never do that myself. For me, the point of going on a date is to spend time with someone you value for themselves, and who values you for yourself, not someone who is there because they value the cash that will be theirs as a result. Likewise, I want to play a game because it is a great joy (even through in-game great tribulation!) for me and for those I share the table with, not because providing that experience is the hurdle over which they must jump in order to get paid.

Even if I had the money, which I emphatically do not, I would never pay to play. I am glad there are those out there able to do so, because that's a job doing what you love (presumably, anyway). I do not consider it a practice compatible with what I enjoy from TTRPGs. It would be like paying someone to go on a date with me; I understand why such things exist and genuinely support those who are able to make such a job work for them, but I would never do that myself. For me, the point of going on a date is to spend time with someone you value for themselves, and who values you for yourself, not someone who is there because they value the cash that will be theirs as a result. Likewise, I want to play a game because it is a great joy (even through in-game great tribulation!) for me and for those I share the table with, not because providing that experience is the hurdle over which they must jump in order to get paid.

Well part of the idea is paying someone you could tell them what you want.

When we played 5E I mostly DM'd but when I did play a PC I never bothered with 3PP and my players never asked me to when I DM'd. I did use a few things from Kobold Press, Grim Hollow and Midnight when DMing but not much. So as far as players in our group using 3PP its never.

I already did. I run a game (currently on hiatus as I prepare to bring in some new players.) I have introduced at least three new folks to the hobby, and here soon will have brought at least two more back into the hobby after they bounced out for personal reasons.

I want to play in addition to running. Is that really so much to ask?
Do any of the people you've brought in want to run a game you'd like to play in?

Do any of the people you've brought in want to run a game you'd like to play in?
As stated: No. The only one who had even a shred of interest isn't able to play TTRPGs right now, IRL issues. The remainder are:
  • Shy and terrified of making "wrong" choices while roleplaying (despite many assurances that they almost certainly can't)
  • Literally still brand-new to TTRPGs, as in I haven't actually gotten this player into game numero uno yet
  • Not actually in the game anymore due to a combination of IRL issues and not being a good fit for the game (player left by choice, but I have decided not to invite them back)

Then there are the three long-lapsed players who are dealing with chronic health issues that preclude doing a variety of things, including TTRPGing. They don't have the spoons to be players, let alone run a game.

The only person I personally know who is actively running a game right now is running 5e, and both of her games are full anyway. One has like six people in it already, and given all or almost all of the participants have some flavor of ADD/ADHD, it's already a herding-cats problem with the folks they have.

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